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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Hi. This could be on some other forum, but, here it goes. If any electronics guru is around, I would like to know how to measure the (antenna) input impedance of a television. From ~50MHz to ~800MHz. in whatever steps. 1 MHz, 5MHz, 10 MHz... Would you have the proper instrument ? What is it ?
  2. Hi. Would partial vacuum desalination or distilling produce also cooling as for 'air conditioning' ? The vessel containing the liquid being distilled will get cold, right ?
  3. They are not, never been cheaper than now (scroll down) ----> http://sunelec.com/ And these are prices to public, not manufacturer's ! Depends on your energy costs. Solar panels don't work when the clouds are overcast... Wrong : they just yield less. Did you expect other ?----> http://www.leisurebatteriesireland.com/store/image/data/AKT/AKT20%20web%20output%20graphs.jpg ...sunny areas of roofs are too small to accommodate all electrical needs That is a roofing fault, not a solar panel fault, and you thinking that is the only place they can be mounted. Battery storage is useless because there is no place to put the DC to AC inverters. That is room fault, not a solar panel fault. And inverters can be very small ----> http://www.solarelectricsupply.com/solar-inverter/magnum Circuit breaker panels are not accessible to parallel wire hookups, To parallel what ? You have to disconnect the main breaker to feed power from your inverter into an existing breaker panel, or can kill someone working on power company lines; ...and buying a new one is a huge extra expense. No, it is not huge. A breaker panel is less expensive than solar panels or inverters or batteries. If there is no basement or a place to install the inverters, a small outside building will be needed to house them. An inverter can be smaller than you think. Did you expect it to be the size of your smart phone ? And one suffice.----> http://www.solarelectricsupply.com/solar-inverter/magnum
  4. Among all human organs, which are less prone to illnesses, failure, cancers; found in better condition than others at old age death, or rarely give/harbor health problems ? To what would you attribute such endurance ?
  5. Could natural particles collision with genetic tissues be a casual causal of genetic mutations or evolution ? Like the ones observed in a cloud chamber, or others that escape observation, hitting by chance a key/sensitive location of a gene? Would deep undersea creatures have less chance to evolve if this is factual ?
  6. ¿? That is the opposite from your original post. And their business is providing education, not housing. What I did is bought a home were I was able to afford, rented out, and with that income paid rent nearby my workplace (or college for you).
  7. There is flying cars, but they are called Piper, Cessna... and likely you can not afford them. Most of the others exist too. But not in your budget. The prediction was not far from reality, what differs is the speculators never revealed you would not have them. Having the mean$, you can have those toys. If Cessnas were $5000, the skies would be the most horrible mess you can imagine, likely dying on first flight. The key is in your own paragraph above. Past speculations on science fiction.
  8. You have shifted college costs on the original post to housing costs. That is why I moved from Silicon Valley to a national forest in KY. Hords of just arrived orientals with suitcases filled with cash paying more than asking price for California real estate the locals cannot afford. I wonder the legality of the funds origin. And sellers singing on their way to the bank together with the real estate agent and laughing at the idiot buyer who paid ten times its reasonable value. (fact) Living styles in USA have changed since the fifties; people moving to affordable rural suburbs and commuting loooong distances. Nothing new.
  9. Colleges/universities are not put together to teach youth. Are businesses. The more they wring students and parents wallets, the better for them. And they start by fishing high school graduates even paying flights and accomodations to potential 'victims' to familiarize with their college offerings and status, promising huge discounts on overinflated tuition as another hook. -Smile- , tomorrow will be worse.
  10. Found a calculator, but as 'Murphy lives with me', cannot use it with Linux. Will try another compfuser at some point. Meanwhile, it is by the last paragraph here : ----> http://www.energyalternatives.ca/content/Categories/MicroHydroInfo.asp From ----> http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Hydro/hydro.htm More: ---> http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Hydro/FlowOfRiver/FlowOfRiver.htm And floating on a tiny river: ---->
  11. Thanks. Seen reports for that sort of products, Good concept, poor execution. Did not buy one one, as for $600, I would expect a 5 year full warranty being chinese plastic falling apart shortly.
  12. Mine did. Shoulders and arms were not far for an old fart. And dripping sweat on my four was mixing with the cleaning fluids. ----> http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss323/Innernet/P1010473_zps74645b64.jpg (Has text attached) Ideas for improvement welcome, If anyone wants to marry it to a computer on board to have it unnatended on battery power, go ahead... but think about some mild countertorque measures. Edited: perhaps a better link ? ----> http://s588.photobucket.com/user/Innernet/media/P1010473_zps74645b64.jpg.html?sort=6&o=76
  13. A grain of sand for your request : ----> http://www.google.com/patents/US20110090453 ----> http://enchroma.com/technology/how-it-works/
  14. Thanks, studiot, for your knowledge and dedication to explain and share it.
  15. Why flexible ? The generator should run at its suggested rpm. Use gearing. You need speed. ----> http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/65768-paddle-wheel-calculations-please/ ----> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/sci.physics/%22how$20to$20calculate$20the$20force%22/sci.physics/iM108GzW6tI/KbDIS008fCgJ
  16. Hi. A glue in its container, stays useable until applied, has no exposure to air or whatever makes it 'hard'. Closing the container after use, keeps it useable for still a long time. If the application is between two surfaces, were the glue is confined to similar 'air tight' conditions as it was in the container, it usually hardens as supposed to. What differs in both conditions, inside the container and inside joined impermeable parts ?
  17. Hi. Instead of flame powered, an electric heating element. How does it compare to a plain AC household electric refrigerator, say one that consumes 250 Watts x 16 hours every day. (4000 Watthour) A 250 watt heating element attached to an absorption refrigerator, would have a reasonable household performance ?
  18. Could this often ignored, abundant metal provide an energy source as hydrogen with economical sense ? Is its production too much energy demanding as to discard its potential ? Is there a specific voltage or method that could collect only calcium ions from seawater without other cathodic deposits ?
  19. If seawater is ingested, read somewhere it works as a poison. Well, the poisonous effects have to manifest at a certain volume (that I do not know) ingested. Let's assume drinking a litre in 24 hours is really bad for the body. Perhaps lethal. If only the sodium chloride is removed from seawater, leaving all other natural elements present in seawater; will drinking a litre in 24 hours still be poisonous ? (Assume no bio-microorganisms presence in any case)
  20. Very old thread, resurrected as I found something pertinent claiming an electronic method for desalination. - The use of the term "mediated" -what does it mean ? - If works in such small scale, what could prevent from making bigger ones instead of paralleling many tiny ones ? ----> http://www.ideaconnection.com/new-inventions/waterchip-provides-cheap-effective-desalination-08434.html
  21. Aquarium hose tightly fitted in a drilled drain hole does it too. If the top hose end is inside a piece of sponge, avoids clogging.
  22. Are impressive; looking for a formula to prepare such, the web shows to boil reduce corn syrup. Seems too simple. Anyone knows how to prepare it ? Seen fly trap ribbons formulas, with weaker glue based on honey/sugar. Stolen from somewhere... "Mix 1 qt. corn syrup mix and 1 qt. water in a pan. Bring the mixture to a boil. This will create a non drying sticky paste." Does the boil changes the chemical stickyness or just concentrates it by reducing ? If only concentrates it, why add water to start ?
  23. Greg: That stair setup is ideal for cascading irrigation from the top planter drain to the next lower, successively.
  24. A similar route, naturaly aspirated, no injection seems more promising. Gasification (or misting) frequency is not audio, but near 2MHz The wrongly called 'ultrasonic' 5 micron droplets fogger transducers are cheap and available at many vendors. ----> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKb7KWTYgdo] -remove brackets-
  25. Hi. Pretending to be or learning to grow, on a tiny portion of 1 acre backyard for personal use. As far successful with garlic, onions, tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, blueberries, cucumbers, bell pepper, parsley, coriander. Things easy for a beguinner. Unsuccessful with capers To avoid weeding, using black plastic. A very raised bed (1 m) helps the back... as my father said, he would had liked to be farmer, but the soil is way too low. ----> http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss323/Innernet/P1010395_zpsaa54b628.jpg ----> http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss323/Innernet/P1010396_zpsfe94b2c1.jpg ----> http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss323/Innernet/P1010141_zps48ce18d1.jpg
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