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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Thanks, gentlemen. No essential oils this time; just surprised of orchid flowers lasting over 6 months so far now, in my kitchen with no insects nor wind. Only steak fumes...
  2. Hello. For a small quantity of about a dozen, does anyone know which would be a simple source of printable clear thin vinyl sheets (as from office products stores), with glue layer for seeing the image behind glass ? To be fed to a plain color printer or photograph printer. Problem... printing white being one of the colors... Workarounds ?
  3. Do flowers that get pollinated wilt much sooner than ones that are not pollinated, as in insect-free environment ? The [botanical] title should had been properly written [botanics] instead ?
  4. I think it is isopropilic alcohol, or whatever the vendor wants to label as 'rubbing alcohol' I know of someone who wraps them in kitchen film 'Saran wrap' They do not fail either.
  5. To clean remote controllers, the best is to dismantle and wash with soapy water, brush and rinse. 'Rubbing' alcohol works too. Acetone can damage plastics. Dry in front of a fan thoroughly. To clean button contacts, the best tool is a pencil. The eraser gently cleans the contacts on a printed board, and the lead tip can reapply some conductive carbon on the elastomeric buttons back. If the remote insists to command poorly, a last resource is to cut tiny disks of aluminium foil and glue them well to the back of the buttons as to replace the faded carbon coat with a true metallic conductor. All my remote controllers live and work inside the narrow plastic bag that they come packed from factory, closed with clear tape.
  6. What I would do is removing the failing surface mount resistor and replace it with a stack of other surface mount value ones. Say it is a 10 Ohm, replace with four 40 Ohm soldered one on top of the other. That multiplies the power handling capability by 4 and there is no need to redesign pads and traces on the board, and barely makes it bulkier.
  7. Try 0.22 long-rifle bullet without the lead ? That is the smallest caliber, I think.
  8. Thanks, gentlemen. Learned something else from you today. As many other times. Is it safe, or accurate to say: "A mechanical linkage transfers motion with a delay equating/corresponding to the propagation speed of sound in the linkage material" ? Or, can your knowledge improve that wording ?
  9. ACG52... force ie soundwaves ? OK, Strange. So a 6100* metres long steel rod (held/guided in such way that will not deform) if pushed 1cm. by your finger at one end, will not move its other end forward until 1 second later ? * (Length chosen just because sound propagates at ~6100m/s in steel)
  10. Correct, but the medium (unobtanium rod) would be the one moving, not about the waves in it. Like hitting a rod end with a faster than sound hammer blow. The other end of the unobtanium rod will move (advance) before any sound wave transits within the loooong rod.
  11. Thanks. Do not use soundwaves as the 'data' transmitted by the rod. (Yes, it is mechanical too) A mechanical motion instead. Push 1 cm in at this end, get 1 cm out at the other end of the unobtanium rod. Or, push 1 mm to mean '1', 2mm to mean '2', 3mm to mean '3' ... as a non-binary 'modulation'
  12. Hello all. To maintain a 'fluent' conversation with a Martian colonization, the propagation delay would make it very different from what we are used here. Would the delays be different using lightwaves instead of radiowaves ? If a straight theoretical rod, (unbendable, uncompressible, unstretchable) extending between Mars and Earth is mechanically end-pushed to mean 'one' and pulled to mean 'zero' as method of archaic 'modulation'... What would be theoretically the transmission delay ?
  13. Externet

    Paris attacks

    <<The righteous pay for the sinners>> That is our modern way of life since the terrorist attacks, funneling good people into checkpoints and multiple other hurdles because the horrible actions of few. Back to fascist immigration ! And oust them, close borders. If good immigrants pay for the few sinners, well, that is our daily life now. Give them a taste of their own medicine, as killing as a sport is in their genes.
  14. Hello all. Seldom visit other people houses; and in ocassions I have found dwellings filled with a huge excess of belongings. Read that one cause can be growing in needy families with little belongings and posing a 'revenge' later in life. Surprised lately, seeing a place with barely a path to walk around, the dining table and chairs fully unuseable as all was covered with items not belonging there, books, piles of clothing, toys... Piles of things I could not recognize being in use. The kitchen counters used as shelves with no food preparing space left at all, all closets full of items with no apparent use. Is this an education/habits/laziness/disorganized personalities or is there some other 'psycho' causes for the behavior ? A not-poor ex-boss had about sixteen century+ old self-playing-pianos buried among 20 years old piles of newspapers, magazines, invoices, mail... He had to do some circus tricks to move trough rooms to reach his bed. ¿? Am the fully opposite. Barely have a bit of furniture, nothing to stumble on. ¿? Lots of tools and electronics parts, but all confined to the basement.
  15. Hi. Is there known cases of Alzheimer's disease cured ? By unexplained, spontaneous, oscure, unknown or known treatments ?
  16. Perhaps confused from some retention. Seriously, for sure fecal retention causes headaches.
  17. If magnetism did not exist, electrical generation would be confined to only electrostatic-friction generation methods as in several centuries ago experiments. Or perhaps collecting lightning bolts. If magnetism did not exist, would that early method of electrical generation somehow make its way to a useable, marketable, widely distributed and vital to modern life developments ?
  18. I was surprised to see U.S. NPT threads in pipes and fittings several years ago in Europe. Are they still the norm or the market became metricated ?
  19. Interesting ultrasimple modification, hoola. But I would inspect the gas heater for the presence of unused fittings/ports as the same tank (wall) may be used by factory in electrical applications. If there is a way to insert a heating element that will have intimate contact with the water inside, should provide better efficiency instead of wasting some bulbs heating in the flue cavity. And the inserted heater element can be of your wattage choice, or underdriven with half wave rectification, or variac to suit your demand. A drain port can also be a route of insertion of a heating element if no ports are found. Keep informing your progress. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=water+heater+element&t=canonical&iax=1&ia=images
  20. -When using a solar heater to pre-heat the main heater inlet- If the pipes are of some flattened elastic tubing that will expand when freezing allowing 10% extra room; the bursting gets solved. Not a simple find in the building materials stores. Their durability and reliability from fatigue comes also to play. And must be ultraviolet/weather resistant I have no problem dealing with the freeze expansion now; I was just curious of how others would tackle the problem. My unsolved part is the blockage that ice in the solar heater pipes does to flow towards feeding the main heater inlet, and the extra insolation time needed to melt and restore flow. Plus an initial much colder ice-melt water the main heater has to heat up.
  21. The 'best' is not in the market yet. It could some day be a computing tablet with a very slim detachable telephone handset on its side; Bluetooth or wired. Hope they make one soon... A pencil thin handset that recharges when nested in its tablet side 'craddle' I envision something like this that can double as carrying handle :
  22. Thanks, DrP. Yes, it is poorly worded from my part. The pipes going to and coming from a roof solar water heater can be hooked in many configurations to a household piping, to obtain different applications as listed. Can anyone suggest a more convenient one ? Or, how would you hook it ? DrP: on a side note, am just curious of how that firm you dealt with, handled protection against freeze-bursting of copper pipes.
  23. Hello. A roof mounted solar water heater can be used in several configurations, as -Preheating the electric/gas domestic water heater inlet -Providing direct warm water to use points -Work in parallel to electric/gas water heater -Fill an insulated reservoir with warm water for demand moments -With heat exchanger -Combinations of the above They have their good and their bad; unless a bunch of flow diverters/valves are implemented in the piping circuits. That brings complexity, cost and attention depending on season, time of day, temperature reached... Trouble with colder than utility supply in too cold weather/nights/early morning. What is in your opinion the best piping layout for 'average' latitudes ? No canadian colds, no equatorial tropics.
  24. If the Bosphorus strait broke off -by earthquake or other- and flooded the now Black sea with Mediterranean waters thousands of years ago, the depth of that was-valley would have to be checked -about the current depth of the Black sea, reported at 2210 metres at one point- Localized event, not all the planet but fitting the 1000 feet bill. The ´myth´ part could be ´caused by endless rain´.
  25. Your friend already professes the perfect religion : agnosticism.
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