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Everything posted by caharris

  1. Oh... Well, at least I find it interesting then I'm still in strong debate over what type of science I plan on studying, so this may very well come up in my future. Singularities have been intriguing me for quite some time, so these should at least quench my thirst for a while.
  2. Thank you ajb. I will spend many of days reading through these Might as well try and learn it now instead of being bombarded with it at school, huh?
  3. What are the space-times that aren't singular? (sorry, I'm new at this as well ) What are some good articles or papers from Penrose or Hawking for this?
  4. Do all objects have a singularity? Not necessarily like the bb one or a black hole, but something similar?
  5. I don't know if this will answer your question directly, but I was watching a lecture from Roger Penrose ("Aeons Before the Big Bang") and he briefly mentioned black holes. He said that the black hole is a state of entropy, and that if you were to reverse that it would simply become larger in mass (in reference to the singularity) and would lose its strong gravitational pull on objects. That is, if I understood him correctly of course
  6. I was looking around the NASA website and came across a flash they did comparing the two telescopes. Being that Webb is infrared, what do you guys hope that it will find that Hubble couldn't?
  7. Yeah, there was nothing saying that the bb theory was wrong, just the amount of dark energy.
  8. So, what kind of effect will this have on the standard bb model? It said something about blueshifting, so does that mean the universe is getting smaller now?
  9. On-level meaning not honors or advance placement. As for the books, I'd much rather have textbooks over the latter (though I did like Lawrence Krauss' Star Trek books). I'm currently going through "The Road to Reality" by Roger Penrose, "How the Mind Works" by Steven Pinker, and "On the Shoulders of Giants" by Hawking. Granted, I'm going through them slowly, but I'm still trying. If I go to a college undecided, will that put me back a year, or is the first year of college general classes regardless? It's not that I can't understand something once I read it a few times or have someone teach it to me, I just like them all
  10. I'm slowly making my way through "A Road to Reality" by Roger Penrose, "How the Mind Works" by Steven Pinker, and "On the Shoulder of Giants" by Stephen Hawking. Needless to say, it's taking me a while.
  11. Q: What did Donald Duck say in his graduate physics class? A: Quark, quark, quark!
  12. Didn't they find a tribe in Africa that was immune to AIDS or something like that? I vaguely remember Dawkins talking about it in a video but I may be wrong...
  13. I want a crack at this Obviously, we wouldn't be talking about the good ol' Dawn of the Dead zombies, because they were living dead (if I'm not mistaken. I'm a slasher movie guy, not a zombie guy). I think that it would have to be some sort of neurological 'infection' (i.e. rage virus) that basically hijacked your body to do whatever it wanted to do. That would leave the question of how and why. For the how, I don't think that it would have to be transferred solely through being bitten, simply because that would be too easy to stop from happening. Thick enough clothes, armor, or just being able to run quicker or defend yourself better would put a large enough damper on the infections ability to reproduce. I think that, while it could be transferred through bodily fluids, it would have to have a different and more effective way to spread. What is something that every human needs to live? Food, water, air. If the infection managed to be carried in one of those three alone, it could effectively spread throughout the human population. For the why, that would depend on how the infection came to be. If it was engineered, then it would be whatever motive that the engineer wanted. If it was purely natural selection or selfish gene (and here's where I'm stepping into unfamiliar territory, so by all means correct me), would it simply want to be the "top of the food chain"? Again, I'm no biologist so I don't know if that would be accurate or not... Also, if the infection was able to be transferred through food, water or air, it would most likely infect more than one person at a time, so I don't think that the baseball bat would work too well... I think that pretty much every zombie movie got the weapon of choice down: chainsaw
  14. Well that's really what I need help deciding on. I have those three main interests (neuroscience, theoretical physics, and cosmology) but unfortunately, I don't know anyone who has studied any of these so I can't ask anyone about them. I do like studying the same things as Hawking, Einstein and Pinker, and I would love to help work on things like consciousness and get an even better understanding of the big bang theory, as well as work on teleportation (I saw the thread on here, which is actually what sparked my interest). I see that you are a biology expert, so, if I may ask, what drew you to biology over some other type of science that you may have had?
  15. So, I'm getting ready to start my senior year of high school, where I've signed up to take (on-level) chemistry and physics, as well as trig and calc (which isn't a class anymore so my teacher said he'd teach it to me after school) among other classes. I have an interest in neuroscience (research), theoretical physics, and cosmology. I haven't gotten my SAT scores back and I've yet to take the ACT. So, in my quest to see which field I would do best in, is there anything you guys can tell me about each? Like what college classes or books I should read to help me along? Thanks for your time. -Chris
  16. Hey I'm Chris. I'm 17, still in high school for one more year, I love neuroscience and cosmology though I am always reading up on evolution too, and I play guitar as a hobby.
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