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Everything posted by mooeypoo
oh, yes, excuse me but I just thought of something: Other than the fact this quote just NOT WORKING (dude, look at the news!! more than 11,000 killed a year in the US from guns!! where is that safer?!?!?), I also was quote baffled to see you pick THIS SPECIFIC ONE to prove your point. DUDE it was said by hitler. I wouldn't WANT to be in a country Hitler saw in his vision. SPECIALLY if I quote a site called "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership". that hitler quote really destroyed your entire argument, I gotta say. ~moo
Let me get this straight. Okay, so if you come to my house and surprise me for my birthday, and I blow your head off and dye my room wall gray with your brains, I was defending my second ammedment right and prevented tyrany from my own government. Excuse me, but owning a gun means you are ready to KILL. Not "ready to check if it is working". KILL. RIGHT THIS INSTANCE, maybe. If you have any problems with your law inforcement groups, DEAL WITH THEM. But don't take law into your own hands -- SPECIALLY if you don't know how to use a gun (and unless you're TRAINED you don't). What if one day you'll make a mistake? the terrifying rapist who crawled into your daughter's room and made her scream her head off -- turns out the actually be the neighbours kid, knocking on her window to say goodnight, or scaring her as a childish prank. Would you shoot him too? If you thought he was a thief or a rapist you would. Well.. I guess I am CERTAIN now that I am going to check EXTRA EXTRA well who my neighbours are. And Demonsthene: Is that a joke? If guns are MEANT TO KILL, don't go around telling me they don't. If anyone is having a gun at their house (and I had guns for three years) they're taking a CHANCE - not "protecting their home". If anything happens, call POLICE don't go around playing with a loaded gun. "Bowling for Columbine" people. You seriously need to see that movie. ~moo
Dude, I wish there *was* anything that controls (even by a little!) media companies. I really doubt there are.. not even CIA or FBI. Too many things are being published (and damaging to those two groups by the way) every day, for them to control the media. ~moo
A gun is a gun whether it has two barrels or one tiny bullet. It kills, and it is MEANT to kill. Most people don't know how to use them. I hope most won't forever, by the way. I truely do. But point remains they are meant to KILL just like a car is meant to carry people from place to place and a hat is meant to protect against the sun. You can use a hat as a frisbie, yes, but that doesn't mean it's SUPPOSED to be a frisbie. Luckily, a freesbie-hat is not as dangerous as an M16. Or a handgun. ~moo
You're lucky you didn't say "look at women driving" ~moo
I know, I'm sorry I didn't explain myself right. I know sunburn is radiation, I meant radiation more in terms of long-time damage, and ionizing radiation. You're right though. My bad. So if I put my hand for 10 seconds in a microwave I won't die, and I won't have (I'm having torubles explaining what I mean.. err..) residue radiation .. like the one left after (its in much much bigger quantities i know, still) atomic explosion. I think I need to read about waves and radiation again. I'll look it up on google ... Thanks!! ~moo
Yeah, but the point is that the media has SUCH a huge power on affecting people - that its effects we can also see throughout a long period of time. Like in education, for instance. I say the word "Iran" and people automatically think either Atom, Terrorism or Women with covered faces. While those ARE significant things in Iran, they're not everything. On the contrary, in terms of religious tolerance, for instance, Iran is MUCH MUCH better than any other muslim country. Jews who live in Iran are permitted to practice ALL their holidays and don't need to hide. Plus, technologically, it's one of the most ADVANCED countries that exist in the middle east. The country is not FREE, but its not as terrible (at least culture wise) as the media makes it seem. So its true people spin their stories so that the media shows them in a different light, but sometimes - the media doesn't need to flat out LIE, it just needs to "not show all" -- and it changes the ENTIRE perspective. The media has a very big responsability it sometimes forgets it must keep. If you show a picture from THE WRONG ANGLE -- the entire story is told in a different light to the people. Different light that sometimes can be an actual LIE. I find it disturbing. ~moo
Which I find immoral as it is. We have enough to "test on". Mking one for the purpose of TESTING is just wrong. This hybrid will have a consciousness that should be more advanced than a chimp and less advanced than ours. It still concidered to be quite advanced in scientific and nature terms. And if we start a "mass" making of these creatures, they'll be used for either scientific research (which is extremely unethical if the creature has consciousness, specially a chip-human hybrid one) or be used for "hard" chores. It's the way our society works... And then, maybe 500 years from now, those creatures would go on a freedome campaign to free their race from slavery. Who knows. ~moo
Well, I don't concider a HUMAN to be one, so if you create a chipuman (whatever) -- what will you do with it? is it for the intention of "upgrading" chimps, or "downgrading" humans? Is it to make it come to human society or belong to a chimp society? Either way, it's not fitting any of the worlds.
Yeah, people are starting to question whether we ARE keeping our sanity. More and more people here seek professional help. More and more SHOULD and don't. We have a lot of free 1800 call centers and such -- and yet, the society "naturally" goes to a state of numbness. There's a limit to what you can handle. I, personally, have lost five friends. Every time I hear about a bombing and a shooting I check to see if I know anyone. The moment I realise I don't, I just move on. Otherwise, you're just "stuck" into the entire thing, and you SERIOUSLY lose your sanity. It's not only israel by the way. I doubt americans get too personally shocked and appalled (directly i mean) when there is a roberry or a shooting going on there. It's a matter of society. You can't keep letting yourself wallow in the same thing -- life must go on, and people aventually get tired of staying inside their homes and wait for something bad to happen. About your question: I don't think our media CAN shelter us, even if it tried. Don't forget almost EVERYONE here were (or are) in the military. It's obligatory in israel, which means that EVERYONE knows exactly what is going on, and it also makes everyone a bit more aware of their patriotism (or lack of it, sometimes). People are very much involved in EVERYTHING. Sometimes I find it wrong, by the way. In a democracy, the people should decide who the government would be, and all the rules and such. But SOME THING should be left for the decision of those who KNOW what they're doing (like decisions about DIRECT security matters and such). What I find EXTREMELY biased, is the palestinian media. There was a BBC coverage on the entire hting about a year ago, showing exactly how most (not all, granted, but most) of the palestinian stations PAY children to rub chicken blood on them and pretend they're dying, so that the media will roll this all over the world. No one in the world is perfect - and country administrations and politics are often FAR from it -- but often the media choses to show things that prevent the viewer from reaching a TRUE conclusion. Like the tapes that are being showed of Osama Bin Laden. The way they keep showing it over and over and over -- so that every second someone is doing something that even REMOTELY resembles anything that MIGHT sound like a terrorism act (like tying his shoes in the middle of the airport) everyone connect it with Bin Laden. You see what I mean? Sometimes the answers lie RIGHT under our noses, but since we're being FED all the time by the media, we tend to reach conclusions VERY very fast. Too fast, sometimes. ~moo
The only reason I think this thing would be wrong, is because I am CERTAIN without ANY DOUBT AT ALL -- that this poor creature (humachimp? chimpuman? whatever we call it) would be treated as LOW life form, probably be used for the entire length of his life. Why? because htat' just the way our society works, unfortunately. ~moo
Shoot, I just wrote an extensive reply and it got erased. How annoying. In any case, here's a short version of it: Media has a LOT of influences on people, including how society behaves. It's true that its a "both-way" relationship -- what the public WANTS to see is what the Media will preffer to present for Raiting purposes -- but it's also what the MEDIA shows -- And the WAY the media presents things, that influences a society. Phi - was it you that mentioned "Bowling for Columbine"? it's an excellent example for what I mean now. How media shows specific things and ignore others, and how media (taken from the film) tends to SCARE people even if it means they exagerate completely. In israel for instance, there s a huge debate about media influence. People here began to feel more "adapt" to the entire bombing/terrorism situation. When we hear about a "small" shooting, or a "small" bombing - it's mentioned in the news, but it's not taking as big a time as it did when the fightings STARTED. Theres a huge argument whether this approach is good or bad in israel, but one hting is OBVIOUS: The media plays a huge huge role in it, and in the way people react to such situations. ~moo
So after all this, I have a question (If this comes as me not understanding.. err.. sorry.. I'm tyring to figure this entire thing out. what I LEARNED is different than what you're all explaining): If I put my HAND in the microwave. Assuming that it'll work with my hand inside: What would be the effect? My blood will boil..? My body will gather ionizing radiation? Will the effect be "visible" rightaway or is it something like radiation, that we will see after a few days (or years, with cancer for instance)...? ~moo
err, I think it depends what you define as universe. An ant farm can be a tiny universe, too. If you claim INFINITE universe, well, no, that would require infinite power. If you claim FINITE universe, well, that just depends HOW finite it is, now, doesn't it? ~moo
I didn't mean our appearances though, I meant our destruction-behaviour. The fact we're creating polution --> creates holes in the ozon layer --> changes atmosphere and radiation --> changes our evolutionary system The fact we're eating junk --> our stomache might adapt to such foods --> changes our evolutionary system The fact we're barely WALKING anywhere -- we're using transportation, and sit near a computer and tv without moving much --> our legs might get "shorter" / hands longer / fingers changed... --> changes our evolutionary system My question is -- do you think it's WISE of us? and do you htink this would come to "bite us in the ass" in the future? It *is* said that nature creates balance, whether we want it or not... What do you think? ~moo
Eugh. Well, i guess it's better than being fried from the insides out. Not that I think people have the TIME to notice whether they're being fried or.. err.. whatever it is that actually happens. That hting is SCARY. How available is it? like, what stops anyone from building it? does it need special substances? special surroundings to work..? can it be detected?
I saw in a TV series that this neutron bomb was "barely noticed" -- meaning it barely left "leftover" radiation and presence. "All it did" (as horrible as it is to say) is FRY all living tissue -- the radiation acted like a microwave -- all living tissue just FRIED from the INSIDE.... is that true?
Sheesh. How does this thing work? What radius does it work? THAT creeps me out, GEEEEEEESH. And I was hoping the movies are only movies ... ~moo
I've heard about it again and again in TV series, books and movies. I have a few questions: 1. Does it exist, or is it "only" theoretical? 2. What *exactly* are the implications? What does it do to the surroundings? I've heard it can "fry" living tissue without harming buildings and still objects, and leave almost no radiation.. is that true? That entire thing creeps me out. I'd love some info on the subject.. Thanks! ~moo
I'm just happy no one chose the first one for now But I do agree we can trust media, I'm just not sure we can trust it 100%.. or, better said - I'm sure we CANT trust it 100%. I don't trust my own country's media 100% either, by the way. You just can't know what they want to show you -- if they do that 'cause its true, or if they do that 'cause they want the ratings. I'm not saying that we should doubt everything though. If there was a fire somewhere with casualties and such, I'm not sure I'd DOUBT that. But I would doubt feeds I see that seem to be LEADING me.. like the war in bosnia, for instance. They didn't show everything, so I can't really know what went on there, only what the media showed. It showed a lot - but not all. Accidentaly, I have a friend who came from the war there. I know now how it was FOR REAL. The media didn't LIE. It just didn't state the entire truth. What movie was it that the big media/news tycoon started CREATING news so he'll have more ratings? I think one of 007 movies... it was a good one ~moo
I agree completely, Photovet. If we start tampering with nature, I believe we may get nature to kick us back in the ass. Not a very good idea... ~moo
huh?? by the way, I ADORE your signature
How 'bout something a bit less abstract and a bit more "realistic" (pff right .. well.. cooperate with me --- NANOTECH robots! yaknow, the ones that fix you... That way you won't die (they'll fix your wounds), you won't die of deseases either, and you won't grow old. BUT I am not sure if I could live with a swarm of IA minds in my own mind.... Anyways this actually sounds less "scifi" than the magical pill.. though there's still a long way to go ~mooo
I would still think about it... It might be all pessimist me -- but I just have lots of troubles believing anything this "good" would exist without catchy side effects... think you'll live forever but you'll smell bad. That would stink... No but seriously... I wonder wht side effects such pill would have. I would still concider side effects.. and the fact that you won't get old while your friends will. That's a catch too. ~moo