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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Thank you, studiot. +10 Never saw the 'right side' column, even at the university in neither fluid dynamics nor physics classes. Well explained and thorough.
  2. Those many sets of threaded, gummy, slick tires for wet, dry, cold, hot track are now all very wide with more tire contact area with the pavement. Never narrow tires, which should present muuuuch better aerodynamics. Does not go well with a formula with absence of the area factor. The school taught formula F = uN leaves voids. May be just approximate; or experimental; but that is never told by the teacher. Instead, I got the babbling , stuck in retina since the sixties. ☹️ In the fifties, seems started with double tire : -Images borrowed from the web-
  3. Hello. It was perhaps eight grade, and the friction formulas and the explanation of being independent of the contact area; asked the teacher why were then, the tires on racing cars wider. After his babbling of being 'different case' would like to know what he meant, over half a century later.🤔
  4. If any moderator could add [botany] to the end of the title; great. I forgot.
  5. One of these ---> https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=httpsvivipary+tomato%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fchannel%3Dfs%26client%3Dubuntu-sn%26q%3Dvivipary%2Btomato%23ip%3D1&iax=images&ia=images Edited: Found the actual site I was reading ---> https://www.epicgardening.com/tomato-germination/
  6. Good day. Done it many different ways year after year, bought seeds, extracted my own, dried, fermented, raw,... would like to know differences when removing the germination impairing gelatinous tissue around the seeds. Fermenting the seeds creates a mold on them that decomposes the germination impairing 'gelatin. Washing later, leaves clean seeds ready to dry them. Now, can that mold residue cause later illness of the growing plant ? Is my method of only brushing the extracted seeds in a sieve producing the same effect ? Also, some occasions seeds were planted before the drying stage. Is drying mandatory ? What differs ?
  7. What is the process to induce seeds to sprout inside the fruit ? 🤔 Tomato:
  8. Hello all. In a successful body weight reduction; the loss of mainly fat tissues, its mass becomes energy used by the body, or is excreted as urine, as stools, as sweat ? Where that lost mass goes / becomes ? Any byproducts too ?
  9. Hi. Carrying a load on a vehicle takes some horsepower; pulling it shows another figure. Is there an approximate percentage that tells difference ? Like towing 50 Kg needs 40% less horsepower than carrying 50Kg ? -Images borrowed from the net-
  10. Greetings. Too much speculation going on about what artificial intelligence A.I. will be like in the future from not clear-minded opinions. Give your grain of sand please. Will this forum survive with people or will be replaced by A.I. ? Will kids be taught QRcode at school instead of alphabet - perhaps with no teacher ? Will currency disappear ? Store clerks unemployed and people buying things talking to a display (with no need to talk) ? Yesterday went to buy a sandwich and at the register, a young 'cashier' girl behind a counter pointed me to a scanner, a credit card slot, a money slot, a receipt printer, a change vomiting machine all on the counter top oriented towards the customer and did not move a finger. What she did could be easily be replaced by a video recording. What type of activity will she perform a few years from now ? Similar at the supermarket for well over a year now, and spreading to the hardware store and more. There is no way to find a taxi, to buy a bus ticket, You are forced to pass trough the funnel of a phone application. And am not sure that is related to A.I. as has been imposed for a long time now. Will your refrigerator know what is left in it and when you voice 'prepare artichokes in oyster sauce for supper' it will place an order that will arrive by drone to an exterior door of a cooking appliance on time ? So far when I have said at a friend's house 'Hey google, make me a ham sandwich and bring a beer' that thinghy just plays music. What are real expectations, will my grandkids be glued to a 'smart' phone trying to locate some crumbs to eat ?
  11. There is a previous thread on the subject that contributes with answers. : --->
  12. Externet


    Laziness, yes, mental laziness is the factor. And whoever says that English is evolving : NO, languages do not evolve. Languages are degenerated and contaminated by lazy ignorants. Spell check ? Wait until A.I. takes over.
  13. Isn't speed of light / frequency = wavelenght ? and speed of light / wavelenght = frequency ? Instead of frequency / speed of light ???
  14. Thanks. Then impulse, impact, impetus... are not to be used. Momentum it is. Now; if momentum is hv and Energy is hv ---> momentum is energy ? Where am I peeing out of the can ?
  15. Thanks. OK. We are then not talking momentum p = mv = mass times velocity. It is then momentum p = hv = h times frequency = p = h/lambda What is h ? What is the formula E energy = hv ? Or, it is not momentum; it is impetus, or impact, or some other wording ? Is it wrong terminology ? Calling two things the same name ?
  16. Greetings. Those solar sails proposed for space probes collect the impact of photons to provide propulsion. I think. The photons stop moving when reach/hit the 'solar sail' or always bounce and keep going at the speed of light ? Is the collision to those sail surfaces the one that creates a force as reaction from their action ? How different is from a boat sail and wind ? The photons from the sun reaching earth provide some push ? How many photons hit the earth per unit of time; is there a tiny shift of the orbit due to reaction to photons ? -Explain as simplistic as possible, please-
  17. Many years ago I saw this photograph. As now you are into flamingos, symmetry and asymmetry, here it goes : From --->https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/nov/23/flamingos-in-formation
  18. Thank you. Of course. But some odd out-of-the box uses/applications can bring a big smile for $5.
  19. Greetings. How much of it is illusion or how much is a real illusion ? Never seen it before. How does it work ? There is a tiny video in the advertisement. Does it mean only specific simple images tailored for it can be 'projected' or any images can ? ---> https://www.temu.com/turn-your-phone-into-hologram-projector-3d-hologram-projector-pyramid-mobile-smartphone-hologram-3d-hologram-display-stand-projector-for-any-phone-innovative-toys-educational-toys-for-kids-g-601099518058229.html?top_gallery_url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.kwcdn.com%2Fproduct%2FFancyalgo%2FVirtualModelMatting%2F4ca44dc166c457f91ecc7a60eebb2ee2.jpg&spec_gallery_id=2000992561&refer_page_sn=10032&refer_source=0&freesia_scene=193&_oak_freesia_scene=193&sku_id=17592222549637&_x_sessn_id=bcpv3up1ne&refer_page_name=goods&refer_page_id=10032_1688605534190_2sl1h41x4r
  20. Thanks. Directional stability... Did not see that one. I was only seeing the digging itself deeper in the mud when soil was pushed outwards. instead of a faint opposite. Well, anyway all is the opposite if trying to back out of muddy terrain in reverse gear.🤨
  21. Hello. From the angle of the thread 'ribs' If the tires shown turn/slip going away from you, do the 'ribs' push some soil/mud towards the center of its path ? If it turns/slips towards you, do the 'ribs' push some soil/mud out of the tire path ?
  22. Well, if you ask, a few favorites, mostly old stuff midnight re-runs... 'MOM', 'Two and a half men' And wishing some day again, 'Married with children' 'Nova'
  23. Has it been published somewhere the last dialog with the surface vessel ? The last minute could reveal a catastrophic sudden failure or noticing a problem in progress. One single leak hole the diametre of a hair would entirely flood the interior with no way to stop it from the inside.
  24. Unsure if you mean echo locator as a ping beacon, or a 'repeater' attached to the Titanic that picks up nearby? submarine noises/com and relays in higher power to surface/distant receiver. If a locating/searching receiver is at surface -say 5Km- from a beacon in the lost submersible, to triangulate in 3D the arriving timing shifts of a signal to find its source, I have to assume it would take synchronized time receivers hundreds of metres or Kms apart to measure and compute direction for the 1500m/s acoustical propagation signal. And that is if they are not moving by currents/tumbling by the seafloor. Sea is not water at rest. If by magic they had an extra week or even a month of air supply, they would still be doomed, no food, no heating, no drinking water, probably no light in board. 🥵
  25. The "contact" communication with a submarine can be conducted in ultrasonics, ultra low radio frequencies, optical methods. Radio waves are severely attenuated in seawater. ☹️ Tridimensional directional sensing/finding at long ranges is not simply achieved, worsened by noise floor levels and interference masking signals. Side-scan sonar is very limited in range to conduct a search.
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