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Everything posted by bluesmudge

  1. Post in question was made yesterday http://www.scienceforums.net/showpost.php?p=310619&postcount=22 I can edit other post from that day. Logged in at uni and made the post, log in back home and can't edit it
  2. **pretends to understand**
  3. Soon it'll only be you and the cleaning staff - oh and that one bloke they employ to change lightbulbs
  4. Cannot edit a post i made from another machine - any ideas?
  5. we could analyse the text or we could read the preface -either way
  6. hmmm personnally i agree with everyone else - but glad to know its no one around here
  7. doesn't the climate genrally fluctuate anyway? i know we're speeding it up, but hey its gotta happen again sometime
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki is generally good place to start for stuff - especially if you're not too fussed about it being in the medium of book
  9. Your copy of Origin of Species would have most certainly been adapted for a modern audience - they tend to be abridged, and replace most of the rubbish like 't'was' and 'how kindth thouest gentleman be, for sitting on an onion tree' . . . makes the text flow easier for the short attention span generation . . . if you've ever tried reading the original war of the worlds you'll see this. the tree is right you're mismatching genres. In the 1800's there was a very low level of people who could actually read and write only the rich and educated could even afford books, let alone read them. The Origin of Species is something of science for the eyes of people who would understand it, he uses a specialised sociolect / lexis, he uses compound sentace structures, all of this is to raise him self above his target audience so they see him with some authority and believe what he is saying. Hes aiming in a diffrerent direction to which a novel would - i hope the piece you gave us is a extract from a Darwin diary or something - else you've got a problem (no one would go looking for a lost book of darwin's whilst he was still alive especially as darwin's theorys cause so much controversy only the scientific would follow him
  10. perhaps a forum with such a provocative name is just asking for problems!?
  11. wheres the "I can't read i'm Dyslexic" option?!
  12. Halls is just short for halls of residance - the university supply halls for 1st year students to live in for the first year, then you're expected to make your own arrangments. Most universities allow international students such as yourself to stay in halls, or they often supply a place for people other than 1st years. Oh im studying computer systems at Oxford Brookes University In Oxford - http://www.brookes.ac.uk also University of Exeter is damn good - http://www.ex.ac.uk
  13. Feels like my mine is being torn away, like a tapestry and some angry Kittens
  14. Hey - I'm doing a degree in this area, and i must admit i would never hope to imagine to know everything - its great you've decided to learn program algorithms - might be an idea to pick a specific language first. C is nice and easy
  15. What we need to do is enter all those numbers into the finite probability generator, give it a really hot strong cup of tea and turn it on
  16. -------> startup items can me disabled with msconfig (start - - run - - msconfig) When i rolled out several identical machines that needed identical XP settings i remember making a ghost of the first to save time . . . a fresh install of xp + office + settings . . 3Gb? that fitted onto one disk (im fairly sure) and by disk i mean CD you see this was 5-6 years ago when those dvd burners were mainly unheard of, and the readers were still damn expensive! It took ages to make, and im guessing its compression . . damn good compression . . . a good thing to do would be to google 'Symantec Ghost' and see what the write ups say
  17. I hope i'm not being presumptuous but i assume in a science forum i won't have to explain what it means. Personally I like 'how many roads must a man walk down' ***Discuss***
  18. Norton Ghost is a good one for this if i recall . . . i've never done it for a full harddrive, but i've used it years ago to create a identical copy of windows with all the required settings for distribution on similar machines . . . If you've ever downloaded something which could be booted, like a distro of linux, they arrive in ISO form, which is then burnt to a disk, this image file is then bootable . . . i believe ghosting programs do the same . . . though how it would cope with anything larger than 1 disk i don't know . . i guess they compress and link over a number of cds . . . and i don't know what happens if you move it to a diffrent hardware setup, being XP it'll probably cope ok, but its not guaranteed.
  19. pardon me for asking but why do these companies approach you when you always have to ask our advice? It would seem no one minds helping out don't get me wrong, im just wondering if maybe you're over doing the self advertising?
  20. still theres a hell of alot of people who can't afford this stuff, or just won't upgrade till computer dies . . . Hands up who still owns / works on a computer that runs 95,98,ME, 2000? Or would be if an XP disc hadn't 'fell' into their laps?
  21. none of this really matters - since most people who buy vista for the next 2 years is going to be technical bodies such as ourselves, the market is far to saturated with XP and most people see buying a computer as a big step forward and thanks to extreme sales drives in the last couple of years alot of people have up to date computers which they wouldn't dream of replaceing for a couple of years at least . . . . . of course theres the upgrade to vista option, but most people not in the know will as people like us if its worth the £150 - £200 and we'll say NO So question - will vista simply fizzle out after an initial spike in sales simply becuase XP was too popular? After all this is the first time in history we have this kind of problem.
  22. I agree - although i did try WMP 11 and its awful which is a shame, becuase i don't hate WMP 10
  23. Don't be so condescending
  24. should really get me a dvd burner! - £10 to have it sent! They should take note that Ubuntu will send you as many disks as you want for FREE
  25. sounds to me RP might have imported the files into its library, but converted them along the way . . . . like itunes does when it finds WMA - if youcan't find windows media player then reinstall it see if that works - elsefind out what formatt they have been changed too and start looking for a tool to change them back
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