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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Choosing electrodes for a galvanic cell, what is the way to predict the voltage such cell will generate ? By looking at the differential in a galvanic series table like ----> http://l-36.com/corrosion.php Which would be +0.25V (Zn) and -1V C) yielding 1.25 Volts ? Or by looking at the differential in an electrochemical series table like ----> http://www.chemistry-assignment.com/electrochemical-series Which would be -0.76V (Zn) and as C is unlisted there, say +0.34V (Cu) yielding 1.1 Volts ? Or some other way ? Would choosing instead, Zn and stainless 316 yield about the same potential of 1.2 Volt ? ----> http://xapps.xyleminc.com/Crest.Grindex/help/grindex/contents/corrosionMetal4_files/c03_2.jpg
  2. Endy: The 'indoor compressor' is related only to the example/comparison of flipping a window AC. Unrelated to the discussion. A 'heat pump' outside unit always has compressor/fan/coils. And those outside components waste heat to the outside winter cold ambient.
  3. Thanks Endy0816 Understand the flipping of a window unit; but such comparison moves the compressor to the inside, and the heat generated by the compressor, fan motor and heat remmants in pipes is then kept inside. In a 'heat pump' unit with a compressor unit outside, its heat is instead, wasted warming the ambient. In the link below, the heat losses generated by the compressor, fan motor, part of pipes is not considered. If that heat counts -say a kilowatt- ; it is a kilowatt wasted, is it ? : ----> http://www.allenhvacpro.com/Images/heat-pump-heating-ani.gif How can this be called 'more efficient' than having the electric furnace heating elements inside, where 100% of energy heats the dwelling ?
  4. Hi. Can someone explain how these units work, please ? As far as I understand, please correct : In summer heat, the compressor liquifies the refrigerant, it is cooled to outside ambient and evaporated inside the dwelling to absorb heat. In winter, the refrigerant flow is reversed by an electrovalve and the compressor liquifies the refrigerant and heats it, with its heat being released inside the dwelling. The cooled gas that delivered heat inside goes back to the compressor outside and is compressed/heated again... About efficiency; how can these systems be claimed as more efficient in winter; if a kilowatt is a kilowatt. The energy the warm compressor uses is vented outside in the cold, plus any remnant heat in the refrigerant at the coil outside. If the winter heating cycle was just inside with heating elements, like 'standard systems', zero heat is dissipated outside at the compressor unit. There is nothing getting warm outside, there is no wasted heat outside. Is this "heat pump in winter' a good idea? Light please ?
  5. No. It is about the question on which continent are the locations listed.
  6. At school looong ago, Oceania was a continent. Along the way, some genius changed the name. So, in which continent are now Marianas, Hawaii, Pascua, Philippines, Solomon, Galapagos, Marquesas, New Guinea... ?
  7. Yes, I saw that years ago, and found nothing newer.
  8. Is there any 'inert' liquid compound that generates electricity when hit by photons ? Like if sandwiched in conductive glass surfaces as electrodes. -I mean inert so will not erode electrodes chemically- Please move to 'Applied chemistry' if deserved.
  9. Is pain a warning to ourselves that we should not overstress certain parts ? -Say pain in a foot- is a warning to need to rest, lay down, be gentler in use of such foot, or worse conditions will develop ? Or a dislodged articulation; or a cactus spine stuck in the flesh... or... Physicians prescribe pain medicine so the -foot- pain is not felt and keeps you walking/running/abusing the ailment... but is ignoring the nature sign of 'need to rest' and worse conditions can easily develop ? Can pain medication promote worsening by masking/ignoring a symptom ? Does it make sense ? When I asked that to a doctor pushing me for pain killers, his jaw dropped and ignored my 'stupid' question.
  10. Hi. For surgeons?... What is behind the belly button inside an adult abdomen ? Seems there is something holding it 'pulled-in'. What connecting tissues exist attached to what organs/parts ?
  11. Except in the directions blocked by celestial bodies; like behind the moon, sun, behind earth itself...
  12. Stick to a friendly mentor with expertise in the field of your design. An old, retired person may have time, motivation and the knowledge you lack. Get a job in the field of your design. Do as much as you can about your designs and later, when done, hire an expert in the field.
  13. Because you are expendable and the findings in your work should be passable to your successors when you not be there so it does not need to be done again. What some employers omit is stating the importance priorities of your work. Should be 1- 'document that' first, and 2- 'do that'. Charles Darwin work would not survive today without his reports. 'Wikipedia' would not be very useful if there were blank pages that you need to fill properly yourself every time you want to learn something.
  14. Externet


    The same pressure as on the other side of the window.
  15. Noticed andean and amazonian people have much less grey hair. Their consumption of caffeine is not common. Probably other tribes in the planet show the same. If not another variable; -genetics-. Tried looking at pictures of their elders hair, and found most use hats. Which brings another variable to the table... If hats retard the appearance of grey hair. Combining variables does not provide very solid evaluation of causes. Check for dietary characteristics of people groups who do not exhibit grey hair to relate influences. Check if your ancestors had grey hair.
  16. If I understand you well; I would call the XYZ company and ask for the fraud department. That will get their attention. Then ask if the serial number is genuine, and distinctive markings. To fully utilize features, well, you try them one by one compared with a published genuine specifications sheet from the genuine brand.
  17. Thanks for your valid observation; yes, that is my logic. 'Negating the need'. I was pulled out of my birth country at age 5 and much later dragged by wife to U.S. With no schooling in my own european country nor participation/knowledge of its internal workings, am not in a position to push for changes there. Which are not really needed, things are very satisfactory and civilized. My original country is also being invaded by immigrants, and feel the U.S. president is taking a right preventive action. Emigration happens because the governments of emigrants countries are rotten. Bark at them.
  18. The protest should not be directed to the president. They are barking at the wrong hydrant. The citizens of the affected banned countries should complain to the terrorists of their respective countries as they CAUSED the preventive action. If no action was taken and a terrorist attack mishappens, the president would be accused of not taking prevention actions. So, have the protesters going to their countries and spank their co-national terrorists which caused most of them to inmigrate in the first place, fix or eliminate their problems and would be free to be welcome anywhere. And do not ask the U.S. to do it for them. Constitution plays no role as this is not religious. Meanwhile, as ALL peaceful citizens have been force-funneled to airport restrictions and security measures unable to carry that and the other, searches and more hassle by the fault of bad apples, Inmigrants will have to taste their own medicine by being funneled into restrictions. Same with the wall. Mexicans should complain and protest to their current and past presidents for not implementing a quality of life that they want, producing the emigration. Do not bark at U.S. government. That same U.S. government that made the U.S. a sought-after temptation to migrate in. The quality of a country is measured by sustracting the number of emigrants from the number of inmigrants. And yes, am a very legal inmigrant.
  19. Pictures of actual venturi tees in the market, or how to make them: ----> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ventury+t+plumbing&t=canonical&iax=1&ia=images
  20. Rephrasing... Is there any predator animal that visually follows prey footprints on snow ?
  21. English... interesting language... "Natural gas producing algae ?" Shouldn't it better be "Algae producing natural gas ?" Is the intended meaning left to imagination or guess ?
  22. Hi. Animals use vision, smell, hearing when looking for their meals. Never seen reference of a predator tracking prints in the snow, which seems a smarter/simpler/easier way to follow 'a meal passed here' Can smell the scent left in the snow, but seems that visually, print paths are not a clue to follow. Do you know anything about ?
  23. Those guys have a brutal diet... How is their longevity ? Anyone knows ?
  24. Would like to see a very intelligent self-driving automobile with snow masking the lanes paint...
  25. Thank you, Acme. Now I found a bunch, with parallel jaws too.
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