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  1. Could you give me a simple example ??? I'm willing to learn. I understand that he has some kind of tricks to switch his predictions. All I interested on is decrypting his cryptogram to see if it's legit. I'm not interested with his magic tricks. I would really like to learn if a cryptogram could be decrypted into several legit string that resemble country's names. At least these country's names : BRAZIL, SPAIN, ENGLAND, ARGENTINA, NETHERLANDS and GERMANY. Any clues or thoughts ???
  2. Really ??? AFAIK for a cryptogram, there can be only one solution that makes sense. If a cryptogram has different results with different ciphers but still make sense in a known language, it's new to me and I'm willing to learn. Can you give me a simple example ???
  3. Well, if you put it that way, I'd say that unless you can proof that you're nowhere near a computer prior to and in the course of the whole event before the final, I'd say you'd be pretty much being hard to belief. I'm not trying to foil his tricks but rather try to decrypt the cryptogram before the final so I can see if his prediction come to life or not. Surely he's going to proof it with a cipher which I couldn't manage to decrypt at the moment.
  4. Hi all, a local magician/illusionist/mentalist in my country made a prediction about 2010 FIFA World Cup Winner. He made the prediction while he's isolated for 12 hours inside a dome made of ice build on a ice-skating rink. After he got out of the dome, he put the prediction inside a box with locks, witnessed by legal representatives and of course the audience. Then he hung the box outdoor about 50 metres high so everyone can see that no one can alter what's inside. He's going to open the box and reveal the prediction after the World Cup Final on July 11th match. In the meanwhile, he tweeted a cryptogram that he claims to be a country's name of the World Cup winner and he challenged everyone to decrypt the cryptogram and see if it's going to be 100% correct. I suspect a keyword of WORLDCUP. I'm new to cryptography but AFAIK there's no cryptogram that has BOTH alphabets and numbers in it. Or am I wrong ??? I tried to decrypt it but had no luck so far since it's only one string. Here's the cryptogram : NC1253HZ6 Can anyone decrypt this ??? Or is it just a hoax ??? Thank you very much in advance for your answers/explanation.
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