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Everything posted by Externet

  1. A very serious hydraulic pump may reach those serious pressures. If there is air above the surface of the hydraulic fluid, you may reach those serious air pressures by using a hydraulic pump. If the proper fluid does not self-ignite ! A serious container of guessing 3 inches wall perhaps can contain 20000psi Scuba air compressors will not go beyond 4500psi. Scuba tanks are for 3000psi and their wall is around 0.5" at most. Do your calculations on the volume of air that the car motor needs per revolution; the volume of air before compressing that fitted in the reservoir, and you will know how many blocks can run.
  2. When young, I used to have intense abdominal pain when - I went to the movies. By the seating position in that particular seat shape, or whatever. - When jogging or racing. Nothing serious or never to pay enough attention, always subsided in a few minutes. Did you experience any similar pain ? I cannot remember having the same after appendectomy around age 20. Any relation ??
  3. Ben88012 : Can you please let me know what equipment did you use to compress air to 5000 psi and can/plan to reach 10000 - 20000 psi ?
  4. Thanks. Yes, less weight is less friction for competitive steering; and can become airborne in straightways after losing traction.
  5. Leave the mass alone, please.
  6. Re-learning is not a problem, It is just a generation away. But we are stuck to qwerty same as we are stuck to 360 degree circles, 24 hour days, 60 minute hours instead of base 10/100/1000... Is typing a regular class at U.S. schools ? It was at mine overseas as a kid, hauling the lead typewriter for 12 blocks twice weekly...
  7. The heavier a racing car is, the less it performs. Spoilers provide more attachment to the track by pushing the vehicle down. Is this pushing down equivalent to increasing the weight of the vehicle ? If yes, the suspension compresses more at higher speeds. right ? -Stay with flat, level road, fixed spoilers...-
  8. Easy to make one. Put a shaft on a frisbee and a bearing ball in its channel. Then come back with results of the failure.
  9. Until about 7, I was convinced that as a norm, all my little friends spoke as me, a language at home with their parents, and another among us while playing and at school... I have no recollection at all how did I speak/understand/learn the second language used at school by 5 - 6. I did not realize until about 14; that I actually spoke/understand two different dialects at home, one with my parents and another with grandparents. And I was studying english as third language on the side by then. By 17, I was reading ciryllic. Forgotten now without much use. By 20, I could understand easily 80% of a fourth language from television programs. The interesting part is how they do not become mixed...
  10. Listening to the first 4 yearly awarded songs from 1964 to 1974 at the Sanremo festival. Something very ignored in U.S. by most. Perhaps 0.01% of U.S. music followers know about. OK... samples: ----> ---->
  11. Yogurt is supposed to be beneficial to digestive tract, contributing with live cultures. Does frozen yogurt contain live, dead or ´suspended animation´ cultures that become alive/active when warmed by ingestion ?
  12. Externet

    about Monsanto

    From what I know, Monsanto is not there to produce better/more harvests nor to feed the planet population. It is a money maker business geared to make money and more money from whatever product family they can push into the farmers, either seeds, pesticides... and if the farmers and consumers bite the hooks, better.
  13. Seems more an inflated fear than reality. If lead is that much bad, all of it would have to be removed out of the natural mines and confined somewhere. I do not see why leaded confined in glass is worse than a lead laden mountain.
  14. Smoking what ? Banning tobacco and allowing marijuana ? This is all upside down. Next is banning barbecuing and mowing. No more internal combustion engines nor camping fires, chimneys. Ground all jets, trucks, rockets... Much, much higher volume of smoke producers.
  15. Would it be good to explain it as a pipe where water flows freely (as electrons flow in a big wire) and inserting a resistive to flow piece of rag into the pipe, where water has to find crevices and pores in order to flow turbulently (as electrons would move in a thinner/resistive wire) ? Or several rows of people getting into stadium gates (non-resistive wire) and all the rows traffic restricted to a single open gate (resistive wire), causing friction between people . That turbulence/friction is the heat producer, were collisions to obstacles, among water molecules, electrons or people arms scraping against a wall in the restricted flow.
  16. Priceless ! But languages do not develop, -nor evolve- Users degenerate them.
  17. They will corrode undersea. Looking for plastic equivalents. Link was example of shape/construction/purpose.
  18. Is the method to generate sound in cetaceans analog to a human vibrating lips as in playing a trumpet ? Are the pressure waves in the melon organ direct result from 'lips' closed and opened obturing/releasing air many times per second ? It does imply some air exiting past their 'lips' while vocalizing; is that right ? The melon or spermaceti organs are to enhance volume by resonance, as a guitar body does, is that right ? Is the animal sound emission omnidirectional and its echo reception directional ?
  19. Photographic filter holders are usually metal. Looking for a source of plastic ones, to avoid corrosion. Need is to hold diaphragms instead of optical filters. Can be from any application other than cameras. Sample pictures ----> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/NEW-Camera-Filter-40-5-43-46-49-52-55-58-62-67-72-77-82mm/32655570830.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4_10152_10065_10151_10068_10130_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_10178_10136_10137_10111_10060_10138_10112_10113_10062_10114_10156_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099_10078_10079_10103_10073_10102_10096_10070_10148_10123_10147_10052_10053_10124_10142_10107_10050_10143_10051,searchweb201603_1,afswitch_1,ppcSwitch_5&btsid=146df83c-95b6-4753-b2d1-3cda58aa911c&algo_expid=c850960c-3731-4b5a-af29-60e21c040383-16&algo_pvid=c850960c-3731-4b5a-af29-60e21c040383
  20. An oven using electric heating elements creates zones that widely differ in temperature, depending on proximity to the red hot heating element. Some modern units with a fan for circulation of hot air inside, should be considerably better. Microwave ovens deflect radiation into all directions with rotary motion. Can some type of moving 'mirrors' be implemented to incandescent heating elements to spread the radiated heat evenly without air currents ?
  21. Thank you. Yes, ocassionally I get a 'script' warning halting processes, What are those 'scripts' ? I just click to ignore and resumes normal operation. Google? Sorry, don't do Google either, nor Windows, nor Explorer. I do not know what a virus is. Duckduck is the one. And as I pay service by the megabyte, advertisement blocker it is ! Edited -added : Well, found a definition of a 'script' and is not sort of a logo graphics as I thought... It is instructions used to automate processes on a computer. Bunch of pusher sites using any methods in a race to take control of users equipment.
  22. Hi. At some web pages, (mainly newspapers) the fan in my laptop always speeds up; which I believe such sites are pumping some content that I never see at all, because am using an advertisement blocker. Fan returns to 'normal' speed after exiting such sites. Does it make sense that blocked content still gets downloaded (but not displayed) increasing the processor activity ? When such hyperactive behavior happens, all browsing slows down, but pages show pristine clean, free of 'jumping monkeys'. Running Linux since '95, blocker since '07.
  23. With years of experiences, I would suggest to: - Pick the laptop that warms up the least, the cooler it runs the better; and can do what you want, brand not much important. - A removable/swappable hard drive, would be an important convenient bonus. Then you can swap drives with different operative systems.
  24. Thanks all. Your helpful clues helped searching, seems the tournament program could had been "Jeux sans frontières" if not the German "Telematch"
  25. Can someone remember the title/name of a sixties television show/program featuring competitive, athletic type of activities, with creative challenging games ? -Not standard sports- I remember little as being black and white; same exact era Shindig! was aired; usually took place in stadiums, participants were mostly teams of universities? or countries. By some reason I think Germany had some to do with it, but unsure.
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