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Everything posted by fatmanpalmer

  1. Damn just read their shipping conditions I need to be a US citizen i'm unfrotunatly a UK citizen. Do you know of any UK suppliers that provide a similar service.
  2. Thanks anyway YT2095:-) I've found hometrainingtools.com http://www.hometrainingtools.com/catalog/chemistry/chemicals/chemicals-m-p/p_un1271.html
  3. It is in products like lighter fluid and most chemicals labelled Naptha or petroleum solvents but as I'm intending to use the petroleum ether as part of a filtration process it needs to be particularly pure stuff.
  4. First off I don't want to break any laws (UK or international) or at least I don't intend to:-) I was wondering if anyone knows how a private individual such as myself (I'm legaly an adult) could obtain small quantities of petroleum ether. Ebay is a dead loss as is amazon and everywhere else only sells to registered companies and in massive quanities 25gallon.
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