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Everything posted by mooeypoo

  1. HHmmm.. Well, what if I use instead of an orbitting vessel, a "base" on the surface of mars, and this gravity-device i use to strengthen the gravity - so instead of 40% that of earth's, it actually has something similar to earth's gravity.. should that too be visible and affect Mars? I am such a lamen in physics, my teacher would probably kill me if she knew I forgot most of it Sorry if I ask stupid questions, I'm just trying to figure this out And thanks all for your replies, I'll answer them too, just give me a bit to understand what ideas you're giving here so I can write them correctly ~moo
  2. Hi guys My sister was in the hospital a few days ago: From what I could understand, she suddenly and quite violently began throwing up continuously on Friday afternoon. The emergency service doctor that came to our house checked her for 5 minutes with accute pains in the abdomen, and decided she has to run to the emergency room emmediately, as he suspected appendicitis. She got there while still not stoping to throw up, and was quite dehydrated as a result. The doctors ruled out appendecitis and gave her something to calm her stomach a bit, and ran some tests. She ended up staying for observation for almost four days in a row; The doctors couldn't quite find what was wrong with her, and her blood tests seemed to be coming back "messy" (hey..their choice of words).. She finally was released back home, and now the doctors suspect that perhaps she has Celiac, and her accute stomach pains are a symptom of it. I was trying to find information about this condition (from what I understood it's not really a 'desease'), and I can't make heads or tails of it.. I did understand there is a problem with digesting (or 'breaking down') gluten. Therefore, she should probably have some sort of no-wheat/rie/whatever-else diet, I would imagine. Two thing I must understand since it seems a bit odd to me, and I couldn't find answers online: Isn't this desease genetic? it's supposed to be 'from birth', no? She's twenty years old.. how could this desease not manifest itself earlier? She's been eating a LOT of wheat-containing foods, I can promise you that - my mother is a very good pastry cook, and we have lots of it at home.. is it logical for her to show symptoms (and quite violent ones) only now??? My sister is in her mandatory-stage of the military. She's a non combat soldier, but still is in the military.. can this condition be 'environmental'? Is it possible the army food/facilities/hygene contributed to the manifestation of this desease? I would seriously appreciate any and all help on the matter, this is very confusing. Thanks ~moo
  3. I guess it's pretty easy to check.. weigh a dying person 'before and after'..? hard to believe this hasn't already been done.. should either be proof for or against it somewhere.. ~moo
  4. Hm... Is there any way you can ENHANCE gravity, or at least the feeling of one? What about pressure? What if the pressure inside a vessel was larger than normal? Would that create a feeling of "different gravity" -- like what happens when on earth we get into water. Or.. am I completely off track here? C'mon.. so many SF novels and movies got artificial gravity, there's GOT to be a way to write down a convincing way of simulating one... help! ~moo
  5. We should also look at the long-term consequences of our madeup solutions.... create a genetical disorder in the long run is also something you quite might wish to avoid. ~moo
  6. Yes, well, for the sake of surprise in the story, yes. I have an idea that my main character finds herself in an unfamiliar place, tries to run away and finds out she can see earth through the window.. that can be put in a good thrilling/surprise scene, but I need to simulate gravity for that... What if I say someone found a better way to create energy source? Or.. found an energy source.. would the super-conductor theory be possible to CREATE gravity? Also, another question: What is the gravity of Mars? Similar to earth or lighter? If someone was to walk on the surface, would he feel different? ~moo
  7. Neat Idea! But.. for another story This story is supposed to take place in our current time. Kind of a "what if the government already has a "starbase"/"ship" orbitting mars, but hid it from the people because of what was found on Mars" Idea.. it has similar concepts to Da Vinci Code, only.. less.. religious-oriented So I need something to make Gravity possible, for the sake of some good scenery I have in mind. If it's impossible to do it without rotation I will sadly drop it, but there's gotta be a way.. ~moo
  8. Watch "What the @#%@##! do we know", you'll like it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0399877/ http://www.whatthebleep.com/ It speaks and explains exactly what you're talking about. ~moo
  9. Oops.. since I'm the one of those who hijacked, without noticing, I sencerely appologize.. I didn't even notice, got all into the debate.. next time say something Truely sorry. ~moo
  10. Oh, I don't know about Primarygun, he's the one who asked the question. I just said I know VB6.. the entire.NET thing is very inconvinient, and I could never manage to understand what you do with object oriented coding.. ~moo
  11. bah I was talking about VB6. I never got the hang of .NET... ~moo
  12. I think today's physics go towards the more spiritual issues (if you've seen "What the BLEEP do we know" you'll see that many scientists combine the two today) and start getting into the more spiritual/soulful subjects. And there is a purpose of the seperation of words PRAYER and MEDITATION. They may seem similar, but not quite. Meditation is a physical state. I actually use Guided-Meditation (Seld Hypnosis) to get rid of pains, find out what's bothering me, and relax. It's a known method that is entirely physical and psychological. by the way: was this proven? I heard about it, and never got confirmation.. ~moo
  13. oops.. well, I never heard of Solyaris..... ~moo
  14. uhm.. Space Odyssey was 1968 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062622/) Solaris was 2002 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062622/) A Clockwork Orange was 1971 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066921/) All movies should be reviewed according to their time ~moo
  15. Agreed completely, and naturally it is true hehe. We're arguing based on subjectivity, of course, I just felt I needed to stress my subjective view on the matter And about Space Odyssey -- there's a huge difference (and I say it despite the fact I haven't seen it) between that and Solaris: About 20 years of a difference when you watch a movie, specifically a science-fiction "pretend-to-be-based-on-science" type, you should also make sure you know what time period this movie was made.... But I dont want to say anything pro or cons this movie, since I havent yet seen it. ~moo
  16. Actually, there was another episode (even a few more) with a second Commander Riker being found on a planet, after a weird transporter malfunction three years in their past; the "real" riker managed to be beamed, but the transporter on the ground didn't recieve the "okay" message, so he reconstructed him on the ground, having, in effect, two rikers: One continuing on his mission onboard enterprise, and the other stuck for three years on the planet's face. It was really interresting, specifically since after they found the 'second riker', the entire question of what to do with a copy, what to do with malfunctions and all those things came to question. It was quite good. As for solaris: The environment was the only good thing there. Sadly, the movie was so damn boring that I didn't get the same point you did. I just almost fell asleep.. it was.. boring.. and the proof is that all I can remember now - a while after i watched it - is 'something about afterlife'. The message didn't stick at ALL, and that is the most important thing.. In any case, I'm going to stand with my face to the wall and have you guys throw stones at me (rightfully so!) since I admit, sadly and shamefully that I hven't watched 2001: A Space Odyssey" yet. It's on my list in netflix, and I will watch it soon. I swear. Don't kill me. ~moo
  17. i thought about that, but I have a problem; there is a specific "scene" in which people are looking through the window and are supposed to see the earth. If I make the vessel rotate, the earth will too, and it's.. icki to the eyes and confusing to find your bearings in. I'd much rather not do that.. Is it possible to do that without rotation? ~moo
  18. You can also create an installation program for your project (that is a must if you want to give your program to people who dont have VB on their comp, it installs all the dlls and such that are required for it to run), there's an option inside visual basic itself, and you can also make an installation program through external programs. here's something I found about this. Just google it though, there's lots of refferences online: https://www.tegosoft.com/LearnProgramming/InstallWizard.asp ~moo
  19. Hi guys, Again, me and my stories I'm writing a science fiction story, and I do want it to be based on science. Since it's science FICTION, it shouldn't be based only on available science, but also on speculations, or "what if" scenarios, so you're free to speculate or throw ideas. I need to find a way where Artificial Gravity on a vessel orbitting Mars is possible. Remember; this is a science fiction story.. if it means that for this to happen you need to go from the assumption that a new fact was found, feel free. But try to keep it as scientific as possible. It's kind of a .. "what if" excercise... Thanks ~moo
  20. You're right about that, but when I view these movies I also think about the impact some of the partial science introduction gets to lamens, and when you don't explain ANYTHING, it really does nothing. The 13th floor, for that matter, a GREAT movie that preceded "the matrix" but sadly didn't succeed as much, was awsome, contained some really nice scientific and psychological ideas and was quite good for introducing psychology/neuroscience/computer science to the masses. This is how I depict a "science fiction" movie as good one; Of course I also want to enjoy it in the movies, but seeing how Day after Tomorrow got quite a good review, and people went to see it in the masses, it was successful in introducing the science (even if it wasn't accurate at all, that's why i say 'introducing') of global warming. I think it's good. Gets people interrested to find out the facts that stand behind the fiction. I am not sure.. maybe some of those movies, but not all of them, and certainly not in the age of internet and global media; the media is so quick to judge a movie by its scientific contents: Look, again, at "Day After Tomorrow" -- so many scientists wrote and spoke in global media about the inaccuracies in that movie, that I doubt there is one person on the globe that thinks its completely scientific. Same goes with Startrek, Matrix and Gattaca. I hated solaris, it was almost religious in its depiction of 'afterlife' and death, had the worst science i have ever seen, was completely unbelievable and took a while to build up any kind of suspense. I found myself WAITING for the movie story to start until about halfway to its end credits. Horrible horrible hoooooooooooorrible!!!! Had to add that, sorry, let some steam off on that movie. Worst 90 minutes ever. No, wait.. "The Vilage" was worse... okay, "Almost Worst" 90 minutes ever I =LOVE= the matrix, I think it presents AWSOME ideas about psychology and phylosophy, the meaning of a person's perception about his world, the meaning of freedom (is it really that good to get out of the matrix?) and such. I hate what they did to the point with the second and third movie, and btw, if u look it up, I am sure I wrote something about that in the forums when the movie was released. I loved it. Good example of how you present a "high-end" psychological and phylosophical idea to the lamen masses in desguise of an action movie. And you know what? I'll add another series to my list of great successes: MacGyver! Probably my most favourite show ever when I was younger (and incidently, I am watching some of it now again, with slight amusement over some of the really-bad-science in there). It's true most of it was seriously bad science (people getting eaten by ants was presented in the last episode I watched) BUT it created a wonderful way into chemistry, physics, laws of motion/reaction and such; for me, for instance, it was curious. I remember I used to go and check which of the things Mac did in the episodes were possible and which weren't. This got me interrested in practical physics, and for that, I am completely forgiving it for depicting parts of bad science.
  21. Links, probably.. ? Instead of embedding the image in your email, they make the image be loaded through a <img src="http://link.to.their/server/img.gif"> thing..? I don't know, I'm just guessing ~moo
  22. Thanks Cap'n! I registered there... will try to see how I start off with basic equipment. ~moo
  23. I have to comment here that most email programs and services warn you before they send a reply to such scripts. This essentially won't work if the reciever blocks the return-transmission notifying you he openned your mail. I personally always block such requests, I view them as destroying my privacy; if someone sent me an email, I'll answer. When I read it or not is irrelevant to him.. ~moo
  24. Would I sound extremely lame if I ask you guys how to start? What do I need? What equipment, where to look up for groups to talk to and help me out, how to install it.. uhm.. concider this a 'help the noobie' project I understand I need a scanner, and an antenna and a transmitter, but.. where.. how.. who .. how do I purchase or make or.. bah where do I get those things, and what should I do to install them and use them properly? thanks ~moo
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