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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. Reminds me of this https://daily.jstor.org/water-on-mars-canals/
  2. It seems we need "Schroedinger's" absorbent. It needs to trap the propane when there's a leak, but release it when we want to use it. Good luck.
  3. "What is the evidence that humans are causing or speeding climate change?" I think you are asking the wrong question. We have significantly raised the concentration of CO2. The laws of physics tell us that more CO2 will increase the effectiveness of the atmosphere as a means to trap heat from the Sun. We know the temperature has risen. How can we not have an effect?
  4. In a similar manner, a lot of organic reactions are "heated under reflux for 16 hours". i.e. "we set it up at 5 pm and came back in the morning". It's not a rare phenomenon I believe some of the early work done on magnetic refrigeration was done using either (cheap) ferric ammonium sulphate or (much more expensive) ceric ammonium nitrate depending on "what they had at the time". IIRC the Americans had the "expensive" stuff. It was less than a few dollars' worth. It's probably best not to mention the report in some of the early work on cellular phone signals which included the phrase something like" The equipment wa screened in a conductive ferromagnetic shield" (previously known as a biscuit tin). Meanwhile, back at the topic. If you set up two "clocks" like this and let the yellow light from both fall onto a screen, would you get interference patterns from the 2 sources, and could you watch the fringes shift as the frequencies drifted?
  5. I am sure that's true, but it projects a weird image of science... Hey guys; the chemists have found a use for the other rare earths, but they have some Ytterbium left over; can we do anything with it? [ short delay while someone googles some spectrometric data ] Can that dye laser in the cupboard do 578 nm? I don't know... Can it do yellow? Yeah OK, let's give it a shot
  6. There are plenty of places on Earth where comnpasses are unreliable. On the other hand, the method given assumes you know which hemisphere you are in . If you are unsure about that then your best bet is to look at the stars. If you can see the Southern Cross, but not the Pole star... If your mobile phone is so damned clever, just ask it where you are, walk towards some landmark or other and then ask it again. It will tell you which direction you walked in and that's the direction of the landmark.
  7. Well, it's an opinion. But I can see the link to the topic so it's not random, not unrelated and not off topic. But apart from that..."that's a good way to just ignore everything he said."
  8. That's interesting. From the point of view of most of the world, that would mean taking a standpoint between "Right wing" and "very Right wing" and labeling it as "Centre". I can see why Bannon would like that.
  9. The only plausible evidence will be the other person's word. How could he refute that?
  10. DT's policies can change across the whole spectrum over the course of a long lunch. I have heard him talk about supporting the little guy etc, but I never heard of him actually doing it. I don't see why . Others say much the same https://www.thoughtco.com/was-donald-trump-a-democrat-3367571
  11. He's hardly a communist to start with. How far to the RIght can he go?
  12. Not through an intact skull...
  13. Singing "the star spangled banner" can been shown to "give decent results" in conjunction with standard treatments (which actually work). In the meantime, are you able to cite any such studies?
  14. I hope you were able to explain things to him.
  15. Some pipes are made of lead. It can't "dissipate"; if it did there would be no pipe.
  16. Is he unaware of Trump's policies?
  17. https://xkcd.com/285/
  18. So why does he support Trump?
  19. This isn't "pedantry", this is "not causing confusion by using the wrong words". Some Republicans' actions have disenfranchised a (thankfully) relatively small number of people from predominantly poor, non-white areas. But that's not the same thing.
  20. is not acetic acid with 10 times as much water. Would you like to do the experiment you described originally? It would be interesting, but hazardous.
  21. That would probably result in an explosion- certainly a very violent reaction
  22. Nope. I recognise a lost cause when I see one. Most of the other folk here do the same.
  23. Proprioception, hunger, needing a wee. heat , cold, pain, nausea. How many do you want? The idea that there are only 5 is, I think, one of Aristotle's mistakes.
  24. Yes as long as it is above the melting point of the material (presumably hydrated sodium acetate)
  25. Because it's impossible for stuff like the BLM protests to happen if the racism isn't actually major. And then there's stuff like racial data on unemployment, death rates, poverty, infant mortality and so on. It's really not hard to show that there's a major problem there. You understood the use of quotes earlier. How come you forgot? Because it's impossible for stuff like the BLM protests to happen if the racism isn't actually major. And then there's stuff like racial data on unemployment, death rates, poverty, infant mortality and so on. It's really not hard to show that there's a major problem there. Actually I did say there was another possible reason for not recognising that there was a problem. Right up to the point where you notice context. In one case the context is "in my neighbourhood" and the other is " I'm involved in national politics; if I only focus on my neighbourhood, I'm failing to do my job."
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