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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Would it help knowing the voltage at the left voltmeter is 42.857 % of the voltage applied to the network; and at the right voltmeter is 57.143 % of the voltage applied to the network ? Which means C3 has 14.286 % of the voltage applied to the network. (Ignoring C3 the equivalent capacitance is 1uF, (but cannot be ignored as it is active; there is current trough it)
  2. The frequency of choice is your choice depending how much efficient you want it to be; photovoltaic cells operate in a spectrum of frequencies, being more or less efficiency here or there : ----> http://www.globalwarmingsolutions.com/images/Solar_emmision_SiPV_sensitivity.jpg
  3. Current ram pumps work this way --->Xwww.youtube.com/watch?v=qWqDurunnK8 and one in action: ---->Xwww.youtube.com/watch?v=B-vU0V48gL0 [Remove the X before the addresses] If the outlet is send to a high reservoir, energy could be harvested by discharge flow moving a turbine; but doubt it will be more than if the turbine was instead placed in the supply pipe to start. Youtube has a bunch of other links.
  4. Thanks. Clear answer, as always, Marc.
  5. In reverse; -Would overpopulation eventually cause consumption of rice ?- Because more nutritive foods become scarce or too many mouths to feed in the family forces to choose a cheaper food ?
  6. Hi. The earth magnetic field extends quite a bit in altitude, but do not know if is reasonably/equally strong at the altitude the satellites orbit. Can you confirm that? Being the earth as a giant magnet, I believe that if onboard a satellite, a magnetic field is generated with energy from its solar panels; a repulsion or attraction effect relative to the earth could be managed by orientation of such. Orbiting satellites lose altitude with time, some deplete their supply of propellant to stay put. Could repulsion management in a satellite sustain/gain orbital altitude to avoid falling eventually ? If the main reason of satellite falling is loss of its speed, could such onboard magnetism management sustain/gain speed ? Even a faint electromagnet action would produce a reaction up there, right ?
  7. Interesting, had to share : ---->http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1079555_stinger-609-worlds-smallest-four-stroke-v-8-enters-production -Enjoy-
  8. -Make a box from six glued bath sponges, where the eggs will fit in. A centre sponge division to keep the eggs apart provides extra insurance. -Attach helium balloons all around the sponge box, in the amount that will fit in the bucket and will eventually land instead of flying too far away. -Claim your extra bonus credits -
  9. Likely is a tired or undercharged battery. Do not speculate too far into registry or reinstall anything. Diagnose without guessings. Somewhere in your operative system there is settings for what the computer should do when battery is low (shut down) and to read charge amount. Leave the power cord overnight and evaluate if the running time is then longer. Five minutes will not recharge enough.
  10. Years ago, I was bothered by television yagi reception antennas and their impedance values along the spectrum from 54MHz to 806MHz, a sustantial frequency span. Because impedance is tightly tied to a frequency. Because impedance is a function of frequency. Industry standards coaxial feed lines where mainly chosen at 75 ohms, suposedly to match the antenna and tuner impedances. But such had to be an arbitrary figure. No way an antenna could present such 75 ohm impedance in all the spectrum. A coat hanger can perform equally well. Newer technologies, with ATSC tuners, have carried the same mistake, telling television owners to use 75 ohm feed lines. Only a few TV tuner manufacturers data sheets leave the input impedance value blank as I believe it should be. Modern tuners operate with field effect transistors front ends, presenting very high values of impedance, presenting little load to faint signals; a good thing. So the radiation resistance, gain, back attenuation, bandwidth, are not the only factors to determine the performance of a Yagi antenna into a receiver. Its impedance counts heavily to be able to transfer its energy into the receiver. For fixed and single frequency operation, an antenna can be tailored for optimization in their gain, impedance, bandwidth, parameters. For television reception, no way. But marketing claims go beyond reality and technical limitations with no sense. Try to find a plotted impedance versus frequency on a Yagi antenna, television tuner. Not easy. Here is one : http://s588.photobucket.com/user/Innernet/media/Screenshot-TVantennapdf.png.html?sort=6&o=41 So a Yagi with director instead of reflector may, or may not be better. Too much depends on its impedance, of the feed line, and of the tuner also.
  11. Thanks for your permanent wisdom words help, Marc. Have a little one one like this and unable to find gas inserts for it yet ----> http://www.besthomecareservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/All-about-wood-burning-stoves.jpg
  12. Hi. There is several options I do not see clear, specially about fumes indoors. Kerosene, propane, natural gas; in vented, not vented types, standalone, wall mount, and others. That yields a large number of combinations to choose and with no experience nor knowledge on any, can be scary. The non-vented types, I supposed been tested and considered safe, but still something tells me to be extra careful. Any suggestions ? For use in living room (hoping to warm all the house, not to be used inside any bedroom, and to heat a small ~1100 sq.ft. dwelling. Would smoke detectors be alert too ? The air used by them (oxygen) has to be supplied from somewhere; how does it work on tight closed windows ? -Currently using a vented-to-chimney standalone wood burning fireplace, it has never released smoke into the living area, but exploring alternatives-
  13. Death by natural causes... ----> What is that ? Should be after a certain age or any age is a candidate ? Is it a product of uncertainty or lack of good forensic diagnosis ? What deaths are by unnatural causes ? Only homicides ?
  14. Thanks. Solved... this, made into a roll ----> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61YVaAYcaIL._SL1280_.jpg Sanding screen by 3M ----> http://www.handymanclub.com/Portals/0/Project%20photos/silicone-carbide-screen.jpg
  15. Hi. Trying to build a box/vessel made of silicon carbide, about 12 cubic inches capacity (~125ml). Will be exposed to 300 degrees C. Can be a cube, Can be a cylinder, Can be a pyramid, Can be cup shaped but crucibles are too expensive to play with, Can be made of thin ~3mm 'boards' of grinding disc material like this : ---->https://www.forneyind.com/store/detail/695/masonry_concrete_asphalt_cutting_type_1/6620/cutting_wheel_masonryasphalt_type_1_14_x_532_x_20mm_arbor_c24r-bf/ But cutting its material off to form/make the sides of the box has to be mission impossible. Can be made of carbide sanding paper/cloth, but the backing would burn unless there is one that won't, So far the simplest seems two of these 'mouth-to mouth': ---->http://www.pferdusa.com/photos/1000/206/ETT_C_30_Q_SG.jpg Any suggestions, please?
  16. Hi. Many years ago I was obsessed with the subject and dug deep into the solar methods to obtain freshwater for drip irrigation or human consumption, expandable at any size scale. I found that can be made simple or complex, both tilting the scale of convenience one side or the other for best efficiency or lowest cost, which this latter is very important. A wimpy solar panel operated electric vacuum pump has merit for destillation on modest partial vacuum, increasing productivity by reaching evaporation at lower temperatures, but means batch operation. The pump can also help to move the vapors into a condensing chamber, serving double duty. A way I found important to consider was to avoid batch processing, eliminating salt precipitation and cleanup at the same time. Draining metered brine instead makes it viable, unattended. Heat interchanging to optimize efficiency also plays a role to consider. The fresh water and the drained brine contain heat that should not be wasted : Simple concentric pipes one inside the other can transfer that heat into the cool seawater inlet. That cool seawater inlet also promotes condensation. There is dozens of different devices that can be designed to do the solar distiller. The one I found with most merit and simplicity is ----> http://www3.telus.net/farallon/ I contacted the designer but could not clarify something I was never able to have it clear in my mind, was the need or not of air circulation on the vapors side to transport the moisture to the discharge condenser surface. In other words, the hermeticity or not of the chamber. That design provides full sun strike on one side for evaporation and shade on the other for condensation. It is not perfect as drawn/built, but interesting to polish. The vapor migration to the shade side was a point to improve. Air currents to sweep vapor off the evaporating surface (which can be a black towel) and towards the shaded condensing surface was another item to re-think. This tilted panel also lacks heat exchangers. I would ignore the plant-in-a-bottle scheme. Simplicity is very important. Heliostats are very complex, and too expensive for the final product yield cost. Avoid them. If you could come up with a contraption to distill using discarded materials -say 2 or 3 litres soda bottles ! by the thousands !, it would be a home run. Finally, there is electrodialysis. I believe it was discussed here at SFN a while ago. Please read slowly again as there is much in the above text that can help you.
  17. Hi. Is there a technical reason why the sunlight ducts are mostly shown and installed with a couple of bends as per the picture attached instead of straight up ? ----> http://www.consumerconstruction.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/solatube-300x234.jpg
  18. What type of metal open vessel/tray would heat up the most if placed in a microwave oven ? Copper, brass, aluminium, stainless, iron, alloys... and any optimal shape/thickness/dimensions that would make it hotter ? -This is not about susceptor films-
  19. The black hole... ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW-WoEV_BFI
  20. Norton, AVG, Kaspersky, Panda, Avira, PCTools, Avast, McAfee, Defender, Whatever... Been running 8 years now with none of the above. Jumped to Linux then. Was a dificult adaptation but managed to stay on it. Will never do windows again.
  21. How come it seldom happens -if ever-, from people that had knowledge of extraordinary secret events, in all branches of politics, science, pacts, crime, wars... is never revealed on post-mortem letters, for the world to know ? There has to be thousands of jaw-dropping secrets carried to tombs that would make revolutionary, helpful, enlightening (and damaging too) historical knowledge; but the subjects involved never revealed during life. Seems that those personalities keep secrecy by some reason, even if not negatively implicated. Would you tell on a letter (with documented proof of evidence) something so important that the public deserves to know after you are gone ? Does ethics play any role here ?
  22. Hi. For a flat bottomed or for a mild V hull; where is more convenient to install a dozen of lead-acid batteries, to obtain the best stability ? As low as possible of course, but in two rows along the sides or a single row above the keel line ?
  23. Somehow, I still remember that from Logic classes at 11th grade... Absurds make funny.
  24. Yes, the pressure at the bottom of a 16 ft. filled pipe will be the same as at 16 ft under the lake surface. But the 'float' will not change its floating force if it is not compressible, as a ping pong ball. If it is a piece of meat that floats at the surface, it will stop floating and sink from a certain depth down.
  25. Very well dressed, or is it just sort of a T-shirt ? Seems a 2014 model, never seen before. It is 1 inch long... Do those colors match any team ? 8 pictures here ----> http://s588.photobucket.com/user/Innernet/library/?sort=6&page=1 -Know what species may be ?-
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