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Everything posted by Externet

  1. As never dealt with water wells... In my backyard there is a now unused water well, never seen or dug it, and a single (plugged to avoid dirt in) 2" black polyethylene pipe comes out of the ground. It was connected to the inlet of a now defunct plain pump + pressure tank that looks like this set: http://inspectapedia.com/water/JetPump020DJF.jpg House is on a swampy lowland From the type of pump; ---> Is it safe to assume it is a shallow well < 10m/30ft ? ---> It is safe to assume there is a non-return valve at the deep end of the pipe ? ---> Can anyone suggest a 12V DC pump to take its place ? Not much pressure needed, it is a single story dwelling. Not much volume needed, rarely two faucets open at the same time. Would this work ? http://www.amazon.com/FloJet-04325143A-Pressure-4-5-GPM-12-Volt/dp/B000O8F1SY/ref=pd_sim_sbs_sg_7
  2. Hi. Watching videos on youtube, there is ocassional pauses as the real time 'play' can be used up by a slow internet connection, if am explaining properly. So I select a less 'demanding' resolution. I get more interruptions and slower 'spooling ahead' when a low resolution as 144 pixels is selected, than when -say 480 pixels- I thought the opposite; that requesting/demanding a lower resolution, more frames or more downloading ahead would happen for a given internet speed available, yielding less interruptions. ----> What may be going on ? Can someone explain it ? [ What I call 'spooling ahead' can be monitored by placing the tip of the mouse arrow pointer exactly on the red center of the traveling circle on the 'progress bar' at the bottom of a playing youtube screen ] ( Am running Linux + Gnome )
  3. Did that yesterday. The "FBI" virus. I have two removable hard drives for my compfuser. Linux, and Vista. The Vista of course got it, and as I never use it, has been dormant-infected on a shelf for months, until I decided to fix it, after unsuccessful attempts trying my knowledge and lots of head scratching, Went to the public library, and did all this there: downloaded this .zip: ----> http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download/ Extracted all; Clicked on an icon that launches the .iso maker, and made an .iso CD loaded with Hiren's 15.2 boot CD .ISO Back home, inserted on the CD drive, and flipped on to boot from it. - Loaded "Mini XP" from the menu, - Chose to run "Malwarebytes" in both scan options, It is gone. Good luck, come back with findings/results. Edited...OH boy... this thread is months old but should work for someone, sometime...
  4. Jealousy, vain, selfishness, intimidation; are words that come to mind in my not very good English language knowledge; perhaps other words could choose more proper terms about the scenario behind the first 4 commandments. In proper English, does any one perceive better adjectives ?
  5. Thanks. With those small figures, it is not worth the trouble at all. Good for puttting the speculative question to rest; shows that solar collectors on a roof are far better choice; and that the nuclear industry is doing the proper action in guarding and putting away the spent material.
  6. Hi. Not a subject I know enough about. One kilogram of typical spent nuclear fuel; as put aside to cool and later to storage by the energy industry, if had to be used to warm-up a dwelling in winter... How many Watts would produce for how long? ( If its radioactivity was properly and safely contained, only releasing safe heat, in a world populated with only good angels and no risk of falling onto crooked minds )
  7. Recycle clear PET soda bottles onto fresnel lenses and you would be capable of boiling vast amounts of water, fast, cheap to distribute, by focusing several suns of energy onto a vessel. But try to buy a fresnel lens from a vendor, and your wallet will be wrung. Jump to time stamp 2:30---->
  8. If it is about killing, yes, if their evironment or cell temperature is raised beyond their survival. For an even more modest power supply, just give the pathogens filled water a zap of 120VAC with a pair of submerged electrodes. In less than a second, ruptures all their cells. Both ways kills them, but their cadavers and fluids stay in a questionable water. I suppose is the same case when boiling water, the cemetery and cell fluids are still in the considered potable and safe to drink water.
  9. Thanks, gentlemen. From responses, see emphasis in gravity effects on the clocks, more than the speed they move along decades, which was the relationship I though would have more effect. Yes, deep space probes as Voyager have no atomic clocks on board; but I wrongly used that as an 'if' example because of the long distance it as traveled at high speed.
  10. That atomic clock on board of a deep space probe launched decades ago, if turns around back and safely lands on earth, will show the same or different time than that other atomic clock that never traveled ? After decades, an atomic clock that has always been at the equator will show equal or different time than one that has always been at 10 metres from the north pole ?
  11. For a 109,000 horsepower oceanliner. ----> http://www.autoblog.com/2011/07/22/worlds-largest-diesel-engine-makes-109-000-horsepower/
  12. This is a hats-off crankshaft :
  13. No, it has not lost value. If continues, it is just starting a return to a non-bubble speculative level. Same as for housing, from people dreaming to become rich fast without working.
  14. Which song would have the best MELODY, the most preferred, top favorite of all times, pleasant, moving, unforgettable, masterpiece, with all the fulfilling attributes to your personal taste ? -On any language from any epoch- If a link is provided, fine. This link is about melody, not interpreter----> or Your turn...
  15. It is not only air volume per second. That does not provide lift. That sustains lift. Lift is provided by pressure of the fan. The fan pressure has inverse relationship with the area of the vehicle; less pressure neded for a larger footprint craft area (size). But larger footprint craft area usually means more craft weight, which turns the relationship with pressure direct, not inverse. So there is a sweet spot for pressure. To make things more complex, pressure drops sustantially with roughness of the riding surface and leaks under the skirt. A fan delivering the optimal pressure for a given hovercraft, should also yield the proper volume. Volume determines the rate of inflation which is important to raise the craft from siiting in the surface in shorter time, and to recover height from bumps quickly. I suggest you sign up with the 'Hoverclub of America' and access the technical discussions, formulas and construction keys. There is a bunch of great fellows there with knowledge and experience to share. Thrust is another story. When a single fan has to provide lift and thrust, it is a third story.
  16. With the top electronics gadgets of the sixties; no digital anything, no flat screens, GPS nor mobile telephones. A highly waited-for weekly program when young: ---> http://www.vidics.ch/watch/48868/Mission--Impossible-1966.html Enjoy! if this tickles you.
  17. Yes, you could start there and later play with thrust and wings.
  18. Yes, those could work. But proper performance is designed first, not stylish appearance and looks. Did you omit landing gear in your sketch because of looks too, or belly landing is the plan ?
  19. At such speed, flying just above ground, better buy the casket pre-flight. A tenth of a degree change in altitude control will fill the casket, but in pieces... Get something safer; kit or built : Drool here -----> http://www.hovercraft.com/content/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2 -----> http://www.hovercraft.com/content/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=53
  20. A very long open canal dug on plain soil has contaminated water, or seawater if you prefer. As very long means nothing; assume 10 Km. Placing an electrode touching that water, with 120VAC 60Hz phase from mains; a sustantial current flows trough the water into ground. (actually a 60W bulb in series is nearly at full brilliance !, say 80% (~0.4A) as conductivity is very high.) Current path: 120VAC phase-------------------lightbulb---------------------------immersed in murky water-----------------------canalground. [The bulb acts a current limiter] How far reaching is the effect of the current ? Is there a way to calculate such distance? Obviously if done at a seashore, its effect will not reach the next beach. Once I had the opportunity to satisfy my curiosity and dropped the 'grounding' electrode into the sea while arc welding on a 30m vessel next to a pier. Welding was difficult, current setting had to be raised in that condition, but was possible. The current spread in seawater was near 100 Amperes. Zillions of marine microorganisms in the current path died instantly for sure. But how large could the affected area had been ?
  21. -No salt- Marine life being fresh water aquatic life, desertic areas able to get irrigation at any season, steaks with mined salt and pepper... Any major implications, good and bad coming to mind ? Are areas with multitude of lakes and no seashores better or worse for something ? Oceans freezing/melting at higher temperature... much less electrical conductivity and ions in the seas... Would there be more or less cloud cover ? Different weather ?
  22. Hi. Is there an external distinctive, simple visual sign on a domestic refrigerator compressor to tell if it is scroll or reciprocating, other than researching the label and its manufacturer/model data sheet ?
  23. Agree. A 555 circuit has nothing to do here. Available at any hardware store : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001337AO2/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=1535523722&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0050N7SM0&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0HGRHGFRFQYC2GZW5HVB With not much skills and permissions, think you would have to run wiring to the inside... Well, instead, route a fishing monofilament from the door actuated lever to a flag inside. Can signal the closure by pulling something Just to give a non electrical alternative. And you will have fun...
  24. From the title of your post, a relay does that. When energized, opens a set of contacts (and/or closes another set if fitted) From your explanation; the simple way is to tap onto the circuitry on the door opening (if electric operated) There has to be a built-in switch that knows the door status. Do you have a schematic for it? Depending on the model (if electric), door opening mechanisms may have an overhead lamp when open. Extending such to a pilot light inside should work. If the door is manually operated, well, a switch at the convenient place will turn on an indicator inside. Probably a few inches from the bottom of tracks. But it is unknown, your skills level and what door you have in order to suggest methods.
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