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Everything posted by Externet

  1. In 2007, the electronic industry transitioned from ~60/40 lead/tin to unleaded ~95/5 tin/silver/copper solder. Its different behavior posed some manufacturing headaches to get used to it, the soldering iron tips grew more deposits due to temperature increase from 190C to 230C and difficult to keep a tinned-'wetting' Decided to experiment, and had a soldering iron tip made of 24K gold. It was shiny and clean at the operating temperature, did not tarnish. But it dissolved and dripped together with the molten tin instantly. If the gold melting point is 1065C, how can that happen at 230C ? The puddle for shure contained the gold within the tin, liquid until solidified. Can someone explain what reaction goes on ? Is there an industrial gold processing that makes advantage use of this low temperature melting? How difficult posterior separation from tin be ? Does it decant/sink while in the molten alloy ?
  2. Yes, my 2003 Compaq runs Ubuntu 12.04 + Gnome + Firefox and have never updated it since 04/2012, even when I get a weekly push from Canonical with all the goodies available to be added, and newer versions have been issued. And it is pretty ! Can be downloaded and burned to a CD from any compfuser for $0 for an evaluation try which adds nothing to the hard drive, as runs from the 'live' CD. Since 2006, I have had removable hard drives; one Linux, one Windows; never mixing both OS in one drive (dual boot is possible), and by lack of using the Windows one, ended with a single drive again in 2009. The evaluation CD runs considerably slower and could cause a wrong impression when trying. It is not the case when installed. If you have a used good blanked hard drive, (or a new one!) install it there for a better sense. But will drive you crazy at the beginning, it will be like learning to drive a battle tank downhill after decades of using the same bicycle uphill. -Then you add adblocker. The beginners forum is at ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=326 And the jargon is from another planet. Edited: Added----> http://zorin-os.com/ for hardcore Windows users; it is Linux in a Windows dress/disguise/mask/makeup - (Have not tried it.)
  3. As a guess, you are running Windows. I suggest to save all your valuable files, favorites folder, to an external removable drive and reinstall your operative system without bells, whistles, additions and peddler programs. I cannot guide you on the reinstallation, but there is a way with Microsoft if you do not have the OS disc. The way computer service centers do it. As alternative, swap you hard drive with a new one and install a fresh Windows or Linux. That way you preserve all and can go back, or access its contents by connecting externally. Make backing files to an external drive a habit. All sites you visit are permanently pushing for control of your computer, they all want your attention. Make sure settings are to discard all cookies and temporary files every time the browser is closed, do not allow automatic installation/upgrade of anything, and as said before, use adblock. The abuse in advertising forces this. Am running Linux for 8 years now, and have not yet rid of Google spying actions, Facebook and Twitter insertions in web pages, but have no slowdown at all. A loooong way to get used to this operative system, but not going back to Windows; at all. Never. Once I saw on my screen at the spot an advertisement would pop-up, an angry message like "Your adblocker use made me loose 5 cents by not displaying my ad" That tells the forces behind the push to put jumping monkeys and crap in front of your eyes.
  4. This will become a huge problem, soon or later. ---->[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNPJMk2fgJU]
  5. Thanks Spyman and Phi for all, I understand the concept, which could apply also for borrowing items, not only giving them. For sure there is plenty of mutilated borrowers of chainsaws and buried car borrowers. The danger is in the unskilled person, not on the items. That television is not a CRT type, works from mains mostly converted to 12, 5, 3.3 Volts. If the repairperson is not aware of dangers, should not drive on roads either, not because may kill himself, but kill us.
  6. Hi. Trying to create an equation, what is left from my brain gets twisted and stuck there. With a flat mirror I have no problem, but with a convex one is different. Can anyone please try, or provide heavy guidance ? It is necessary to take a look at this mirror and its reflection : ----> http://www.cleardomesolar.com/solareflexpanels.html The variables are The mirror arc (mirror lenght or size) A The mirror curvature (its radius) R The illuminated target span S The illuminated target position P Time of day (or sun azimuth angle) T The target-to-mirror distance D I see the relationships as: A (larger) curvature radius R is inversely proportional to a (smaller) span S A larger mirror arc A is directly proportional to the times T (azimuth) it will work The sun azimuth T is inverse to the illuminated target position P The distance D is inversely proportional to the span S The purpose is calculating for a desired span S, which radius R and arc A will illuminate a target at position P, from T being 8AM to 4PM (azimuth 60 to 120 degrees) and requiered distance D
  7. Do you mean fix or do you mean symptom ? That article on your link is good when that is the problem. You should visually inspect the electrolytic capacitors for bulging and with a continuity meter for short circuit across them even if not bulged. When in need to replace, use good quality ones and if possible rated to a higher voltage that still fit their footprint. Another mandatory test is to apply a flashlight directly contacting the screen and try to discern if there is a faint image but no backlight. If there is an image, chances are the bakclight lamps, sort of tiny fluorescent tubes are worn out. Check also the electrolytic capacitors on the backlight inverter circuitry. Try to locate the schematic diagram on the web if further difficulty to diagnose other stages, I may guide you up to a certain point depending on your skills.
  8. Hi. Can the drill bits used for masonry, -the ones with widia tips- be sharpened at a different angle or shape for use in drilling steel ? How does it work ? Is there optimal angles (chart) for different alloys as hardened steel, iron, stainless, bronze, aluminium... ; and has a chosen angle or shape also a preferred optimal cutting speed (chart) for each metal ? Once I saw a demonstration of the same drill bit used in porcelain, steel, cast iron, stainless, concrete, brass, pvc and performing equally well on any ¿?. It had a widia tip insert. Thanks.
  9. Hi. It does not take that long, and stirrs cultists and speculators. Good elaborated artwork of precision, planning and patience; and fun watching on the news later. There is plenty of them in truly beautiful patterns. ----> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_opN9ghPKQ] But do they all have an explanation ? It is a brutal effort to make this ---->[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KliBRinZHJA] What for ? Is there a secret contest society doing these ? To laugh at worshippers of mistery ?
  10. ¿? I always thought 'fonetics' was related to auditory perception, not visual imagery ! ---Where do you get that from?--- And that would hardly work in English, not a fonetic language. What language are you using ?
  11. Hi. What is the physics effect going on ? Or is it another tricky video ? ----> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9_Fqvux_bg]
  12. Well engineered polymer moulded rooms could have built-in wiring, joists, structural columns, door/window recesses, insulation, climate ducting, walls and ceiling and floor hermetic one piece, waterproof, washable, no rot, no paint, no termites, no rust, very lightweight, stackable or joinable...
  13. Yes, those are the easy/soft/thin shell English walnuts. Obtaining larger pieces of meat is not feasible with the very bitchy black walnuts, and not expected either, that is why crushing is preferred. They do not reach the rattling point. They are for house use only. When there is 400 Kg waiting, those methods cannot apply. Cutters would hardly dent them. Really. They are really tough. Seen maaany abandoned half-worked nuts where even the squirrels give up. If the squirrels can extract the contents of a couple a day, well, that would mean a bellyfull for them. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juglans_nigra]
  14. I would prefer gigantic blowmolding or rotomoulding to make ~cubic rooms and attach many at the construction site. Lots of boring time between time stamps 1:00 to 4:00, bypass them----> And ---->
  15. Thanks. A vice would multiply cracking time by ~10; and cracking is not the problem. It is the separation what discourages me. Black walnuts have ~4 times harder/thicker shells and convoluted chambers. Found something, hardly applicable for domestic separation , but these shown are noble English walnuts, the veeeery easy ones to deal with : Jump to time stamp 1:55 ---> I could use a blower or vacuum cleaner if I could comprehend the pertinent details in the video.
  16. With a few thousand black walnuts harvested in my backyard, cleaned and dried, the task ahead is just too much. Black walnuts are extraordinarily tough, and after shattered/crushed, the intrincate compartments still prove excessive work/time to extract the edible fragments. Some more hammering and mixed pieces are piling up. How to separate the goodies? Dumped in water, both shell and 'meat' pieces sink. How does the industry does it ? Do you know a clever way ?
  17. Well; I learned something else today... ----> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_in_Islam
  18. In my ignorance about Islam, at a glance with the Quran, saw 19.34 and nearby verses. http://quran.com/19/34 and I should say I was surprised. Just to share with anyone curious. Two apart religions ? Are they ?
  19. Yes, 1 HP has always been 746 W.
  20. Hi all. Two identical boats laden with the same weight, outboard engines; if one engine head is replaced with an electric motor, and both equal propellers at the same gear/rpm, how they compare their thrust forces in Kilowatts against horsepower developed; in several conditions as tied to a pier, at 10 km/h, 20 km/h, full throttle... ? How to reasonably accurately do a equivalent calculation/comparison ; as to say a 'x' number of electric kilowatts match 'y' number of horsepower ? The horsepower ratings are typically af full throttle/ideal conditions on marketing papers, but; is there a way to state something like 3 gasoline horsepower =~ 1 electric horsepower ?
  21. Have you considered 3 (R,G,B) lasers into a prism, as projection televisions light engines have, without the LCD panels ? ----> http://cdn.avsforum.com/b/bf/1000x500px-LL-bf439461_Sony_3LCD_Laser-1024x476.jpeg ----> http://images.amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/brands/sony/xbr/sxrd-optic-sim.jpg I have a couple of the light engines pulled from projectors and would seem to work for your needs.
  22. My opinion is the words 'eastern' and 'shore' , and probably 'bay' should not be in upper case, so all are wrong for teaching English.
  23. Any post attempting how to deduce Murphy's law through logic will fail. -Corollary 6713- These are by bibles...
  24. From curiosity, Say you have the perfect holding tanks for your project; what compressor is meant to be used to bring air to 20,000 psi ? And what volume is the tank meant to hold ?
  25. Well known as unstable, and shown in this hilarious www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQh56geU0X8 ; how would this [1+2] compare to a three wheeler having two wheels on front instead ? Would rolling not happen, is it better, different, what stability problems should surface in the second [2+1] case like this one ? ----> http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2013/08/09/automobiles/wheels/elio-1-top/elio-1-top-blog480.jpg
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