I don't really have biochemistry experience in this so I was hoping someone could give me suggestions. I have isolated an enzyme from whole animal tissue, but it lacks all activity. I ran a couple of native gels and it looks like it is denatured (bands appear the same as those boiled in sds buffer prior to loading). I have a paper where they refold the protein using urea, but they are refolding inclusions bodies from e. coli overexpression (long story why we use tissue...). First question, does refolding even work for proteins isolated from whole tissue? Almost all of the papers I have found are always working with proteins generated in ecoli. If it's still doable, I'll ask the rest of my questions...
What is a good concentration to have my protein at before starting? Low? How low?
In the protocol I have, they elute from their final column under denaturing conditions (8M urea), then dialyze away the urea step-wise (4, 2, 0 M). Would it be possible to just dialyze straight into 8 M urea, then follow their protocol?
What would you recommend for dialysis protocol (sample volume v. buffer volume, dialysis duration, number of buffer exchanges per concentration, etc...)
At this point I have a ton of pure protein... just denatured, so I have room to mess around with it I guess. Hopefully I'm not asking too much, but I would appreciate any and all suggestions.