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Everything posted by hotcommodity

  1. Haha, usually long stories bore me, but I liked it I have to say you had some pretty bad luck with those dates. Btw, "snow niggers"?!, that has to be the worst misuse of a racial slur I've ever come across, what an f'ing tool.
  2. "If we want freedom, there should be an armed rebellion every 20 years." -Thomas Jefferson It sounds nice, but it certainly doesn't provide for a country that is progressive, efficient, or prosperous. Such freedom-inspiring quotes led to a mindset promoting a government with little regulation, a government under the Articles of Confederation. This government, lacking the authority to control its citizens, led to riots and inflated currencies. Fortunately, the Friends of Order stepped in to correct the imbalance buy drafting and establishing the Constitution. Our society proves effective when there exists a balance between freedom and control- too much of either one can be destructive. I can list 100 reasons why a strong federal government is necessary. On the other hand, I can list 100 reasons why that government should in turn be regulated. The problem today is an unawareness among the majority of Americans. The average American cannot tell you their basic civil rights- although I'm certain they can tell you their favorite sports team and all the latest scores. My history professor has a name for these types: voters. And that says it all. The second point I'm getting at is simply this: We may have a second amendment that would allow for us to rebel as armed citizens under certain circumstances, but the majority of people would most likely neglect its usage out of ignorance.
  3. I find that quite surprising. Many of our founding fathers were atheists, deists, and the like, and now it's un-American? The America of today certainly isn't the America we read about in our history books. Additionally, I wouldn't compare atheists with recent immigrants, or gays, as that has nothing to do with religion.
  4. Well, the problem implied that there were 22 steps, but since the 22nd run would be considered a part of the floor at the top of the staircase, it would not be counted. So what you really have are 22 rises, and 21 runs. Once you know that, it's just a matter of multiplying the 21 runs by their respective lengths, and finally converting the answer to meters.
  5. I typed it in a second time just to be sure, and it still comes up as wrong. But thanks for trying
  6. Sure, here: 5. An interior staircase has steps with a rise (height of a step) of 18.5 cm and a run (depth of a step) of 21.9 cm. The of height of the staircase is 4.07 m. It is desired to make the run of a new staircase 27.4 cm. How much farther into the room will the new staircase go?
  7. It makes sense to me. For our class, we have to enter our answers online, and it tells us if the answer is wrong or not, it came up wrong, but I don't know how else to do it...
  8. ^^ I lol'd, thats classic. Whatever happened to the economical idea of using a sock? Somebody get Jeffrey Sachs on the phone!
  9. Okay, i got 602.8 cm for the length of the new staircase and 481.8cm for the length of the old. Taking the difference of the two and converting that into meters I got 1.21 m, so I guess i'll find out later if its right. Thanks for the reply. edit: 1.21 m is wrong, ahhh!
  10. lmfao. The operation may not be legal there, but Jesus Christ, are contraceptives illegal in Corrientes as well? Apparently the problem of over-population has never crossed this guys mind. I'd also add it's just as much the women's fault as it is the guy's, they should all be publicly flogged.
  11. Question: An interior staircase has steps with a rise(height of step) of 18.5cm and a run(depth of step) of 21.9cm. The height of the staircase is 4.07m. It is desired to make the run of a new staircase 27.4cm. How much farther into the room will the new staircase go? (Answer to be in meters). I don't really get what they're asking for, I guess I just need help setting up the problem...
  12. I got 500 min. for one and 170 for the other. but I could be wrong.
  13. I was just explaining how some people view it,thats all.
  14. The arguement that some of these theorists put forth is that it was this reptilian race that created us, some mixed with humans (the forbiden fruit in the bible) and now there are and always have been these hybrids in the ruling classes in the world. One thing they like to point out is the Merovingian bloodline,which I hear Bush has relations to but I'm not 100% sure on that,and of course what happened with this family was that somewhere along the line, one of the Merovingian females mated with a sea-god and had hybrid offspring-thats what the Merovingians claimed anyways.
  15. I dont agree with this theorey simply because its lacking evidence (at least any that I have come across). We dont know how we got here so it's just as good a theory as any. Proponents of this theory base this idea on a few facts: Royalty is indeed conscience of their bloodlines and many ancient cultures talk about reptilian god-like beings. This doent really prove anything but we havent come up with a good reason for our existance yet-so I say let everyone have a voice and believe what they want to believe. We never evolved as a sociey by agreeing with eachother all of the time.
  16. Yes I am as a matter of fact. I don't intend to change my viewpoint toward people who stifle humanity's progression with their callow opinions and lack of priority-sense.Keep in mind that the people you see wearing the face paint and screaming at the top of their lungs for no good reason also have the right to vote- quite frankly, that scares me. Maybe some people should be told what to spend their money on. I'd much rather see money go to feeding poor families or to teachers who make a difference in society than to have someone spend it on the latest football jersey so they can walk around and show everyone what a gullible tool they've become. Once again we've touched on the issue of priority. When people do not have the good sense to act civilized, society slowly but surely will decline-education is just the tip of the iceberg.
  17. It's unfortunate that the majority of Americans favor mindlessness over something intellectually stimulating- but that is probably the case with most societies. I'm not saying you're mindless if you watch sports.I'm saying that it's mindless to make sports a priority over something as critical as having an educated society. The money someone makes is not based on priority but rather on demand for what they're selling- even if it is mindless or morally repulsive. Look no futher than rap stars. What contribution are they making to society? None what so ever. Do they deserve to be filthy rich? In my opinion, no. But do they appeal to masses of misguided children and the mentally declined? They certainy do, and this affords them the opportunity to make massive amounts of money. If you want to change this staus quo, you have to reshape society. How do you do it? Government perhaps? Who knows...
  18. hotcommodity


    lol. Its really hard to say. Some people believe in some sort of mass conscience awakening in 2012, some believe it will be a polar shift, and others think the date is miscalculated and has already come and gone. I'm not about to assume that I understand anything about ancient beliefs and mentality,especially when it comes to the Mayans,but it really makes you wonder if they knew something that we dont. Not everything about ancient civilization is primitive-look at the pyramids, the nazca lines, stonehenge,etc. Clearly there are some things that they were cognizant of scientifically that we simply cannot understand today. The question is if this factors into the Mayan calender,and if so, does this doom the majority of civilization?
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