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Everything posted by bluesmudge

  1. isn't that the future of computing? distrubted systems - what with that bbc climate program (which though rubbish at process management) seems to be hooking onto the idea that the world itself makes up a bigger computer than the worlds current most powerfull machine - btw what its the world's most powerful computer these days? A few years ago i was told it was the mainframe being installed into the met office in the new Exeter head office, though obviously that won't be true anymore!
  2. just a note you can always get some good random iso burners from download.com, they'll be on trial versions, but they always seem to get the job donw
  3. lets face it most people round here will be introverted! INFJ myself
  4. correct you are - but remember vista will be around soon . . . . ish they it'll be a matter of time before it'll be dropped . . . and it wouldn't surprise me if xp is dropped quickly as well, in an attempt to bump people up to vista
  5. Windows burner doesn't support ISO burning tis part of your problem - nero does
  6. I would like to thank Klaynos for not unleashing his full evilness on the world - and would like to wish him luck in his future career as a Vampire - he knows what i mean
  7. bluesmudge


    finally this thread is making sense - Herme3 likes that girl he hangs round with at school, and she won't go on a date with him right? But you like her so much that you won't go on a date with other girls so then she'll know you really like her. IF you had the same social life as most of us you'd be of the same opinion, as it is you know one girl, and assume shes the one - theres a saying which generally girls use but i think it applys - You have to kiss alot of frogs before you find a Prince
  8. forgettin? - just order it online - pure lazyness
  9. bluesmudge


    or you could just go to a wedding, ALOT of people meet their life partners at a wedding
  10. laptop or desktop ? - why don't you expand?
  11. but what defines a science exactly?
  12. bluesmudge


    Better to have loved and lost etc etc
  13. would appear they joined to answer this thread as well
  14. damn small linux is what 50 - 60 mb? - im afraid i'll probably use mine for minix - damn minix
  15. Shame no one pointed out this http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/mp10/readme.aspx#System probably the quickest way to find out would have been to use the microsoft site and find out - personnally i was surprised it won't work, and if it were me i would download it and try it anyway . . . . but thats just me. As i say 2k is XP with a pretty face
  16. what sort of apps - you should do win xp is 2k with a funny looking start button
  17. Its an interesting idea that we're all sims, but one i hope isn't true thats for sure - but still when you look at it we have alot fixed parameters within our lives. 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day, 12 months a year . . . .each of our days are named the same from one week to the next. These are the sort of things you're do if you were programming - its easier than random day naming . . . . though on the other hand im sure someone playing god with us would make Christmas last longer, they would see its the one day where alot of the world is happy. And how the hell do you simulate feelings like sex?
  18. Must be about 6 weeks since i ordered mine - I bet we can't delete the rubbish off them anyway - or at least not using windows
  19. bluesmudge


    haha 32 what an imbarassing number . . . . im gald mine isn't THAT low lol And why have we not had herme3's come back on thread? I need another laugh
  20. bluesmudge


    Yeah im with you - don't have alot of time to be the whore of every science i like, so i guess i go for the ones im good at. . . . . im glad we could calm this thread down and make it less i can't get a date based!
  21. bluesmudge


    yeah possibly that would be better - i could bump my numbers by writing "my thoughts exactly " in every science thread, but i don't - i have made 36 science threads and i bet around 30 of them has been trying to be helpful - just becuase my area isn't the most active area i can't help it!
  22. bluesmudge


    then its not a true post counter is it? - what a load of rubbish! I could understand if it said number of Science posts but it doesn't!
  23. bluesmudge


    Yeah sorry for dragging this thread up again - it just annoyed me soooooooo much when i stubbled across it! **edit** can some one tell me why my number of posts hasn't risen above 36 for quite some time now?
  24. bluesmudge


    Herme, thanks to this thread i have stepped up my research into finding a way oh hitting people over the internet! Im sorry but you won't just find the perfect person, never works like that. You'll have no idea whether they are perfect for you or not unless you go on a date . . . most girls will think you're wierd if you decide they're perfect for you after 1 date, so it'll requore several dates. Dates are great fun! will we won't we kiss, will she laugh at my jokes, will she want to meet again . . . . and thats another point you'll notice alot of the time the ladies decide if we get another chance with them after the first date . . . always remember the women are in control, us men run round like idiots after them I think you're just scared to leave your computer - and im sure you'll claim that you're not and everyone here is wrong, and thats fine thats your opinion, and no one can claim you're wrong - BUT we can tell you you're opinion is crap and flawed. And those of us in relationships / which have been on dates / can make conversation with a woman / have met a real life woman are probably in the best position to make comment. oh i've googled for an appropriate dateing site for you, and surprisingly jackin' world came up :edit: - you obviously think too much of yourself if you think a girl would be upset if you didn't call her after a first date :edit2: - Sorry this all sounds harsh, i thought about removing it but i figured this is a science forum, and there is such thing as social science, and basically this is how frustraiting this post has made me feel, and editing my reply to being polite and conservative would be betraying the science *edit3* - oh and you're opinion that women will easily become upset if we decide we don't want another date is insulting to women they're not all desperate for our attention - women think and have their own opinions and are equally capeable of upsetting guys.
  25. True, but doesn't explain why it would fix itself after going into standby, which is why i was going down the drivers root though i've had random movement through cheap opticals, loose parts etc . . . . and roller balls go funny after a year without cleaning . . . . though knowing my luck it'll turn out to be a virus
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