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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Thank you. That Worx shredder is tempting me for a while now... Do leaves come out like flour or not that fine ?
  2. Hello. A coil with a laminated iron core, put to spin... Would it generate some electric current in its windings just because the faint earth magnetism is in the way ? -No permanent magnets involved-
  3. Nellis? known as area 51; who is the top gun, master chief, six star supergeneral, total ruler, 'god' that does and plans and controls everything with total authority reporting to no one? Is from the Air Force or other branch ? Or is there someone at the Pentagon that controls that 'supergeneral' ? Seems that by ~2011, abruptly or simultaneously, many 4 star generals ceased :
  4. U.S. presidential election dictated by the electoral votes. OK. Why, how come, the democracy of an individual state differs its democracy from the United States democracy ? Each state elects their governor (State president with another name?) by popular vote instead of an electoral -county?- votes if the United States is united' ? 😦
  5. Greetings... You have a chunk of plutonium on your desk 🤥. What is the danger ? Is it its thermal emission; its electromagnetic radiowaves emission; other invisible emission; its dust particles emission; poisoning ionizing emission of (α),(β),(γ) rays ? What gets ionized nearby in its presence ? -The word radioactive confused with radiowaves to the public- If that chunk of plutonium on your desk is small as a grain of salt or larger as a golf ball, will it harm you slower or faster ? If that chunk of Pu is embedded in a plexiglas block; does it change anything ? 🤨
  6. Stoves use cast iron around the hot area. Perhaps you can find in plate form; or grille.
  7. Hello. Did not see suggested or mandatory sharpening angle range to drill concrete/masonry/tiles. What would it be with widia tips ? ============================================================== (Pasted) --- > Drill sharpening angles refer to the angles formed between the cutting edges of a drill bit and the axis of the drill bit. The angles vary depending on the type of material being drilled and the specific purpose of the drill bit. It is important to choose the correct sharpening angle based on the material you are drilling to ensure that you achieve the desired results and prolong the life of your drill bit. Here are some of the most common drill sharpening angles and the materials they are used for: 118-degree angle: This is the most common angle for general purpose drilling in materials such as wood, plastic, and soft metals. 135-degree angle: This angle is used for harder materials such as stainless steel, cast iron, and other metals. 90-degree angle: This angle is used for drilling in soft materials such as leather and rubber. 150-degree angle: This angle is used for drilling in plastics and other similar materials that are prone to melting. 60-degree angle: This angle is used for drilling in harder materials such as hardened steel and other high-strength alloys. 90/60-degree angle: This is a combination of the 90-degree and 60-degree angles, and is used for drilling in materials such as copper and brass. =============================================================
  8. Thank you, sir. What other countries have this same democracy system ?
  9. Thanks. So that is democracy ! ... Is that democracy ?
  10. Hi. Never got it clear about electoral votes, whatever that is nor whoever cast those votes. Yes, searched for it. Correct, have no interest in politics. Does it mean a candidate in U.S. elections can lose the election while having more votes count than the contender ?
  11. Thanks. I take it then like the foul smells are translated as an evolutionary warning reaction to 'not get closer' to a danger area sourcing the smell. Not as a 'you smelled it; now you are sick' And that the airborne smell molecules are too small to carry microbes 'on board' ? Thinking out of the box, if evolution has taught to stay away from foul smells, is it because that 'experience' has somehow harmed before ? Does it make sense to think that way ?
  12. Hello all. Rotten corpses, feces, decomposing matter are smelly because their particles get airborne and sensed by olfaction. Can those fouled particles carrying the smell, transport microbes as to propagate certain illnesses just by smelling ? (restricted to smell, not as splashes or mist)
  13. Thanks. That is a seventies model. The one I remember was like 40mm diameter x 120mm long; silver. Well, I will investigate the silver-zinc side of it...
  14. Hello all. I remember a flashlight in the early eighties designed for astronauts? with a near-zero self-discharge and with guarantee to work after stored for 10 years. Can you remember something about its name, chemistry...? Was sold as a 'high-end' gadget to fancy buyers to brag about it if they did not need a flashlight a decade later... I do not think batteries were removable nor replaceable. Looked like a stubby aluminium cylinder, took a couple of seconds to shine.
  15. Hello. Same as some sporadic images obtained from orbiting crews, is there something sourced by ISS, Hubbel, Webb... and similar telescopes out there ? Are images from these telescopes recorded and kept 24/7 ? Images borrowed from the net, like example time stamp after 7:00 : ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8NptJVwNL4
  16. Now a story... When I was like 12, saw at a construction site they were doing some masonry/concrete work and a bucket of water received cement dust on its water surface. Later, the surface with the cement powder layer floating on the water became a two dimensional layer of hardened plates that when someone touched the bucket, or wind, or a flint fell in it, the 'surface plates' cracked, separated, mounted on top of the one next to it, collided, sunk... Found it interesting at that age to learn the effect that later related as 'tectonic plates' movement, understanding it well.
  17. Well, I thought that velocity of sea currents would obey the slopes, same as isobars affect wind speed... Am wrong.
  18. I have one to identify too : From my backyard... Question, if being very poisonous, a piece the size of a grain of salt... or a grain of rice... or a bean... is consumed, what are chances to get ill ?
  19. Above minimum sea level, or, above/below ¨mean sea level¨ Seen both used as reference. The point would be to find the location of fastest (or slowest) sea currents at a given moment. (spacing between 'isotidal' contour lines)
  20. Thank you. -Same water surface level contour- Mapping (charting) the 'isotidal' image above, would be a line across that river, one side of the surface being a guessy example of a level 0.25m? higher. And changing (advancing) depending of the astral time of day. =============================================================================== This 'isotidal' above would show the similar curved line on a chart. Also, in function of time. ======================================================================= An 'isotidal' chart would show for the Mediterranean sea, lines from coast-to coast at Gibraltar; lines advancing eastward to Cairo denoting zero at lowest mean tide, stepping at any chosen graph interval (0.25m, 0.5m...) always in function of time. Closer together 'isotidal' lines would denote higher speed water currents (slope). Did I invent the isotidal word ? 🙄 If tide escalars level data exist for every port, an isotidal line would connect those points with same level at a given moment. Well... do these charts exist, as 'isoelevation' 🙄 in topography ?
  21. Thanks, studiot, as helpful as always. Trouble with my poor grammar as always; I was trying to express something like 'contour lines' for a given moment / time. Sort of 'isoelevation' / 'isolevels' 🙄 if there is a name for such. As in topography but for sea surface depending on astral positions in function of time. { Not as tidal current vectors }
  22. Greetings. Do isotidal maps exist ? Like Isobaric, isothermal do.
  23. Listening "Suavecito" by Malo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l91yWg_5xM0
  24. Found this and prefer to include it this thread.
  25. Hi, good day. Has to be a years old post or thread I (Externet) participated in or started about questioning if Alzheimer disease was related to aluminium. Tried the 'and' underlined terms with no success; and a few times got a rejection of waiting a number of seconds to do another search which was repeatedly wrong. Can I learn the trick to a successful find ? Like searching only within my content ? "My content" mentions 'attachments' Is 'attachments' non-text files added to text of a post or 'attachments' means posts ?
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