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Everything posted by pHoToN_gUrL

  1. A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up!" After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up. The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?" "No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"
  2. why don't u just put the shirt in a plastic bag n tie it up or some thing? i don't know about the biological prespective, but i do know that it's pretty selfish to make others in the office suffer just becuz u worry that u'll miss a gym session. Btw, do u take a shower after the gym? if not, then all those bacteria r sitting on u while u work, EWWWW
  3. this might help: http://www.computing.net/howto/simple/keyboard/
  4. i'll go ask my algeo techer
  5. u can join the points where the circle cuts the triangle to the centre of the circle. Then u'll get 3 issoceles triangles in side the original triangle, n x would be the base of one of these issoceles triangles. And then....(i donnu the rest, still thinking)
  6. oh wow.....i guess. well, i really don't belive u BUT it could either be a cat, or u cut yr self while sleeping.
  7. hey, i havn't been on this site for a long time so i guess i'll introduce my self again. I'm currently in grade 12, n will start my first year of engineering studies in September (yey). My goal is to become a biomedical engineer, n help sick children.
  8. hey, i've been a self harmer before, cutting my left wrist, but thankfully i'm passed that now. But the problem is that evey time i get upset, or nervous, i feel my left hand/arm shaking. Like if i hold it up high it starts shaking. I don't think this is a nerve problem since i never cut too deep or for too long. DO u know why does this happen? and how can i help prevent this? thanx
  9. I wouldn't marry a model, i also wouldn't marry a nerd. I would marry a good looking smart guy, who could think for him self n knows how to take care of his looks:-p
  10. quite simple formulaes....would u plz give an example of one such formulae?...also, what does if mean to run it over and over? does it mean that the formulae is graphed multiple times?
  11. conditioned? by what? what conditions us? we all "feel" just like we all have 2 eyes, 2 ears....is there a segment on DNA that codes for feelings?
  12. "happiness" feels to different ppl in various degrees, but there is a feeling that almost every one experinces and describes it as "happiness". When people feel happy, the feel a specific thing and that's how they are able to label that feeling as "happiness", and that's why to some degree happiness feels the same to every one..
  13. our DNA codes for 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes, etc. and that's y most of us have 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes...but i don't think DNA codes for feelings, does it? how is it possible that happiness feels the same to every one, so does other feelings like sadness, shame, etc? where do feelings come from?
  14. wat's pi day????????????? y is pi such a popular number? other than the fact that it is used for many mathematical purposes, wat's so special about pi that sets it aside from other known values?
  15. I know that there are fractals in nature, like snow particles n plants, etc. But the fractals here r all colorful n artistic....do they really exist, or were they made by artists?...if they exist, where do they exist?
  16. Yes, it's sick joke.... the person who wrote this is a total idiot...tell her this: "Your joke really sucks babe."
  17. hi, i have a list (java applet) the has the following: Hamburger Cheeseburger Crispy Chicken I want to make another list beside it, so that when the user clicks on one of the items on the first list, say Hamburger, description of hamburger shows up on the second list. And when the user clicks on Cheeseburger, second list clears up and then shows description for cheeseburger, and so on. How can i do this?
  18. Scientists believe that they discovered water on one of the Saturn's icy moons. This discovery was made by the Cassini spacecraft, and shows evidence of liquid water resources that erupt from natural hot springs on Saturn's moon Enceladus. http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=scienceNews&storyID=2006-03-09T221913Z_01_N09208250_RTRUKOC_0_US-SPACE-SATURN.xml
  19. but the anteena's that r used in cellphones need to be really small' date=' so that's why use fractal anteenas which hav fractal geometry cuz they make it possible to place a considerably long wire in a very small area.[/color']
  20. Some artists use fractals in thier work. But fractals have technological applications too. For example antenna engineers use lots of small antennas n either place them randomly or regularly spaced to make antenna arrays. These fractal anteenas power important applications, ex: signal intelligence, RFID, telematics, military, aerospace, wireless, cell phones. Here are some pictures of fractal anteenas: http://www.antlab.ee.ucla.edu/~johng/art/fractal_collage.jpg
  21. Light interacts with the atoms in the material when it strikes it. The corresponding effects depend on the frequency of the light and the atomic structure of the material. Materials that are not completely transparent either absorb light or reflect it. When an object absorbs light, the energy of the oscillating electrons increases the motion of the the atoms of that object instead of going back to light. This heats up the object. And I think that the increasing temperature causes the object to undergo chemical change. And it is this chemical reaction that alters some physical properities of the object, such as it's color n shape, n makes it ware out. The rate depends on the material itself, light's intensity, n the lenght of the time of interaction.
  22. did u eat it?
  23. Indeed...fractals are unpredictable' date=' sensitive to small changes, and appear chaotic, even though that they were created using very straightforward, non-chaotic equations. Mandelbrot is the most famous fractal n has been referred to as the most complex object in mathematics. It is described with this equation: Z=Z*Z+c. Of the two images that RyanJ posted, the one at the right is the Mandelbrot Snowman Fractal. Fractals in nature: coastlines, clouds, rivers, mountains, lighting, seashells, trees, flowers.... Also, recent versions of the inflationary cosmos theory suggest that the universe is a huge growing fractal [/color']
  24. a cockroach can live a week without its head (it dies of thirst). female black widow spiders eat thier males after mating. the thermometer was invented in 1607 by Galileo some dogs can smell the presence of autism in children. more germs are transfered shaking hands than kissing. some species of bamboo grow at a rate of 3ft per day. saturn would float if you could find an ocean big enough.
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