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Everything posted by Inspiration

  1. our choices are as follows: combustions and fuel efficiency prevention of metal corrosion photographic process using silver (Ag) ions voltage concentration of acid cells voltag rate of H produced for electrolysis of salt solutions determining the energy required to deposit 1kg of a USEFULL metal form its salt solution best conditions for electroplting (voltage, concentration, plat surface) determing the reactivity of certain metals ****** this experiment needs to be kept simple as we only have 1 70minute lesson to conduct it... any ideas, or leads to ideas for SIMPLE experiments in this fiels???? the asterisked points are experiments we have already conducted and are as such a last resort, any other help with the others would be much appreciated, but i have to keep it simple!!
  2. thats already been said though.. also, look up salts, they dissolve quite readilt in most instances (not just NaCl, but nitrates ect. as well). Alkalie metals vs alkalie earth metals. i believe you will find there is a subtle difference ie, the alkalies are generally soluable whereas the alkalie earths are not... Other than that, E^0 values (E naught) and KSP (slubility constants) will come in handy for you at some stage in senior highschool too but dont worry about those too much for now. Fun times await you, our chemistry teacher is that fine line between genious and crazy, also he believes everyone is a mindreader and as genious as he is...
  3. solid (melts) liquid (evapourates) gas when you are making coffee or tea, why do you make it in hot water??? it dissolves faster, because the mollecules of water are moving faster and hence hitting it at a faster rate.... try applying this reasoning to your question.
  4. lol, i remember doing an experiment like this in grade seven. we went to a science centre and we were asked to build a "capsule" for our egg out of stickey-tape and straws. some were verry effective, others were not, the materials you use will have an impact on the results-- it should be something with a degree of rigidity, but not completley rigid (absorbs impact)... look for materials that dont just go "thump" when dropped. and obviousley something light. Oh and containing gas is hard to clasify too, everything does, but like my primary school example (im in grade 12 now) something hollow, like straws, thats not sealed technically contains gas, but is not a CONTAINER for gas..... they do well. The second point to my story is that although all groups used the same materials, not all were as successfull as others. when our team got to the second story, our egg cracked, whereas other teams got to the third and fourth story. DESIGN is crucial, like i said, your design needs to ABSORB the impact, not just TRANSFERR it.
  5. hey guys, im a high school gr 12 physics student *harsh*, and we are doing a seven week EEI (extended experimental investigation) which i and my partner are having problems finding an idea for. our school has (if you are familiar with it_ alot of texis instrument calculator sensors so they are not a problem... but the report writeup needs to be long and we can only think of simpleish experiments... ANY IDEAS?
  6. BTW, what would those methods entail? Accurcy is a major point in our school (moreso precision i suppose) but would this second "accurate" method possibly be available in schooling systems, or easy (budgeted) to obtain the materials for?
  7. thanks for the info, our physics teacher has just got some polrized platic , (unsure of the term)"pieces" in. Not too high tech, but still effective. help is much appreciated. Although if anyone can think of a low budget experiment (highschool student, shall i say more?) using other methods please feel free to post suggestions. Thanks alot, my partner and I appreciate it!
  8. hey, i am a gr.11 studuent who has just been given an EEI regaurding (really a number of topics, but my chosen one would be of: ) either the refractive index of certain liquids or investigating stress-strain of polymeres via Polarization (polarizer patterns). Would anyone have any suggestions regaurding the procedure for either? The first my partner should know a bit about ( i missed a large unit of work), but advice is still more than welcome. However the second of the two we have not touched on in our studies, and i personally find polarization interesting... so thanks for your time if you care to donate it
  9. Actually, atom it's weight can be determined by some simple additoin. An electrons amu = 1 / 1840 acutal mass (g) = 9.11 x 10 ^-28 A Protons or Neutrons amu = 1 actual mass (g) = 1.67 x 10^-24 (1 amu = 1.66 x 10 ^-24 g) Just to be picky.
  10. I can not honestly say i have seen many fractals, and the good ones (aka:not radically over-accentuated with colour) are hard to find. Though i do like the exhibit of teh "buddah" fractal in Wikipedia. And the "pythagorous tree" fractal generally creates a pretty nice image as well.
  11. I'm... he he he. well I'm not alloud to tell you, however i am a high-school student who is really, really screwed up int he learning process. i learn complicated things faster than simler things... remember them better to. And i also need some "inspiration" on some of my looming projects.
  12. hi, thank for the feedback. this was my first post so i wasn't sure how it would go. I think that may be similar to the passive osmosis experiment we did - involving a cellulose membrane, starch and potassium iodine. but thank you anyway, i appreciate any help i can get
  13. hey, im a Highschool student, and i am looking for some help on my curren t experiment - diffusion accross cell membranes. We have already covered passive transport, and now i am looking for an experiment (simple, due to our limited facilities) to do. Any ideas???
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