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  1. Just joined the forum, glad I found this site. Looks very informative. To be 100% honest, I have no real history with any sort of programming or anything like it. A few years back, my brother had a "intro to c++ book" which I looked through a little bit, but when he went back to college I gave it up. I'm 19 now, and never really thought about computer science or engineering as a likely path, but it just kinda struck me a few weeks back that I would like to try to learn a little about it, even if it never turns into anything other than a hobby. I know I come across as a complete newbie, and I definitely admit that I am. I have always been kinda the "self-teacher" type. Before wasting a few hundred bucks registering for a CS class next fall, I thought that I could spend my summer trying to teach myself some basics. If anyone could point me to some good resources (books, websites) etc, I would really appreciate it. I have spent the last couple weeks looking for a good intro-book on the topic, but even though I have found a ton of stuff out there, I'm not sure where to start initially. Hope I didn't ramble on too much. Again, any help/advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated
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