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Everything posted by mooeypoo

  1. If I got you right, losfomot, you're looking for info on Gravitons. I can't help you, I want info myself but am I right? 'cause this is the only type of "particles" I can think of that *are* gravity... ~moo
  2. YT: Thanks , now it makes much more sense THANKS!! ~moo
  3. The bunny thing? I don't really see how other than the "ears" maybe... :|
  4. Gotcha, I just saw it. Sorry, my bad. Misread. ~moo
  5. I might be reviving an old thread here, but I was thinking about something YT said -- The grip thing I got But perspiration... won't it have to appear on other parts of the body then, like anywhere else on the skin, or on the places that are usually more "sweaty" than others like armpits and such? How does it help in perspiration..?
  6. http://www.nature.com/nsu/040301/040301-9.html Small precentage or not: EEK. They mention an ethical code that scientists writing papers would have to sign in order to maintain ethical work ----> I thought that thing existed already!! isn't there already some sort of committee that oversees Ethical behaviour in science and medicine!? Sheesh, if not, that's S-C-A-R-Y. ~moo
  7. I will probably say the GEEKEST thing right now, but what-the-heck: I'm part of an RPG (role playing game) organization as an engineer on a starbase. Other than the fact I need to say technobabble most of time (and avoid troubles yadda yadda) I also wanna know what I'm basing my technobabble on help would be appreciated. Most of the things I can find logic in but I have been having troubles with the warp drives.. It doesn't REALLY matter 'cause a starbase doesn't have warpdrives (luckily ;p ) but well.. i'd appreciate sources if you have any to understanding the tech. ~moo
  8. There's no doubt it's not a bunny === even if mars CAN sustain life, other than the fact they most probably WONT look like anything we know, they would also have no reason to have such big ears. As far as I know there's no atmosphere in mars, therefore no sounds. Just a stupid notion about "why it cant be it" that i just had... But its still amusing and interresting However, I wouldn't just jump to conspiracy theories so fast, it just sounds too.. conspiracyee BTW, i'm not taht sure they "couldn't have done it without you" (in 'you' i am assuming you mean america) there are a lot of new spacial development that were done by the Russians and Japanese. ~moo
  9. Err wait, faf did you say "warping space-time" ?? I was just asking abuot this in my other thread ("Folding universe..") and got the answer that we *cant* control this (or "warp space ourselves") but only use "prewarped" err.. space.. okay now I'm REALLY confused.... I actually asked my question to figure out about the entire warpdrive things (as I said in my thread) and now i'm even more confused Can you PLEASE give me a tinsy bit of info about warpdrives and how they're physically (at least theoretically) possible? By the way, how 'bout forcefields? Are they possible? oh and YEAH I agree completely, I voted "Most things" can be done. Startrek is ingenious, and even if not everything can be done it certainly gave a few very good ideas to start from ~moo
  10. Check this out: http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/spotlight/opportunity/b19_20040304.html It seems COMPLETELY illogical that Mars has life as we know it - SPECIALLY life in the shape of a BUNNY. Still, I was wondering what you guys have to say about that.. could it be a hoax? (unlikely, but possible) or.. well what is that exactly?? ~moo
  11. Well the entire point of Ethics is to keep our actions in control and not over use our power. Either on "lesser" beings - such as animals and pests and such, or on ourselves. I'll give an example: It's obvious a DOCTOR knows more than any other "ordinary" person about physiology and medicine, so what stops him from taking advantage of this "lesser" knowledgable person for his own research? even if that research is for the best of other people..? Well what stops him is the fact that we still need order. If there weren't Ethics, there would be chaos. Mind you, ethics is not a gentle subject - and sometimes it's not clear either, there are not really CLEAR rules for ethics, thats why sometimes its so debateable. However, the DEBATE is what seem to keep it in order. So yes, I'd say medical research (no matter what kind!!) MUST be limited to at least SOME SORT of ethical boundries. Otherwise it's not a research, it's brutality. ~moo
  12. Pinch: Makes sense.. Though, it shoudl be happening also in the morning ('till you finish digesting last day's lunch or soemthing) .. I think O.O Neuro: what you say sounds really logical but I could also say the same about the breathing system, which actually CAN be shut close.... And you just gave me an idea --- Do eating disorders have anything to do with a physiological problem with the STOPPING to eat? It might be more than just psychological? ~moo
  13. So what controls it? The "full" feeling? And if it's physical, why isn't the stomache just SHUTS close - instinct or something - why does it allow for more and more food if it CANT really sustain it?
  14. Okay I'll hve to study more about them,... I know they're some sort of abstract "particles" ... err but I never really got the entire concept. I'll google it up. Thanks, MrL ~moo
  15. I think this has been one of the most educative posts I've ever read. I also think this is a very good example for the poor education, and thiking that I didn't know this QUITE meaningful detail frustrates me... WHAT ELSE do I not know -- or know wrong of? hmm. Yes, well, thats for another thread. I just wanted to say thanks for the knowledge. And to ask what other daily-things do we THINK are conductors and are actually NOT conductors. This is really interresting... ~moo
  16. Interresting... okay, so basically the *electrostatic* force is a repelling force on it's own? can I simulate the same effect by increasing the electromagnetic field of some sort of object? Sorry if it sounds stupid I don't quite remember the difference and relations between ElectroStatic and ElectroMagnetic which.. may be the cause of my confusion here. If u have anywhere to send me i'll appreciate it.. google wasn't much help thanks ~moo
  17. Zonkeys!? okay. Many replies were added since i was here the last time and I have lots to say but I need to read them all properly first... I just... wanted to make sure I read "Zonkeys" right. O.O I'd love to get information of cross breeding in NATURE, pinch. I didn't know those things existed in nature.. but I believe you. Can you give me any info? a website? anything? ~moo
  18. Yes, I know but according to everyday physics travelling in a higher than light speed should be impossible... Doesn't that destroy the notion of warpdrives? :?
  19. concussion
  20. Err actually aren't warp drives suggest the flight of OVER lightspeed?
  21. You're mean . . . . Can you pleaaaaaaase explain though? which of them is both? the feeling / the "running to the bathroom" part...? or.. maybe direct me to a site that would save you the troubles of explaining hehe ~moo
  22. I gave out scifi books and STATED that they're not physical but *give a good idea* about physics and pseudoscience and all sorts of living creatures that we might not find on earth but might be found in space. And besides - you said life won't live through heat, which besides the fact you can't SAY THAT just because there's not such thing on earth - it was actually proven you're wrong. Some life forms actually CAN sustain heavy heat. And who said extraterrestrial (err.. alien.. whatever you call them) life has been through the SAME evolutionary system as us?! we have evolved to breath oxygen and to sustain a certain ammount of heat and radiation. Theoretically, if there's a system of "trial and error" and a "magical beginning goo" of molecules and atoms and many many acids like earth had on it's beginning states, then there's NO REASON to say life wouldn't have been evolved differently. On the contrary - it's EXTREMELY logical you'll find life that aren't by your definition, because its enough that the planet would be only SLIGHTLY different than ours, to create creatures that are EXTREMELY different than ours. What better proof of that than to look on earth itself: Within only a few thousand years, ONE race (humans) have evolved to "subraces"-- each different location humans have lived in had different environmental surroundings, and each group has evolved slightly differently - Black people, Caucasian, Chinese, Eskimos and so on. They all have a different physiology by now. SLIGHTLY different, but if you think about it -- it's EXTREMELY huge for such a short time AND such a "short" distance. The environments are different around the world, but no doubt they're EXTREMELY similar in comparison to another PLANET. So don't tell me it's not possible to have life that can sustain heat, or can breath acid, or can see through its digestion system. You have no way of knowing. the only thing we *do* know is *our own* definition of life. Which, we might have to change, in case we find life on other planets that - perhaps - do NOT fit that definition. So far we haven't met any, so we have no reason to change it. It doesn't mean they don't exist in our infinite universe. ~moo
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