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Everything posted by mooeypoo

  1. I would recommend openning the ISOs first and putting each in its own folder in the DVD burnt, so that you can install the game straight from the DVD. You can use either one of these programs to do it: WinISO MagicISO WinRAR ALZip (Pretty good freeware!) Or just look it up on google ~moo
  2. Rebiu, your response is quite childishly defensive. I didn't mean to get you on such a defensive approach, I was simply stating my opinion. You don't seem to answer my point, just ask question in an appearant attempt to "strike me back". let me clarify a bit. A lot of things, I am glad you didn't mean them. You need to understand, however, that when you state that sort of statement, as ecoli compared quite appropriately to "black people" (though I don't think this is the term I would use), you draw attention to the ethnic subject, instead of your desired point. That was all I intended to say. It really wasn't my intention to draw you to an armwrestling match. I said I didn't understand your idea - and appearantly I wasn't the only one, read up - I expected you to clarify, not to attack me. You are absolutely right, but the people killed differ in their ethnicity, religion and geographical location, and mostly in the surrounding background events that lead to their deaths. If your intention is to start a political debate on why a war happened, then clarify your post. If it isn't, you are generalizing again. I have lost many friends to terrorist attacks that hit them when they weren't fighting, nor when they were "trying to kill innocent people". When they rode that bloodbath bus, they ARE the innocent people. Who, exactly, do YOU mean by the group you are talking about? "Majority of the middle easy" is just too big of a generalization. It's like me saying "The majority of America", reffering to the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Latin America in whole. It just doesn't work, and has no point. You are not going to protect anyone by generalizing, and definately not when the context sounds like an ethnic generalization. So, again, what exactly is your point? Something I didn't quite understand, aswell. We are all human beings, civil I would hope, trying to discuss matters that touch us. This, though slipped my border of understanding your point completely: I reffer to myself as the rest of the world, and definately not part of those who kill innocent people. So if you seperate "those who kill" to "innocent", I concider myself the latter. Who are you including me in without knowing me, really? Perhaps that would shed some light on your post's intentions? See, this is just too childish to respond to. Grow up. ~moo
  3. I had no idea it was inhumanized.. i think the biggest problem with this thread is that it deminishes the difference between terrorism and societies. There are different societies in the Middle East, but it doesn't mean they are all inhuman terrorists. If the idea is to put "a face" on the innocent people so that you won't hurry to attack them, perhaps there should be a question as to why people want to attack innocent people. Innocent people should not be murdered regardless of their "visible faces" or not. On the other hand, if this thread's view is that the middle east is terrorism spread, perhaps there is a need to stop generalizing, and start looking at the rest of the world, which is full of inhuman terrorists of all kind. "Putting a face" on middle easterners sounds like a pretty bad way to try and generalize an entire region of the world out of lack of knowledge and fear. I can understand where it comes from, but it doesn't mean it is a good idea to keep it. May I remind people that terrorist cells exist in the entire world, Europe in specific, and that many of the terrorists that are active against western countries actually have citizenship in more than just "middle eastern" states? Terrorism is not something you should stick to one society. It exists everywhere, sadly, and the fact that many of today's terrorism comes from Islam, and that the origin of Islam is the middle east, does not mean that the middle east is full with terrorists. I've never heard there is a plan to massacre the "middle east", so just like I wouldn't say "Let's put a face on Americans so we see the innocent people who are subject to terrorism", I don't, still, quite see the point in saying the same about middle easterns. ~moo
  4. btw, if indeed that was your intention, try to phrase yourself better next time. That sentence leads into a few false assumptions: 1. That we want to slaughter Radical Islamists. 2. That the people you are introducing - people that live/d in the middle east - are those people. Radical Islamists. Which is why I don't quite understand the point of this thread, still. ~moo
  5. This entire thread isn't. Not that it is any of your business, but yes. In that case, I would like to withdraw my getting to know you officially. I don't want to be one of those who will be slaughtered. I have enough friends who's already part of that list as it is. ~moo
  6. True, but he hardly represents the majority. Israelis - just like any other citizen of any other country - should not be generalized It is another view of another person. Many people disagree with it, many people agree with it, what is sure, is that it IS slightly oversimplified, and tends to slightly ignore the fact that Israel is in a constant state of war, having busses full of children explode, and terrorist attack happen more frequently every time an agreement is about to be signed.. I am actually in the process of finding a translation of an article I found in hebrew, putting things in another perspective; not really talking about the arab-jewish affairs as much as the people themselves vs. the regimes (which, at least in my opinion, is a much bigger problem that the individual people in the region, who, in general, want peace and quiet). In any case, I just thought I'd mark that although he is an Israeli, has an Israeli mentality and knows the area, his views are his own, and are part of a very big discussion in Israel about this, going both ways. ~moo
  7. You all know one, me. Hi, my name is Moriel, and I am a middle eastern. This entire drill to "connect middle east to a face" to prevent slaughtering radical islam is kinda void. Not the whole of middle east is muslim, as I am a good example. There are, in fact, many muslims out of the middle east. France is an excellent example. I never wanted to slaughter anyone, radical islamic or no. This seems to me a generalization derived of lack of knowledge and fear, and is kind of innappropriate. If you want to "put faces" on radical islam, the WHOLE of "Middle East" is not the way. The middle east is not "Radical Islam", it's an area where people live. If you want to put a face on radical islam, you should ask how many radical islamists people know. Or how many muslims people know. That would show people that not all muslims are evil, bad, or terrorists, which they are not. I've lived next to muslims my entire life, and most of them are peaceful people; but saying 'lets name middle easterns' in that concept, is the same as saying 'how many israelis you know' in order to put a face on Radical Orthodox Jews.. So yes, I am a middle easterner. And I still think this is a void excercise ~moo
  8. Cpl. Luke, I completely agree, but I think that the risk is not of having sex, it's of getting pregnant. And the risk of teen pregnancy is higher than adult pregnancy. I think that if teenagers had more awareness of safe sex, perhaps, then the "plan" was not really needed. It's not the sex itself that this plan is supposed to fight, it's the unsafe sex, and I would fight that regardless of age, it's just a lot more dangerous and harmful (to society aswell..) with teens. ~moo
  9. Oh I completely agree, I am just saying that the good thing is being accompanied by a 'bad thing' -- just like your example, there are examples of non-free rules (whatchamacall it the terrorism-law thing where the government can listen to everyone.. is another example). In any case, it's the same in Israel and England, it wasn't my point as much as trying to think if maybe the fact that both england and israel are semi-socialistic have something to do with the fact there are little to no teen pregnancy.. I'm trying to figure out what it is that causes it. It might be the size, of course, but I don't even think Israel has the similar percentage of American pregnant teens.. Interresting. ~moo
  10. Awsome, good to know. IT WORKS!! yay, I didn't think about it, and it solved the entire thing. I actually started reading about serialize() routine in PHP to add an array into my DB, which just complicated the entire bit and didn't solve anything. But with such a simple solution, my entire problem is solved! Thanks guys ~moo
  11. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Awsome Idea!! I didn't think about it... Okay, so I will create another database called tblUserFriends, that has the fields userID, friendID and just link them. That would also give me the option to search better and add/delete better. Wooh! awsome, hehe, thanks Aeternus. Just a tiny question still: Is this "wasting" space in the tables? instead of having 1 field full of a list of - say - 10 friends, I have 10 fields... should I be worried about space? I don't quite know mySQL core handling (in terms of space and such) so if this question is rediculous, i do appologize. THANKS FOR THE SOLUTION!! I'm bouncing up and down in joy! hehe ~moo
  12. I think that America has a lot of groups opposing the constitution - perhaps not saying it out loud, but they do fight against it by trying to find laws that go around it to preserve their status quo or to oppress others with their own beliefs. An example would be the anti abortions. If you think about it, (and I'm not intending to start a pro/con abortion debate right now) FREEDOM means the right to decide for oneself whether they should have an abortion. The groups that oppose it, and rule against it with constitution-bypassing laws, are - in their core - against the core-freedom of the constitution. America has many groups that would preffer to see this country run by THEIR laws, even if it would mean an oppressive regime, than to just sit idly by and watch the constitution give people the freedom to ignore them.. This is only my 2 cents, I am throwing an idea since Israel has more or less the same type of system as the British one, so I am trying to answer ParanoiA's question.. if I got things in America wrong, I do appologize.. I am speaking out of general experience, and I don't quite know all the details in America's system. Yet ~moo
  13. You know, this is interresting. My sex-ed (Israel again) was quite embarassing, as the topic of the classes ranged from type of deseases that should be avoided, safe sex, to how sex works and what the G-Spot is (and how to have an enjoyable sex WHILE using birth control). It was really embarassing on one hand, but we didn't come out thinking adults want us to avoid sex altogether (which is quite stupid to teach a teen.. they're not idiots), just that it is important to be careful. Did it affect everyone? I guess not, but it affected most of us. I have no idea how Sex-ED in america works, but if the ultimate message the teens get from it is "dont do it ever", then no wonder they're uneducated about the risks and consequences and become parents at young age.. ~moo EDIT: btw, I don't think the legislation in Israel is different. The only "Sex Laws" we have are preventing 'abuse', or are MEANT to at least (if a minor is having sex with a legal adult, it is illegal, like in america, but two minors having sex is not illigal, etc). So I would again guess that the reason Israel has such a low rate of teen pregnancies is the education. And I would also have to add that if America changed its way of sex education (and I'm not only talking about in the school.. parents awareness aswell, and parents not throwing responsibility around), it might get things better here. "The Pill" shouldn't be what educates a teenager against the risks of unsafe sex. ~moo
  14. Still, that doesn't help me with searching the field for a single number.. even if I split the tables, I still have a field with multiple numbers that I need to make sure is in the table in a way that is easy to search in... Or did I miss anything? ~moo
  15. Hi guys, I'm programming a new web application with PHP/mySQL and I need to connect the table ID to a specific field and later on fetch that field with a list of ID numbers. The tblUsers (containing all the user data) has a field called "uFriends" where all the user's chosen friends IDs are listed. At first, I just put them in the field as "text" with commas between multiple ids, but that cause a problem; When I want to show how many people chose a user to be in their 'friends' list, and use the SQL query: Query="SELECT * FROM tblUsers where uFriends LIKE '".$UserID."';"; I =wanted= to pick all the people that have the user id in their friends list, but that causes my script to also show other IDs. For instance, if a user ID is 1, then the script above also shows people who has the numbers 10,11,12.., 21,31,41... in that field. I then thought I'd add a comma at the end of everything, always (even if the user has only one ID number in his list) and use "explode(",",$row["uFriends"])" on it, but that caused an empty field to appear, and got the code a bit messy with adding an unnecessary comma at the end and taking the empty field off before showing the list of users. Also, if I want to remove only ONE number from the list in the uFriends field, it gets really annoying if it is in simple text with commas. So I thought I'd create a binary array and just fetch it and use it with "explode()" command. But I have no idea how to do that. I know it's possible, I am just not sure how. Anyone? Ideas? Thanks! ~moo
  16. Microsoft Office Visio is not free, but it does that (if I understood what you're asking) very well. It can also export to WEB application, with or without javascript. As for a free version, I've looked up similarities, and this is what I came up with (I didn't test them): http://www.softpile.com/Business/Applications/Review_17518_index.html http://argouml.tigris.org/ http://www.techsoup.org/products/downloads.cfm hope it helps ~moo
  17. I agree, this must be a prime factor. I don't know about the rest of the world, but Israel has a relatively excellent education (and, surprisingly, sex-ed . Also, the fact that Israel works in a somewhat "socialistic" way -- Education is demanded by law, and is free (almost) -- AND the fact that in Israel, there are no "public" vs "private" schools in lower grades (only universities have private and public schools, and very very few elementry schools - perhaps 5 in the entire country) makes the education not "seperated" into the-more-money-you-have-the-better-you-are-educated thing. But.. again.. I'm only guessing. I don't presume to know American education, I am just throwing guesses out of my general knowledge of American's education system and my knowledge of the Israeli one. btw, Swanson and Mokele: If that's what researches show, then I won't argue. I was assuming, out of my own logical thinking. What you say sounds reasonable aswell, though I would also say that the fact there is an "easy solution" MIGHT get teenage girls to think lightly about the consequences.. but again, I will not argue with researches, that's what they're here for ~moo
  18. I think the biggest problem with the "morning after pill" is that women -- specifically teens, whose notion of responsibility is bellow what we would hope to have with parents -- often take the notion as an insurance. "I can get laid without worrying. Worse case, I take the morning-after pill." In Israel, for instance, the Morning-After pill is indeed supervised - prescription only - that causes women to be more consciensious to their actions, knowing that it's not this little happy pill that fixes everything. On top of that, the pill is not 100% sure, and not 100% safe, and from what I understood, it can also not work if a woman has already used one in the past (not sure, this is what a doctor in the sex-ed told us in highschool So I think that the notion (even psychologically) that something like this is not too easy to get (like just buying it in a drugstore the next morning) will avoid throwing responsibility, and get women to think better about what they're doing (and men too, mind you..). This pill should be given in cases of emergencies - true "slipups" - not be open to the public to be used as a replacement to birth control. That's my 2 cents on this but then.. we don't have NEARLY as many teen pregnancies in Israel (I don't even think we have .5% of what america has), so I am not quite familiar with it being such a massive problem. ~moo
  19. I adore Pluto, and I've also read it's the most adored by kids around the world, so I was quite dissapointed to see it removed from the list. But.. then something struck me. This is just a definition. I mean, the fact we include or not include it in our definition set of "planets" doesn't mean it has changed in any way.. or.. that it isn't THERE. It is what it is, whether we call it Pluto the Planet, or Pluto the cutest-celestial-object-in-our-solar-system.. I just had to share hehe it seemed to me that people respond emotionally to this desicion, but scientifically i can't find any way it actually affects it. It was, always, a controversial "planet".. everyone who learns astronomy knows it was called one, but it isn't really behaving like one.. Its not that it's new.. Anyways, those were my 2 cents ~moo
  20. ooh, I just found this little Firefox plugin (it's quite nice, but I have only been using it for about 2 hours.. for web developpers: https://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/1002/ Makes your Firefox work similarly to Dreamweaver; hence, takes Klaynos' recommendation and mixes it with mine. Cool tool ~moo
  21. DOM inspector? hmm.. I will check it out.. About the rendering and code seperation, it's true up to a degree. I, for instance, have some pages that change their style according to PHP variables. The layout and design of the page stays the same, but depending on different PHP variables, the same page might look completely different. I even have a page or two that has an internal Javascript code being built by the PHP code, depending what the supplied variables (like username and pass, and user access level, and database entries) are.. so when I do that, I find it very useful to work with Dreamweaver. I can't even begin to count the number of times I started a "while" loop (sometimes with an inner 'if/and' condition or a 'for' loop and such) with inner <tr>'s that destroyed my entire upperlevel table in the page because I forgot some sort of end tag, or took one of the tags off the loops. Dreamweaver's been a charm to instantly fix those. And it has great ability to make the design feature easy while not screwing up the code or putting unnecessary lines in it. Also, its new features of code coloring, code sections, hide/show sections, syntax completer help, code picker and all the regular schebang is quite useful for those times you have the code in your mind and you're typing it, and don't want to stop for the tiny details the program just helps you out with. But again: Everything is a matter of convinience and personal choice, I guess. I =can= program my entire PHP code in notepad, I just find it completely tedious.. ~moo
  22. Didn't know that one.. I'll definately check it out. There is a problem, though, with PHP (serverside scripting in whole, actually) -- it needs a server to run. So either you need to install a php server on your computer, or find a place to upload your stuff and continuously upload-and-check them (like I do mostly with my code). Depends on your own convinience, really. What I do think is good about Dreamweaver's ability to show WYSIWYG, is that beyond the coding of the PHP, there's design involved, and dreamweaver's design outlook can show you if you've missed a table-header, or put a crooked image code or the likes on real time without needing to save it first (which can be quite helpful in avoiding really annoying mistakes). It's hard enough to start coding scripts inside HTML pages, at least you can avoid your HTML being screwed with the design-view feature in dreamweaver. At least in my humble opinion ~moo
  23. Oh, another thing: I would recommend you first study the differences between Server-side Script languages and Client-Side script language. They're not "competing" with one another, they can be used together for various results. PHP, for instance, is a serverside script, while javascript is a clientside script. So, in really basic terms (oversimplified for the cause of explanation): PHP can be used to build a site that reads, writes and manipulates database information, while javascript can be used to locally detect empty fields (before they've been submitted) in a registration form page on the User's computer. One works in the server, and outputs a result which is sent to the user, and the other is being uploaded full-script to the user, and runs it locally. Important difference, specially since I've seen people recommend 'either php or js'. It can be both at the same time, depending on your desired result. Aaaand last but not least: You can always post your code in the computer section if you have a problem, and we will try to help you out Goooood luck! ~moo
  24. So true so true. BUT, as a beginner, I'd probably still recommend an editor that can behave as both, so that on realtime you can see what you are doing in the code.. Don't use Microsoft programs, they're lousy, and add unnecessary lines of code and rarely let you control your own code. While Notepad is awsome, I would recommend a code-specific notepad (to light the code sections and color them, for convinience), like Professional Notepad 2.9 or Notepad++. I would actually recommend dreamweaver, since it has the ability to mix WYSIWYG real time design with powerful code-writing along with highlights and syntax help. It's quite good for a beginner. That, and, of course, go online to sites like http://www.planetsourcecode.com and look for snippets, run them serverside, see how they work, tweak/change/update them and check them again. It's the best way to learn after you have the basic syntax knowledge. Good luck! ~moo
  25. Amazing. When I repeat myself in asking for straight forward answers, I get a "please don't repeat yourself" post from the Admin. It is true, though. This thread has degraded, but there is a specific person that keep degrading it. Is that personal attack? It's not meant to be, but take it as you wish. Budul, I've never seen someone so convincing using so little fact-finding or shreds of truth to show his words. Well done. You obviously had practice. This, however, is a Scientific Forum, and the people here are logical thinkers. They demand proof, not an unbased lecture. We've been quite fair in requesting it.. again.. and again... and again. Isn't it time, budul my friend, you stop making rediculous unbased claims, stop ignoring our facts that we bring, stop avoiding bringing your own facts (that appearantly don't exist, since you have not proven them, as Betinna pointed out the specific thread), and start participating fairly in this discussion? Perhaps I repeated myself again. You're right. How silly of me. ~moo p.s: this is not against the admins. Their attempts to keep this thread civil has been quite notably insisting, and I do agree with it. I am simply requesting that the sides be treated fairly. We've never allowed for a brainwashing strawmen, ad hominem or any other logical fallacies to exist in these forums. This shouldn't be an exception.
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