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Everything posted by Billwaa

  1. I felt guilty for our speices. I believe we will the last speices to survive because we are human and we will do anything to ensure us living. For example, if there is another asteriod strike Earth, there will probably another ice age. We will probably gather all the organisms on Earth and burn them up for heat to keep us living. Or we will move to another planet and take over. Remember we might not know what's on moon. Maybe there are organisms so small there we can't even see. Or maybe organism that don't have cells or DNA.
  2. I am at the same swimming pool with a very famous singer in HK at a hotel.
  3. man, I think it's over.... Too late for me /.\
  4. yeah, I think the site went down
  5. "Nothing is Impossible" - me "For me, sky isn't the limit!" - me
  6. I just learned this ideas a couple days ago: There are about 5 mass extinctions in Earth's history according to fossil record. According to the pattern, it seems like we are due for one. My Bio teacher told me that the extinctions already began, but not directly apply to human becaues human are the one who caused it. We are destorying rain forests, every week, there are 40+ spieces becoming extinct. We don't have a chance to study those spieces before they become extinct, therefore, we might destory the cure to cancer and other 'uncurable' dieseases. We going to end up making ourself extinct. Do you agree?
  7. I think there are always batcteria everywhere. No matter if you cook it 100% or not. It is becuase even after you cook it, new bacteria could always get on it from dusk, dishes...
  8. I am in Biology and made a poster on DNA Engineering for Genetic Treatment. What do you guys think? I print it out and is giving a presentation on it tomorrow. It took me a couple hours to draw the background and edit/fit all the picture in.
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