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  • Lepton

socialpsych's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. We are looking for volunteers to complete an online Psychology study titled "Exploring self- and other-perceptions in a number of domains” By completing the study, you will have the opportunity to enter a draw for a $50 Amazon gift certificate. The study only takes you approximately 40 minutes! Please click on "START STUDY" below to participate! START STUDY Thank you! Researchers: Vanessa Buote under the supervision of Anne Wilson and Erin Strahan Institution: Wilfrid Laurier University
  2. We still need participants! For those who are interested in entering the draw, please complete this short study. Thank you!
  3. We are looking for volunteers to complete an online Psychology study titled " The 'old me' did it: Implicit theories". By completing the study, you will have the opportunity to enter a draw for a $50 Amazon gift certificate. The study only takes you approximately 15 minutes! Please click on "START STUDY" below to participate! START STUDY Thank you! Researchers: Cindy Ward under the supervision of Anne Wilson Institution: Wilfrid Laurier University
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