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Everything posted by Externet

  1. And another extract mentioning a patent
  2. I saw a documentary video ~40 years ago being done in Chile coastal high lands, was black&white. For sure was not then done with polypropilenes or modern plastics but some kind of netting vegetal fibers then. Seen a couple of other documentaries in the last ~30 years revisiting the same; and one more lately reported as a high-tech-wow! discovery of modern science. Probably a chilean site may report since when it has been going on. Edited: added link---> https://search.brave.com/search?q=chile+obtencion+agua+de+la+niebla+costera+antiguedad&source=web When I lived in Berkeley, California; every night rained under the trees from their leaves collecting the fog coming from the sea trough the San Francisco gate. One of the comments shown on one of the pertinent links https://www.bbc.com/mundo/participe/2009/04/090422_1224_participe_atrapanieblas_am https://www.bbc.com/mundo/participe/2009/04/090422_1224_participe_atrapanieblas_am Says... " It is not a novelty, I know those... ...since 1960"
  3. Good morning mister president. What is your vision for Gaza and Greenland belonging to the U.S. ? Are them to become others Puerto Rico or assets to trade for else ? In four years when you be replaced by your successor; what reversals will you hate the most ? By the way, is Puerto Rico on your sight ?
  4. Hi. Always thought an electric heater is 1500 Watts in; 1500Watts of heat out; or 100% efficient... Read about the ">100%" efficiency of heat pumps. Read about the theories of reversing a window air conditioner to heat a dwelling; consuming ~400Watts instead of 1500W as the heater and yielding more heat... Make me believe one or the other.
  5. Good morning mister president of the U.S. What is your plan to reverse inflation in the event your tariffs and actions are not successful to make the United States great and wealthier again ? Will you compensate me for the devaluation of the currency and worsening inflation ? Add your own messages below.
  6. Thank you. From the symptoms listed in your link; the 10V and the slow cranking behaviors tells there is no open circuit, checked all cells at uniform acid level, there was no lack of charging, there was no overdischarging nor overcharging nor abuse on a <2 year old battery. After reading; am more inclined to confirm it is a shorted cell.
  7. Hello. Typical 12V lead-acid batteries eventually die because one of the six 2Volt cells becomes short-circuited and so far, there is no way to repair that. Happened to me last month on -20C days. The then-healthy battery was under trickle charge and when attempted to start, 10volts!, barely cranking. One shorted cell... garbage... replace with new. Question is, the short circuit dissipates a considerable amount of energy internally, damaging (or thawing!) something. But never heard of that happening. Why ? Where that one-sixth of the energy stored in the battery go ?
  8. Augmenting insolation to solar panels is not done with lenses but mirrors.
  9. And where in the plan of "Make United States Great Again" fits a 5000 Km distant strip of nations violent during the last 4000 years fit ? Is Gaza a new province belonging to U.S. ? Use all your energy in reversing inflation; not in affairs of not your incumbence, mister president. Or will your personal pocket finance its reconstruction ? Because whenever your dream is achieved, I will not go any nearer to your NewRiviera resort hotel that will get crumbled again in the next battle a few years away with armament again supplied by U.S.
  10. Hello. Does it correspond to darkening degradation of pigments; is it related to lack of illuminated interiors of the times, or to focus attention to the intended image, or was it the background trend of paintings ? Seems once I read about 'cleaning/brigthtening' those centuries old artpieces with surprising differences revealing original colors. [Random dark images borrowed from the web]
  11. Geordief : My 34 year old fryer.
  12. Hi. More on cooking... How do you make the garlic gratings to stick to the potatoes while frying ? Too much floats on the oil and little stuck on the potatoes
  13. Saw it somewhere and did not pay enough attention. Decided to try... Dissolved the gelatin packet, I did not heat too much as thought the alcohol would evaporate, so to the refrigerator went and did not 'set'. Gelatine cubes of gin and a piece of fruit (mandarin) suspended inside, but poor result . What went wrong ? Does it need boil hot activation ?
  14. Hello studiot. Air on plain nasal-cannula; attached ---> https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2050163/
  15. Greetings. What do you know about using hydrogen gas; 2-4% as medical treatment ? What is your opinion ? -Yes, I have search engines too; am asking if you knew something about it.-
  16. Thanks. 250W/m2 Would be great! Efficiency I have is barely over 20 ! The intention is a better cumulative daylight integration of power collected. If deviating 5 lower elevation degrees from the optimal celestial noon yields a larger morning and afternoon watts collected increasing the daylight total, well, is to consider sacrificing a few extra watts around noon for a better yield mornings + afternoons... -if am explaining it well-
  17. Hi. This could be in other subforums, but here it goes. Placing a row of fixed solar panels on flat soil, the better perpendicular insolation elevation angles -at say latitude 380N- is about 40 degrees for winter and 60 degrees for summer. But that is for noon time. For say 08H to 10H and by 14H to 16H, the sun elevation is lower. And azimuth makes it even a poorer incidence angle. What ± elevation angle is considered a convenient compromise to collect most solar energy? Is that from some integral calculation ? My books do not suggest much on it.
  18. Thank you. The submerged rag end in image 1 then rises 3cm over the water surface to the edge soaking all its length and drips-over at the lower end.
  19. Good day. On top of a garden window I have, rain puddles on top and I placed a rag strip hanging over the edge. Works good; it wicks and drips to the point of emptying the puddle dry. Sort of a wick siphon. [ Image 1 below ] Can a wick pump water high within reason, to the point T and dripping at a lower wick point E well above the surface S ? [ image 2 above ] What are the limits ? Wick capillary properties ? Has anyone done it ? Is there a convenient type of wick material that is recommended/optimal for higher reach ?
  20. Hi. I would use 2 very parallel laser pointer beams (lines or dots). The distance between beams being the same at origin and at the wave tells the height. If these two lines below are laser beams distant -say 3 metres- from each other, when they hit the wave it will show also 3 metres apart on the targeted wave. >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> peak of wave beams source from shore >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> valley of wave. Or, something like this, if applicable :
  21. Of course the water freezing itself is not as much of a trouble; the bursting of pipes is the major concern. For the burst prevention, once I was building the plumbing in a remote cabin in the woods and inserted 6mm foam rods as used in filling cracks inside every pipe length in the dwelling. The expansion of ice compressing the closed-cell air bubbles in the foam to prevent burst. The building inspector did not like it only because had never seen such before. More entered to the subject; there is pipe heaters:
  22. Hello. The routing of food to the esophagus back of the larynx and air to the trachea on front... Is that crossover path the same in all mammals?
  23. Hi. Silver conductive ink is used to restore continuity in circuits. The Ag is particulate powder in suspension in a solvent that evaporates... I think. Is there any chemical solvent that has metal in true chemical reaction solution that when dried/evaporated, its precipitated residue is conductive metal ?
  24. Thank you. If you leave a glass of water under your bed untouched for a month; it will be then empty as it turned to vapor. If you heat water to boiling point, turns to steam. Is that wrong ? Isn't vapor the gas under 100C and steam over 100C ?
  25. Greetings.. Seen on data charts Sb boiling at 1950 C ; Sn boiling at 2602 C ; Pb boiling at 1749 C ... If water boils at 100 C, and emits/turns to steam above it; what do metals emit when boiling ? Themselves in gas form ? That gas, if cooled, precipitates / 'rains' ?
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