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Everything posted by nova31589

  1. if you are going to tell a friend you have feelings for them you say that you like them but do not want that fact to come between your friendship. I've done it twice but i was kinda lucky and they both returned the feeling. unfortunately they both said it on the same night... not pleasant. i was hated for about a week but then we talked it over and agreed that it was probably for the best as it might have ruined our friendship if we broke up. that was definately a desicion that i do not regret as i broke up with my gf and things just got real weird between us... my advice never say you love them untill you've been together for about a month OR unless she says it to you first because that way you know that you are not putting too much pressure on her by saying it... any who thats my advice no doubt that resolved your problem with this girl but just for future reference...
  2. pft she drinking... so what??? if she was being like paris hilton and going around flashing people or making sex videos then it would be ok to be worried about her being a bad role model but drinking??? come on im a teenager and i drink occasionally as do alot of my friends and were still healthy toung individuals
  3. hey saske bout time u showed up on this forum
  4. i got into science by watching CSI and other forensic science programs when i was about 13 and when i actually started thinking about it i was good at science!!! and found it easy to understand what the teachers were on about and never studied for a test unless it was helping a friend out so basically im just a natural science geek!!!
  5. ok that i did not no sorry if i offeded u
  6. maybe bt who r we to meddle in we do not understand???
  7. im sorry i mite be missing something here bt how can CHRYSTALS be the solutions to many of mans problems??? ok so they use CHRYSTALS in many anime films/shows (believe me ive seen more than i can count) but come on uve got to wake up to reality... magic CHRYSTALS are not real... at least ot the extent of my knowledge oops...
  8. hey all im new im only 15 and already im a science geek and want to become a forensic scientist
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