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Everything posted by krstlmthd
okay before i say anything else first let me apologize. my last posts were not well received because i do not know the language of science. so i am going to try VERY HARD here to keep my enquirey scientific in nature. i do not know science but have read about science ideas so please bare with me the idea i want to know about is SYMMETRY. as i understand SYMMETRY is a burning hot topic in science right now. physicsts think the entire universe can be described through symmetry. i think this too. physics is very important to symmetry. now i read about SPONTANEOUSLY BROKEN symmetry. if i understand it right, this is why there are no two snowflakes that are exactly the same. they always CRYSTALIZE differently. what you end up with is a unique shape which is still perfectly symmetrical. so what i guess i'm really asking is about what happened after the big bang. can it be described like a snowflake. did the universe crystalize out of the big bang through spontaneously broken symmetry, just like a snowflake? thank you for taking the time to read this. and please don't laugh at me, i'm just trying to learn
i name myself after the crystal method which is my favorite band
okay thanks people, this is all good to know. i guess i wasn't making an informed decision before but i guess i am now. thanks.
i also want to say that i have been working on my theory for a long time too but not really 15 years probably more like 5
sunspot that is scary because it is a lot like my theory of the universe i like to think of consciousness the same way like we are all hooked to one big multidimensional geometric structure that i call the ASTRAL PLAIN where all of our thoughts intersect
what's wrong with this? it sounds incredibly interesting to me
yt2095 that is great to hear have scientists found the chi field yet bascule why should i read that book? i don't think it's about crystals
no it was not just a halucination. she was real. i know this because she told me a story that i could NOT HAVE POSSIBLY known before she told it to me, and afterwards i asked my parents about it and they said it was true and were amazed to hear it. so you can't just say it was a halucination because otherwise how could i know the story she told me?
okay your right i will go ahead and try to explain. okay the first thing you have to understand is that EVERYTHING is interconnected in higher dimensions. this has been confirmed by quantum physics. nothing is seperate and everything is connected together. are you following me? okay good all right next thing you need to know is that the whole universe is based around symmetry. look at a snowflake. that is symmetry in action. snowflakes CRYSTALIZE into a pattern through what is called spontaneously broken symmetry. and that is what the entire universe is. it's like a giant multidimensional crystal that is constantly crystalizing. the crystal is timespace and what we call NOW is actually where it's crystalizing. i am sure if we could zoom out on the crystal of the universe this is what we would see. it's like each moment is determined by the structure of the crystal which already exists and the crystal continues to freeze and crystalize as we move forward in time. so yeah, that's it, the universe is a giant crystal
okay so i read the mathmatic objections to TIMEWAVE THEORY and i didn't get it. it sounds like that guy didn't like it because he didn't UNDERSTAND it. i ching is not numerology it has been used successfully for centuries to predict the future you people just aren't open minded enough
science says that the SPIRIT REALM does not exist. this is a place where you do not have a physical body, you have a spirit body or dream body. some say the SPIRIT REALM can be accessed through the psychedelic experience when you connect to the ASTRAL PLANE and transcend TIME AND SPACE as you enter a metaphysical reality where you can talk to anyone who has at any time connected to THE ASTRAL PLANE. i was recently tripping ACID and as i was peaking i talked to the ghost of my dead sister when we both connected to the ASTRAL PLANE. she told me all about what it's like to be dead and said that i should not be afraid of death because it is not the end, it is merely a transition. i found her words quite comforting and it was great to see her again because she was taken when she was very young and i miss her dearly. i know the late grate scientist DR. TIMOTHY LEARY did extensive research into the ASTRAL PLANE although i do not know if modern scientists have continued his work or not.
terrence mckenna derived the FRACTAL TIMEWAVE out of the KING WEN sequence of the I CHING. i have looked at his math and it is very complicated and i do not understand, plus I know nothing about FRACTALS except that they relate to the structure of CRYSTALS. it is my theory that the universe is really just one big giant CRYSTAL and i think terrence mckenna went a long way to prove that with the timewave. he says that history is feeding back on itself and that time resonates over and over again and that these resonances are increasing and will reach infinity in THE YEAR 2012 WHICH IS THE END OF TIME. he does not explain what happens in 2012 but says that man will produce the TRANCENDENTAL OBJECT OF THE UNIVERSE as we get closer and closer to the GREAT TELOLOGICAL ATTRACTOR. can anyone look into the math behind TIMEWAVE ZERO and explain it to me?
hello i have extensive psychedelic experience which has given me great and vast enormous insights into the true nature of the universe itself. my research has been very difficult and taken many many years to compile, but now i think i am ready to share my theory with the rest of the world. my problem is i have put a lot of work into this theory and i am worried that as soon as i publish it someone else is going to copy the whole thing and claim it is they're own and take all the credit that really should go to me for coming up with the theory. but i think my theory explains everything including GRAVITY and LIGHT and the structure of CRYSTALS which makes it more advanced than any theory of physics to date because so far science has been unable to explain GRAVITY and the true nature of CRYSTALINE STRUCTURE which has been a mystery which has eluded mankind's explanation since the dawn of time. is there somewhere i can publish my theory that will insure that i recieve credit for my ideas? i don't want someone else stealing my theory!!!
does anyone know what the long term affects of meth are ?
wow there are lots of naysayers here, but it is so good to hear that science is harnessing the power of CRYSTALS to do good for mankind. i also believe that our body projects an invisible energy field which many call the AURA or perhaps the CHI which the presence of CRYSTALS can alter and that science has indeed studied this behavior although maybe not the science you know: http://www.indianreikimasters.com/crystahealing.htm
well i came here looking for reasonable scientific debate. but i guess that doesn't happen on these forums. oh well. all you ignorant people need to read up about how CRYSTALS are changing the shape of fusion. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v434/n7037/suppinfo/nature03575.html
hello i am very interested in CRYSTALS. unfortunately my training is not in science. it is in spiritual mysticism and magic. there are many metaphysical properties attributed to CRYSTALS and i was wondering if any of these properties have yet been confirmed by science. i have recently heard of the use of CRYSTALS to create fusion devices and believe that CRYSTALS hold the solution to peak oil and all of mankind's energy problems. can you imagine a future where CRYSTALS are used to create cheap energy wherever it is needed through the powers of fusion? well i am anxiously awaiting your response because i believe that CRYSTALS will provide the solutions to many problems presently facing mankind. thank you.