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Everything posted by mooeypoo
I have to point out something: Time is something we are affected by, but do not percieve. It is like a "Fourth Dimention" not in terms of universes dimentions, but in a sense of us actually able to understand and "see" it. We percieve three dimentions, and therefore are able to at least mostly control them: build up high, jump, understand gravity and the laws that operate within those "three dimentions" that we understand. That said, our clocks don't measure time, they measure it's effect on us: Perhaps if we manage to one day understand the full scale of what time is and how it is embedded in space around us - whether it is a "mesh" in "spacetime continuum" as startrek puts it, or a ticking clock in the hands of some diety somewhere - we might be able to understand better all those "paradoxes" we seem to have. You can explain those paradoxes in a few ways, each would be some sort of theory on the function of time. We don't know yet, but we might one day figure out a way to control time so functionaly, that we would laugh at today's paradoxes, just like we laugh at the paradoxes that existed 500 years ago about the world's "flatness" I think the better question is whether or not we SHOULD manipulate time, and whether or not it will turn out to be a good thing or a very bad thing. I think anyone trying to do that might go insane. But then again, aren't we all insane already...? ~moo
What is extremely curious is how you got to "MARRIAGE" in this kind of topic ... Anyways, I vote a complete "NO" (appearantly from the poll results, unlike most of you), for several reasons: 1. Suicide is never the answer, and is never the preffered result. When a physician does that, he encourages that result. Like it or not. 2. It can't be defined. It just can't. Different people make different "suicide" decisions, and so where do you draw the line? This guy actually DESERVED help dying because he was suffering.. the other guy didn't 'cause the cure is soon to come.. and this guy is just a whimp, his pain treshhold's a joke. Know what I mean? 3. It's also almost imposible to order and control. Someone dies, that person was in a deadly desease: now go prove that he wanted to die, or that the doctor just killed him for the sake of it, or that his family was the one who asked for the million dollar insurance policy and so on. It's just openning too many doors to too many bad bad moral things. ~moo
Well I'm moo and I'm back! the feminine version of the geekoholics. Good to be back ~moo
Hello, and welcomeback for me Sorry I wasn't here long, but I had serious workoholism issues i needed to resolve. How different is life when you're unemployed <breaths in relief> I'm coming back into action, and with a question: I'm now in my uncles house in California, having myself a nice trip, and mostly visiting my little cousins. One of them - Noa - is going to be 5 in a few days. I've decided I'll teach her to be a true geek from an early age (and continue the legacy, of course), and buy her a brand new telescope. Since I'm going to be the one who teaches her on how to look on stars, and where to actually look for them - My question's this: 1. Any of you know of a good site that portrays space maps from around the world? I know the basic stuff - specially the easy constalations like Orion and the Big Dipper, but I am not certain as to their exact location at the different times of the year, specially not halfway across the world. Help would be appreciated on the matter. 2. Anyone has any idea of fun activities other than watching into the window of the really-cute-naighbor (and that, when she's 16, thankyou) for a five year old girl with a brand new telescope? 3. Only slightly off topic, but since I'm buying her the telescope, I've noticed a few things I have no idea about and could use the help. How can you know how much a telescope magnifies if it doesn't literally says so? You can see at this page (the actual telescope I'm buying): here - that it doesnt say magnification, it just says sizes of the optical lenses. Also, only on very few Telescopes I've seen actual magnification details. Most just say size of optical lenses. So can you calculate approx. magnification level? and if you want a basic telescope, which magnification level is the "minimum" to be able to actually see stars as a bit more than just floating dots? Ideas, thoughts and explanations I can give her would be greatly appreciated. It's good to be back ~moo
The most amazing thing is that one scientist in the program actually did that, AL, and he proved (well quite awkwardly I must add, but still) that if you use a tesla conductor to create massive ammounts of electromagnetism in a room - objects start to move around. The ODDEST thing - is that they barely moved when there was no one in the room. They practically flied to the cieling when that guy just entered the room and looked at them. That scientist claims that electromagnetism causes a link between parts of our mind and actuall matter. It sounds extremely weird and unphysical - but hell, he proved it with cameras filming the box of milk flying to the air as he came into the room and looked at it while the tesla conductor was spinning. Amazing. Makes you wonder what else you can do ... ~moo
Sorry to burst your bubble, darling, but the show also spoke about places like STONEHENDGE and caves, and explained weird rituals that took place in environments that actually DO contain massive electromagnetic radiation. And those people also had to concentrate more than today's people who just get AFFECTED without knowing. So that changes things. Electromagnetic radiation is not manmade. It exists in nature. And my question was more point towards the point of whether electromagnetic fields cause the brain to "simply" hallucinate, or cause the brain to USE parts we don't know of USUALLY and therefore just NOTICE more aspects of our surroundings...? ~moo
Yeah well the scientists said its not just the radiation, it's being subjected to it for a while - like in one of the houses there was REALLY bad electrical wiring (they found it out with electromagnetic checks around the house) - and they said that if u would spend a few hours in the kitchen your brain would be affected enough to SEE or SMELL or FEEL things - due to the radiation. We should also remember there's a psychological side to all this - if you BELIEVE in ghosts, you probly claim to have seen ghosts of someone who lived in that house, and if oyu believe in hell you say demons and such - the question is do those people start HALUCINATING -- or do they actually notice and feel something that is realistic but is usually beyond the bounds of our normal perception... ~moo
YES!! I'm BACK!! I was out for a while, dealing mostly with personal and work related chaos, but now I'm back, and as usual, I have weird questions I've seen a TV program yesterday in Discovery Science about the possibile connection between paranormal sightings and electromagnetic radiation. The program showed various scientists that claimed that most "haunted" houses were in real close proximity of electrical wires and other objects that emitted high rates of electromagnetic radiation, something that they claimed affected the brain and cuased those sights. What I was seriously wondering about, is your opinion: Do you think the electromagnetic radiation affected the brain by causing halucinations, or do you think it might have affected the brain by causing "another level of perception" that caused them to NOTICE other phenomenas we don't usually have the ability to comprehend? Could that be connected to "mediums" and other paranormal-subjects ? I found this incredibly facinating, specially since it's the first time I see an actual SCIENTIFICAL attempt to explain ghosts and paranormal sightings. Good to be back I'd love to see your inputs on this. ~moo
I think the best question for it all is WHY being immortal. We live our lives, and expand our thoughts, resources, technology, science -- everything DUE to the fact we're NOT immortal. Everything due to the fact TIME actually MATTERS. Being immortals is something I wouldn't wanna be. Live longer? maybe. Immortality? Never. And I wouldn't wish it for humanity either. ~moo
A New Theory for the Origins of Life
mooeypoo replied to a topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
I completely agree YT, but I just don't see how probability can be god. I see how probability is the thing that made us - i completely agree here - but it doesnt fit the "all knowing" (it really doesn't care) and "all contolling" (it really really doesn't care) and "all seeing" (you got the picture). So I agree, but I disagree with the GOD thing. GOD is abstract and can be practically anything (nature, big bang, yadda yadda). But probability... don't see it ~moo -
I agree. Let's start with you. Being a usual cynic, this kind of response is hard even for ME. I didn't mean it as a death threat, I meant it as a cynical way of saying: WHO, in god's name or without gods name -- ARE YOU or any other human being -- TO DECIDE which will DIE and which will live? You know what happens when we "decide" to trim population? People start to kill their daughters because they only allowed to have 1 child, and a female child means their family name dies. Look at china. And about this: I'm just.. speechless. I don't get that often. I ... am shocked, and have nothing ot comment. Or rather: BETTER NOT comment. Holy cow. ~moo
We already had 2 tourist billionair cosmonauts (I think they were russians.. can't be sure) -- I believe making this a habbit (At least for millionairs) is coming within the next 2 or three years. Openning it for the "public" might take more, and it would still for the next 10 to 20 years will be so damn expensive, people going out to space will have no life to come back to so I voted 6 to 10, but that means "general" extremely-rich-people tourism. ~moo
OH MY GOD, I'm so sure this is evolutionary change (lack of mating "season") is due to men. This is the official answer, and I will bet ANYONE that it's also the scientific one! Anyways I completely agree - We don't live in the wild anymore, we don't have natural mating seasons for that matter. Though, someone once told me that winter and spring are these.. "special" times... Ha.. probly no sports on tv at those seasons. Muaha ~moo
We don't understand eveything around us. I wish we did, but we honestly DON'T. We PRETEND to know so we could justify that to play with our own existance - like play with genes, and mutate cells and such. Fact is, we don't know how those things will "bite us in the ass" later on. We don't, because we don't have enough information about how nature works. We TRUELY don't. Sepcially with our own pittiful evolutionary existance. Now, when you see a little kid reaching for a ticking bomb, you slap his wrist and tell him DONT MESS WITH IT, OR IT'LL BLOW! You don't mean "don't study it" or "don't look at it", you just mean to proctect that kid from being exploded to tiny bits by playing with something he has no understanding in. This is what I mean here, too. We need to continue exporing, and we need to continue debating and phylosophying and checking our options and experimenting -- but the moment we take severe actions, such as deciding we know best and get rid of certain.. "anomalies".. we don't know where its going to lead. Forget about ETHICS. I amtalking about EXISTANCE. In the long run, ridding society from anomalies can lead to a lot worse than we think. Just like playing with our genes can lead to genetic anomalies and deseases, because we don't know the full mechanism of the human genome. ~moo
It tells us that there are limits we shouldn't cross.
Yep, okay. Point is, no one knows if the specific anomaly is good or not. We'll ahve to (wow, a concept!) give evolution some time to work its magic. Duh, dude. Every government and ruling is FLAWED. We're human. We can't stand the concept of perfect and we are aspiring for power and control. Of course they're flawed. That's why in terms of human LIFE I believe we need to leave it to NATURE. Not governments. By the way - I wish I could believe it's SOCIETY that makes the decisions. Unfortunately, governments rarely truely do what society wants. ~moo
Anomalies are aventually GOOD for evolution. They make the race stronger, and anomalies ARE aventually a huge step in human evolution - those are rapid evolutionary changes (therefore "unadapt" yet) and still changes that make a good adaptation to our environment. You eliminate that, you end up eliminating humans. You can't possibly know what's a GOOD stage and whats a BAD stage in evolutionary process. Not anymore. Not when we have turned this planet to a evolution-race with all the enormous evironmental changes we caused, and our bodies helplessly try to adapt to. ~moo
I think the universe, if not infinite, it's RELATIVELY infinite. Specially since most common beliefs are that it's expanding - so it must have SOME sort of "size" (it can't expand if its infinite, can it? ) -- what I think, is that its relatively-infinite, which means that even if we try to reach its ending, it's always growing and expanding, which means we'll never GET THERE, which makes it relatively infinite. I also believe there's a high probability the universe "folds" within itself (kindof like the inner side of a balloon) - which also makes it infinite.. So to summarize -- I think it depends how you concider the word INFINITE ~moo
WOW. I've been outa here for a while 'cause of work, and now for the past hour I've been reading posts and catching up. It's just so nice to see things stayed the way they were.... I welcome myself back with a huge all-heartedly laugh. You're hilarious, ES. You always were, and appearantly you always will be ~moo
hehe well it's okay, you managed to revive me in the process ;p I agree that the eating disorders are psychological, but thats not what I've asked. The "full" feeling we tend to have after eating much - is that a psychological "i shouldn't eat more" or is that a PHYSIOLOGICAL "shouldn't eat or you'll feel bad" mechanism? ~moo
I agree completely, but the problem is where you draw the line -- or, better yet -- WHO draws the line. For inteligence people, every information is critical. Would you say that always justifies torture? I'm not sure. Plus, I'm *sure* there are better ways than SLAPPING / food-deprevation / sleep-deprevation and so on to get information out of a suspect. Specially these days. And Glider, I agree it's not a guarantee but with the proper "guidance" from a psychiatrist or a trained psychologist, I'm sure enough correct information can be reached to understand the truth. And it's still far better than physically and mentally abusing and torturing someone. And one last thing I have to say: I think we should all remember that there's a huge difference between interrogating someone in "peace times" and interrogating in a warzone. I htink we'd have an entirely different debate (and opinions, I'm sure) if we'd talk about how FBI/CIA/NSA/whatever conducts day-to-day interrogations of criminals. It's much different than to have to interrogate a simple "lowly" soldier in the middle of a war that goes on at the gates of the base. Not that I condone any of this. I'm just saying it's different. ~moo
I would say it depends what fact exactly, but I won't start phylosophying on non-relevant issues in here I agree. True. I just heard and read the theory about egyptian pyramids in some places, but you show good counter-points. Still, the Mayans year-time calculations is still right Good points though. I'll have to go check out where I've heard of my info.. I either didn't understand it, or it was just flat wrong. The Mayans, by the way, were extraordinary in terms of ancient science - and in some things even by today's science. They have built temples with tubes and indents that reflected the sun's rays at a precise date and time (like 12:00 noon on the longest and shortest days of the year). Those are remarkable, and seriously raise strong questions about their .. err.. source of information. If those things are indeed so accurate, then they've calculated and built those things decades before european and "western" men even began thinking about the sun as the center of our stars system. I know the ancient chinese calculated and predicted many things before "western" science too but I don't know enough to make examples. I have to say that those things REALLY intrigue me as to where and how they manage to know all that information such a long time ago -- it's said that Mayans built those temples about 2500 years ago. Extremely weird. ~moo
Egyptian pyramids form quite accurate star systems, if you look at them from above. That raises questions... but I doubt it shows anything about a GOD creating a masterpiece. Neither is the fact Mayans were able to calculate the time it takes the earth to circle the sun with an error margin of about .02 seconds. The fact we don't yet know how things were done doesn't mean they were done by a creative god. It just means we need to search and study them more. I don't argue they raise some very interresting questions, though. ~moo
Because a woman's body is her own. I personally think men AND women need to watch for themselves. Abortion is not something fun and it's not something that SHOULD happen - but if an "accident" happened, so help me god I would hope the couple would make the right decision. It's better than having to raise a child that would grow up to KNOW he's a mistake, or grow up to a 16 year old mother. In israel the rules are that it's not "automatic". If a woman wants to get an abortion, there's a committee that decides if the abortion is necessary or not. Morally, I think it's insanely outrageous, but truthfully, that thing works. I haven't heard of a woman being refused of doing the abortion, and what that committee does mostly is making sure women won't hurt themselves with recurring abortions or with illigal ones. The bottom line is that a woman's body is her own, and not every pregnancy is WANTED. There are too many unwanted kids out there on the streets. I would rather removing a pack of cells. Until it BREATHS - that's what it is. ~moo
Har Meggido. It's Mount Megiddo in Jerusalem, the mountain where Solomon's stable's are. God stated (I don'tremember precisely where, sorry) that since it's standing on a very strategic place in the enterance of jerusalem, one day there will be the war of Light and Darkness there, THE war of all wars. That's where it's coming from beautiful place, by the way. Just on the bottom of it you look at Jerusalem's wall and it's quite mystical and very very beautiful. You should come over and visit ~moo