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Everything posted by mooeypoo
by the way, sayo, it's true it's the pseudo forum, but pseudo has a nice phylosophy side to it. I love pseudoscience .I don't like watching threads go to waste. But you're right. And the only reason why I'm not surprised about him putting an effort is because I don't think he's intelligent enough to pay attention. Either that or he just doesn't care, which for his sake I hope it's the second one. Personally, I don't care. I think I'll add this one to my ignore list too. An idiot doesn't deserve my typing time. So far he's been amusing, so I'm just waiting to see when I'm fed up and it's all getting old, and then I'll leave it be. ~moo
Damnit. You got me. I told you I am not expecting an answer. I knew what I was saying. Odds of you actually answering any of the questions that are being asked is about the same odds of someone traveling on mars and finding elephants lying in the sand. And stop use so many smilies. Your low intelligence-arguments are offending our iq with or without those smilies. I couldn't care less which words oyu know, budster. Physics, Biology and Science you OBVIOUSLY don't know. You need to understand that there's no ARGUMENT here. I'm not asking you "what you know" because I already KNOW you are lying. I can see it by what you're saying in your posts. You're either 12 years old who got his first computer and gets all excited, or you're a serious bored dude who has nothing better to do than to troll scientific forums. Your arguments are empty. I would be a smarter person when I figure out what it is you actually FIND in this forum. I would actually be surprised if you understand half of it. ~moo
Crap.. I think I peed myself laughing. There's one thing I'm interersting to know ('cause this thread is ruined by now, no smart things will ever come from a guy that says a berry is growing on mars.. hell..) -- And since you're full of BS,not only that I don't expect a logical answer, I don't even expect ANY answer. You're so good at avoiding tricky questions Correction: Scientific questions. Any questions, actually. How old are you? because i dont know how it works there, but here we get basic physics on 10th grade. You don't sound like you had any.. and second, how do you explain that not only ONE person (say, me) is just uncontrollably laughing at your bs, but ALL the people in this forum. Do we all not know physics? Hmmmm... I am only continuing this because it amuses me. Not sure I'll find the time to answer, since this is just not worth it. Oh wait.. mabe the laughter does... ~moo
Not only is this leading no where, It's also one of the stupidest debates I've ever seen. Let me help you sum it up: ExtraSense, you need to study science. My own limited high-school knowledge is better than yours. J'Dona, You're right, but it seems like you're wasting your breath. If this was a debate about whether plants CAN -- or better yet, COULD ever -- grow on mars, I'd happily join. This, however, is a debate whether an entirely-unscientifical but very very imaginative dude here has the patience to argue lollipops are in fact plants. Let me make it as simple as I can -- he never WILL, not because he's afraid to be wrong (god forbid) but because he just can't. If he was arguing science, there could be a base for arguing false and trues but since he's arguing mumbo jumbo unfounded claims, it's just your imagination against his, and he won on this one, I must say. ~moo
We need to set new rules on debates
mooeypoo replied to mooeypoo's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
Yeah, I know. I just thought that if there's such a mass, we should concider solving in masses.. but you're right, I guess I just needed to let out some steam. They seem to destroy perfectly good threads and it's just annoying. ~moo -
What happened to the reputation system?
mooeypoo replied to aommaster's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
Still. I don't want to name people, but it is PROVEN to work. -
We need to set new rules on debates
mooeypoo replied to mooeypoo's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
admiral: HECK NO!! I might disagree with some of your view, but you know how to debate, and you make great points. The world would be boring if everyone agreed with me I was talking about other people in general, some of them you can see banned just recently. dave: You're right though, I guess. Still, since recently we see SUCH an incline in those things maybe theres a place to concider how to get rid of this before it will become a complete takeover by the forces of ultra-religious-biggoted-creationists who has nothing to do but destroy perfectly interresting SCIENTIFIC questions in a science forum. ~moo -
What happened to the reputation system?
mooeypoo replied to aommaster's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
how 'bout an "invisible" one then? I just thought of that. A Reputation system that is not visible to users, only admins. That way if i find a post degrading or BAD i mark it and report it bad, and the other way around. It's invisible so things are not abused much - but admins might be able to use it to see if someone's being an idiot for a long period of time and warn him or.. err.. something... just a random thought. ~moo -
Hey guys! I done gone found the fastest way to get me some bannage!
mooeypoo replied to trueLove's topic in The Lounge
Unfortunately for everyone, you're absolutely right. Doesn't mean we should stand bigotted idiots like that in here though... And blike, I agree, thats why I had a few other suggestions, and my point is that we need (in my opinion of course) to find some sort of solution to this 'cause lately it's just too much. Besides, there might be ways to make reputation less abused? I don't know.. err.. worth a thought. I'll see if i might htink of ways. You're right though. Dave: I agree, I was emotional, and it wasn't really fair to say it was the only reason. You're right. I *am* extremely frustrated over these kind of people though lately. And again I feel like I must stress this -- I'm NOT talking about their opinions, god knows there are lots of people I disagree with in the forums - and people that I tend to dislike their views, but I never say they need to leave. What I DO think is that peoploe who are here to STATE things -- not listen and debate -- and it doesnt matter WHAT their views are (they can fit mine, and yet if they're not debating they still don't belong here) should be warned, or have a set of rules to see what they SHOULD and SHOULDN'T expect when joining. HAving opinions about creationism is FINE. I LIKE arguments and debates about ANY subject, however having the nurve to join here curse everyone, have humiliating and damaging things to say without listening, or having any care to participate in a DEBATE is just something we should get rid of. That stupid idiot should join a NeoNazi or a KKK site. There are lots of those, unfortuntely, where he'll feel all cozy and home. THIS should be a place where thseo kind of things cannot be tolerated. ~moo -
ROFL. I love you phi! ~moo
Anyone ever thought of the possibility we already HAVE met "aliens" we just don't know it? It may be either 1) they're out of our preception abilities, or 2) something htat has been here for a while and "evolved" with us -- like cocroaches or deep sea fish or something... I just ponder that thought sometimes .. ~moo
What happened to the reputation system?
mooeypoo replied to aommaster's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
I agree about admins by the way. It shouldn't be there period. But the rep was good for all of the other things I said. It also helped some people "get the picture" -- and change their debating methods. When you write something offesive and people argue with you its one thing, but if you get extremely low points after tht - it affects a bit more. And the other way around too. The only thing that people should think of is that it doesnt matter what OPINION is written -- what matters as rep points is the WAY people argue.. but that's individual I guess. Anyways I'd still be happy to see it back ~moo -
Hey guys! I done gone found the fastest way to get me some bannage!
mooeypoo replied to trueLove's topic in The Lounge
I hope everyone got the idea I was only joking about the fee by the way. I hate fee-sites.. I WAS serious though about trying to prevent neanderthal stupid low intelligence people from debating here. By the way, I think the reputation system did a heck of a good job helping that agenda. I would REALLY like to see it back. I know I'm nagging on this, but I seriously think it might solve a lot. It helped SOME people here to change their attitudes (I won't state names, most of you probably know who I mean). By the way, I have to say something personal: Many of you know me. I'm a "heat" person. I argue quite emotionally about my views -- but I always listen, I never ridicule and I never patronize. If I happen to *sound* patronizing I usually spend 10 posts appologizing. That's because science and agnosticism are very important to me. And I truely believe debates are the most important thing in life. In every aspect-- politics, advancements in science, phylosophy, and personal growth. I have also been quite frustrated over low-intelligence purposefully-degrading people for a little while on the forum, but I tried to show my opinions in a nice way through responding to threads. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I do think this is something everyone should know (and I'd love to hear responses, if anyone has anything to say. really.): What I found EXTREMELY inappropriate, is that low intelligence biggoted idiot such as "trueLove" (how can he call himself that is beyond me) can walk in here, use opinions that might have gotten him investigated by the FBI in suspicion of mass incitement or WORSE against large groups of people -- views that we see most in jail cells or the long dead KKK -- only gets banned after he trashed an admin. I'm NOT saying that trashing an admin is good, I'm saying that the thought of kicking him out should have passed everyone's minds when he started openning his very ugly mouth about Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Islam and the only thing that was missing is for him to start yelling black people are the spawn of the devil. I just think there's absolutely no place for people that are here to encite others. I MIGHT be able to start a debate with this idiot if he would have shown some sort of debate-curtesey. Listening capabilities. Because I'm all for opinion diversity -- but I'm ALL AGAINST encitement. If he's bored, he can go to http://www.disney.com God knows he won't find any blasphemous atheists agnostics jews or islamic people. And he won't find black people either. I just think we need to have some sort of BASIC self respect to throw these people out the moment they show us they're only here to make us "fight" with them and they dont want to listen. ~moo -
We need to set new rules on debates
mooeypoo replied to mooeypoo's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
I don't mind 'stupid opinions' -- I mind people not using logic. Ther'es a difference. And I mind people not being fair by patronizing, ridiculing and trashing other people here, whether I agree with their opinions is an entirely different matter. I think that if we set rules on (oh, say,) against exessively patronizing, or against trashing or against repeating arguments withou tlistening.. we might have better debates. I agree that this is a "gray" zone -- the need for rules that will allow a debate and yet not drive away people that might have excentric views (because it's still why we're here: to debate). What I mean is that we should make DEBATING rules. Regardless of an opinion. A person can argue about whatever view he pleases -- the trouble begins when he starts attacking, rediculing and trashing other people that try to debate with him. ~moo -
What happened to the reputation system?
mooeypoo replied to aommaster's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
by the way, the reputation system was awsome for people who wanted to screen out rude and offensive people. If you wanted to see new threads, you'd look by rep points. Or, screen by extremely low rep points. I liked it. I want it back Just wanted to say that ~moo -
Specially religious / pseudo-science ones. I just feel that lately too many low-intelligence pro-creationism bored antisemetical rude racists people join as members just to trash whoever they feel like that doesnt fit their notions. And no, I don't mean that all creationists are low intelligence, so all you creationists out there don't throw words into my mouth. We're not a religious site, nor are we political one. I love religion/science debates but I like them when they're used by LOGIC and REASON and when the sides actually CARE what the other thinks. I seriously think that we have too many posts that end up being ruined 'cause people just ignore the fact they're here to DEBATE and not to throw one's opinion on someone else. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's just a general feeling i get lately. I'm all for debates but what goes on lately is just insane. ~moo
Hey guys! I done gone found the fastest way to get me some bannage!
mooeypoo replied to trueLove's topic in The Lounge
Is this thread for real? Or.. wait.. I have a better question: ONLY TWO WEEKS BAN!?!? I think we should have an enterance exam, checking if new users have basic LOGIC, basic listening abilities and are not here to speak bulls. Either that, or take an enterance fee of 5 bucks. Either way, stupid ignorant people will be gone. We see a bit too many of them here lately. ~moo -
You're right. I don't know the universe is infinite.. I'm guessing, based on logical assumptions made by observations into space and mathematical calculations. I allow myself to assume that, but you're definately right in saying it's not certain, and most definately is FAR away from being a proven fact. I still think we're not alone though And I wouldn't say "stage" of evolution because some planets might be older or newer - I would say just different evolution alltogether. It's not that we'll find lesser species (we might, but not all of them will be most probably) == we'll just find DIFFERENT species. I don't even think we'll be able to communicate on the same level because our definitions of practically everything would be different. They might not even fit our regular definition of life. It's still a definition we made to describe LIFE ON EARTH. We can never know what's out there. ~moo
That's depressing... we're all alone... Seriously though -- I find that either naive or patronizing-the-universe.. There's an infinite universe, and we're the center of it (the ONLY ONLY LIFE FORMS EXISTING!)... does that sound plausible? It *might* be the case, but it's going to have to demand someone PLANNING it this way which would make it less reasonable and will demand a proof of its own. Therefore, the LOGICAL thing to say is that there *are* life out there, and only if shown otherwise there aren't any. Uhm... why's that? ~moo
Why not? because I see the RESULTS. The results (and this is something I KNOW about) are that the intelligence agencies are being HURT -- SERIOUSLY HURT sometimes -- by things that are published. So saying they control the media is stupid. If they did control the media, they'd hide the things that destroy their covers. I dnt know how far you take this 'create' stories thing, but I do agree. I don't think the media unleashes murderers and sets buildings on fire and kidnaps people in order to have a story, no, that I DEFINATELY disagree with -- but I do think that they create a story in terms of "how to show" a story. For instance, a "small" story of a few african-bees, turned to this huge NEAR DEATH hysteria in the media. It turned out to be nothing.. but hte media had its share of ratings over this eledged story. That's how I think they CREATE stories.. I don't think they're actually creating events though. I don't think they have to - the world has enoug action as it is... ~moo
I know, I'm sure they have INFLUENCE I just odn't think intelligence groups CONTROL the media. And, by the way, that just strengthens my claim that media cannot be trusted... ~moo
True, true. However, by the ammount of damaging data that is being published about the NSA / CIA and FBI I would doubt they CONTROL the media. Affect, maybe. But not control. I'm sure they'd LIKE TO though ~moo
SMARTASS Well the gun was CREATED for the reason of KILLING and fataly harming others. Up until then, people used swords - which were also inteded to kill people, only they weren't as EFFECTIVE as guns. Now, PerpetualYnquisitive: DUDE. You ARE aware that by comparing 11,000 deaths to the WWII you actually SUPPORT my claim... right? That was a genocide.. this is.. what, really? Other than that, why not doing the conclusion already that america has a PROBLEM. If I'm not mistaken, Canada has gun purchasing rules and is allowing it, yet Canada has about less than 50 deaths-by-guns a year. Why's that? So I agree with you that guns are not the MAJOR CAUSE of crime and deaths-by-guns, but heck, it's a HUGE suppliment AND it's just a higher risk. If you have kids at home, would you still own a loaded gun? I would ASSUME (and hope,dear god) that no. Why? because it's DANGEROUS. You have no need for it with or without kids. And if your reason is because police sux, then it's a lowsy one. I can say my government politicians SUCK, it doesnt mean I go around creating militias to replace the government by violence, now, does it? FIX the broken, dude, don't create more mess by trying to go around it. ~moo