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Everything posted by blackhole123

  1. I am not sure if this is in the right section so feel free to move it. Lately I have been having arguements with my Dad about glabal warming. He insists that it is not real and that evil liberals are using it as propaganda to save the environment. He keeps using the arguement that lots of scientists dont agree with global warming. Is this true? I can hardly believe that it is and i really want to be able to reinforce my facts about global warming when I am discussing it. I get the basic idea of it but could someone just explain the key points of global warming and why anyone would not agree with it? Thanks
  2. chaos theory states that predicting the future IS possible if you know the extact initial conditions. the problem is that even if you are off by the smallest bit that it will have a huge effect on the outcome. kind of like the butterfly effect. so it is possible in theory but you would have to have an infinite amount of numbers which right now is impossible.
  3. does it exist? if so where?
  4. I have a question about black holes. I dont know much about them but I was thinking about it the other day and couldnt figure something out. From what I understand, black holes are stars that have collapsed on themselves and now have gravity so powerful that light cannot even escape it. My question is this. When the star collapses all it does is become more dense (or so i would assume from the word "collapse"). So that means the original star had the same amount of mass as the black hole. So then why wouldnt the original star have the same amount of gravity that the black hole has? Why wouldnt regular stars trap light?
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