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Everything posted by Externet

  1. "Verbing" ----> the practice of using a noun as a verb. "is standard in English" ----> shows the degree of degeneration reached. Then it is not a verb. it is misused as such. But let's go back to Joules ?
  2. Am not the one to fix the constant degeneration of the English language, nor the blind acceptance by the lamb public with no regulating entity to obey... For sure the entry above is from a dictionary publisher, because there is no language regulating entity. ..."keep re-trying until it is hot." Because time is a wrong setting ? And hot means nothing, as hot for you may be warm for others ?
  3. Who will judge it was properly answered and not the one that will show up in a month ? If marked 'solved' , should not close the thread. Enough resurrected threads and opinions are found in old subjects. And that is what 'search the forum' is about. Learning/evaluating/polishing past answers. Marking as solved, closing, reopening, temporary, locking... that is adding more workload to moderators. Leave as is.
  4. To start, 'microwave' is not a verb, but less bad than 'nuke'. And irradiate sounds weird. To the point, the 'five minutes' <but your microwave power can vary, so adjust the time accordingly> Should it properly be instead of a timer, a Joules counter/setting dial ? Or Kilowatts-minute ? Could it lead to better recipes instead of the imprecise legacy? A tree that grew crooked, crooked stays. No 'irradiate 200 Joules' setting to your yesterday pizza?
  5. Hello all. Can anyone with a HP2510 series printer clarify this not found on its manual ? Which of the two ink level indicators on the LCD correspond to the black cartridge ? How to print test page and align ? I run Linux and there is no provisions to select such from its driver at the computer. Is it always supposed to print a test page and alignment when plugged to power outlet, or only when it wants, or only after replacing ink ?
  6. Hi all. Not trying to be annoying; but you have to see this. I do not think it is 'photoshopped/videoshopped' ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=224COMfMwtc
  7. Now it will happen...
  8. Yes, it was, also shiny and with a glow.
  9. Any theory has to be that piezoelectric delivers insignificant energy. Currents and waves are by far better exploited with conventional generation as turbines, hydraulics.
  10. Hi. Be careful if you attempt to change your avatar; it may disappear and unable to restore or replace. I could find no way; perhaps is allowed for intelligent people only.
  11. What is the basis or guidelines for whoever designs or prepares an I.Q. test ? Who typically designs or prepares such, from what profession or expertise ? Philosophists or other ? Is it designed different if aimed to an age group, social class, gender, instruction level, other ? Is someone with a lower IQ score capable of designing a meaningful test ? Do scores change by studying something or is it some mysterious digging into a testee's common sense or some other obscure skills ? I have taken only one test in my life, at school about age 15. -Please move this subject to a proper place if deserved-
  12. Telephone. Avoids having to use wheels, can order your luxury warm food on a plate .
  13. Thanks, gentlemen. Switches similar to that pictured one, not silver plated are intermittent and totally blackened with tarnish. Not about aesthetics. Commercial products usually work at the contact points when they are exersized while wet with the cleaner, but the rest and crevices stay corroded unless brushed which is risky to wipe/brush because of fragility of unobtanium replacements. Besides commercial cleaners, seen suggested warm ammonia, lemon juice+baking powder, salt+vinegar... Am looking for something that will avoid wiping/brushing that you may suggest. For my scuba equipment, I used diluted formic acid leaving everything super clean just by wetting a couple of minutes. Something 'magic' that will work like that would be great.
  14. Hi. There is several contact cleaners on the market, but none I have seen truly restores bronze/brass surfaces as factory new. What formulation could you suggest that would leave all surfaces shiny with no deposits, removing surface corrosion to bare metal ?
  15. The more convincing explanation I read is when an earthquake broke the isthmus of Istanbul and the Mediterranean sea flooded the low lands of the now Black sea. Centuries of history deformations ended as the biblical flood.
  16. E x c e l l e n t ! find, John. It works ! If I did it, anyone can. Now to add the cake flour, sugar and whatever else hoping to not mess it up. On my kitchen counter, attached.
  17. Hi. Usually you get the recipe and end with the cake. To get something similar as a fluffy/spongy 'angel cake' ; avoiding eggs... how to come up with a working ingredients list/recipe ? Baking powder + baking soda + lemon juice (acid) +... ?? Would you do the trial-and-error or there is some guessy science to it ?
  18. Not my expertise at all, just curious... If in the future, DNA manipulation can create a human with an exact copy of Mr. Albert Einstein DNA sample; does it mean that will be a bright thinker or there is a lot more to achieve such skills ? In other view, can such created human become a lazy idiot by other factors beyond DNA ?
  19. Perhaps it is not science ?
  20. Do you see any promising future for these vortex bladeless electricity generators ? Production costs against power generation capability ? How solid technology can this become ? ----> https://vortexbladeless.com/technology-design/ (Please move to 'Engineering' if better deserved)
  21. As solar radiation crosses a single glass window, its warming of the room is kept as the heat has 'difficulty' in exiting again trough the glass towards the exterior. In a dual pane window, after passing the external glass, there is little sun radiation to further cross the internal glass pane, warming the window. Does it mean that a room with two glass pane window will allow less solar penetration to warm a room than a single glass window ? (but will insulate better against internally generated heating system losses ? )
  22. Like the flywheel being attached to the central shaft ?
  23. ~40mA as reported is usually twice the maximum rated current for a "tiny" LED as described. If still emitting light, we do not know. The missing resistor value that needed when first connected depends on its color (chemistry). Example : If it is a red LED, and the battery is at 2.8V state Sustract the red Vf : 2.8V - 1.8Vf =1.0V For a 10mA recommended current by LED manufacturer, 1.0V / 0.01A = 100 Ohms series resistor.
  24. The shade of a plumb cord will trace a perfect north-south line at the time a chart shows sun azimuth being 180 degrees for your coordinates, or 12:00N sideral (astral) time; or when sun elevation is at maximum.
  25. A LED proper connection to two cells in series should include a resistor also in series to limit the current. Lacking current limitation, the thermal properties of the LED can increase the current demand as the LED warms up with elapsed time on. The batteries can also change their internal resistance with temperature with the elapsed time on. As the cells deplete, the current should decrease as the battery voltage gets lower in time. The time can be many hours, depending on the capability and charge state of the battery. Unequal state of charge for each cell can also cause unusual readings.
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