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Everything posted by Externet

  1. What would yield best efficiency in collecting moisture from fog ? The typical fabric used for such is the raschel, that one used for bagging potatoes, onions... How can the dimensions be optimized/engineered ? Larger holes allow more fog passing trough; smaller holes impede the fog flow but present more moisture capturing surface. There has to be an optimal ratio from thread/ opening. Probably depends on wind speed, humidity content. How would you chose the ratio ? Now, about material... Is a multifilament wick 'better' at capturing/transporting the collected moisture than a polyethilene thread ? Better could mean faster channeling, less evaporation, aseptic, durability, higroscopy, price... what is your opinion ? About knitting pattern... which would capture and convey the collection in a 'better' way ? Raschel:----> http://www.asia.ru/images/target/photo/51528306/Raschel_Bag.jpg Just a link about the activity:----> http://www.dry-net.org/index.php?page=3&successstoryId=7
  2. How does the industry drills a hole 0.1mm diameter on iron, brass, stainless ? Are drill bits the norm, or is there another way ? Say you want a hole as fine as a human hair...
  3. Do those microrganisms that make us ill get illnesses themselves sometimes ?
  4. ..."when an individual learns a language other than their native, does the mind still think in the native language ?" At the beginning, you think in your native language. With time, practice and actual conversation in the new language, you start switching more often according to the intensity of a conversation. Been told that the best engineered language is korean; but learning a language and a new alphabeth is much harder.
  5. Thanks. Were planted October 2012; already wintered; supposed to harvest July 2013 and that link is only for one of the two preferred planting times (early spring or late fall) Allowing the flowers to produce bulbils for use as seedlings takes 2 to 3 years growth to maturity at only ~15% success compared to sowing cloves for ~150 days to maturity. Not much "fun" So, question remains...
  6. Which material, hardness, shape, porosity, tilt angle... would you say plain water dripping on it causes finer, more, farther reaching bounced droplets/splash ? (for a given height, say 1 metre) Seems like more than calculating, would be empirical knowledge (As to better ~evenly wet the surrounding area)
  7. Hi. Garlic is supposed to be harvested by mid summer, when plant shows certain signs and bulb has developed to a 'normal' size. The question is; not harvesting the garlic for another year until next summer, will the plant produce more bulbs, bigger bulb, plant dies, existing cloves germinate or stays the same ?
  8. I speak only 3 languages fluently, plus can half understand italian, portuguese, a bit of french and read some russian. Zero german, polish, greek...
  9. Got surprised at a restaurant where a paper strip around the flatware, like to keep them together, had its patent printed on it. Was going to attach a photo; but found it on the web to show : ----> http://www.flickr.com/photos/bunnyhero/5016909008/
  10. High technology from the air : http://hypervocal.com/news/2013/helicopter-video-capture-boston/
  11. Correction. The Egyptian goddess may not be Isis as I posted above; seems to be Hathor.
  12. Excellent! Thanks ! That page 16 reveals the piece from Ecuador, if Daniken is to be believed. The negatve of the picture may be flipped on one of them; perhaps to enhance the comparison. Now will try again to find the Isis goddess from Egypt, in an egyptian museum or site. This one (half page down) is a very close 'modern' painting : http://ascendingpassage.com/tomb-of-Seti-I-Belzoni.htm Edit : From photo album of a tourist ----> http://www.flickr.com/photos/manna4u/favorites/with/6126963542/lightbox/ So the egyptian seems real. Now back to find that statue/piece from 'Ecuador' -Will keep digging. Edit 2 : at time stamp 1:56 the same image appears among the collection from Ecuador on the video here----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uSNe8kqqF9Q -again, if to be believed- But it is shocking to see in that last video, the time stamp 00:23; and in general, many other similitudes.
  13. Thanks, John. That explains it. Another typical, typical distortion by the nasty habit of naming things in short form. The 'nitrogen' in fertilizers is then, not nitrogen, but ammonium nitrate. Got it.
  14. A priest collected andean archeology many years ago and some studies are going on. Video not in English at http://vimeo.com/55111929 At 00:40:30, bottom right, seems to be the one detailed in the picture above Images of other pieces are at : http://www.geschichteinchronologie.ch/Daeniken/ESP/mensaje-de-los-dioses/26-Ecuador-Cuenca-coleccion-Crespi.html There is a video in english for some pieces kept at the priest (Crespi) 'warehouse' : http://www.yurileveratto.com/articolo.php?Id=126 I find the similitude overwelming, half globe away and waaaay before Columbus. Could it be a hoax ?
  15. Hi. Doing some aeroponics for culinary herbs indoors, and found in publications there is mention of need for oxygen to flow around the roots together with the fertilizing nutrients on fine mist. Seems to me that all 'experts' in aeroponics focus in root oxygenation from air flow and simply ignore/forget the nitrogen action. ----> Isn't nitrogen to the roots more important than the oxygen for the plant growth success ? That is what fertilization is all about... I think.
  16. Both are spherical, the multiple directions is not the one on the MIT paper; it is the configuration of a yarn ball. - Not connected ¿?
  17. In this formula: ============================================= The total power radiated by a ground dipole is where f is the frequency I is the RMS current in the loop L is the length of the transmission line c is the speed of light h is the height above ground of the ionosphere D layer σ is the ground conductivity ============================================ The smaller the factor σ ---> the larger the power. ------> Does it mean reducing conductivity (or increasing resistivity) increases power ? Is that correct ? [ From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_antenna ]
  18. It is a very good question falling in purely theorethical domain, that had me scratching my head a long time ago, as constructing such spherical winding, would need to be destructed to extract and examine with ferrofluids the spheric steel core to find out if a permanent magnet fas formed. As a guess, it will not become a magnet as the huge number of orientations of the magnetic fields would cancel each other. A soft iron core sphere as in an electromagnet would not show; it would have to be a steel core sphere to retain magnetic properties to be evaluated after extraction from the winding. To check if I understand your concept, would it be like a ball of rubber bands; treating each loop as a single orientation electromagnet, and speculating what would happen if hundreds of loops in all orientations direct their fields to the core ? The equivalent can be a single wire wound like a ----> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AdDvIJr5ZBA/TTCjUeep2cI/AAAAAAAABNw/eOhT7s62ZOQ/s1600/P1060100-2.jpg And NOT this kind of winding ? ---> http://web.mit.edu/6.013_book/www/chapter8/8.5.html -------> Make one and come back with observations !
  19. There is no date shown on that one from McClendon. Tried to find such and I was not successful with Ojose nor Scirus search engines. Have not read them all, but shows here too, true or false : http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/mclendn.html http://www.presidentialufo.com/ufo-quotes. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_zzl.htm http://www.hillaryclintonufo.net/billclintonquotes.html http://www.hillaryclintonufo.net/disclosureefforts.html
  20. There will never be a voluntary disclosure from the US military. If such thing ever happens, the military would be equaled as liars because all the past denial. Evidence would have to be gathered by force, or surreptitiously. Chances are by force won't beat the military. Instead of chatting on the subject; efforts to gather unbeatable evidence would be better; which is the only thing science and public is after. Interviews, affidavits and testimonies just stir the soup. Would take one million unarmed citizens walking together storming into all suspected top secret locations, and then, perhaps... "Bill Clinton – as quoted by senior White House reporter Sarah McClendon in reply to why he wasn’t doing anything about UFO disclosure. Sarah, there’s a government inside the government, and I don’t control it. " Clinton could not find out. If Kennedy did, was unable to disclose. If James Forrestal tried, ended also unable. If Monroe menaced, did not work. My guess is not even the top gun knows who is in charge of the subject, IF there is any. Chances are it is a compartmentalized organization to a degree that no one knows everything, and an individual testimony from one of he compartments (who does not even know of the existance of other comparments) is taken by the public as another nut case due to the abundance of hoaxes.
  21. Ok. Changing my post slightly : To Resist... I have two questions : 1.- Would you write many copies, make videos and photograph evidence of your knowledge and distribute in a way that could not be supressed, to reveal and publish what you know after you are deceased ? ----> Yes or no ? "...I can say that I KNOW...not think or guess or hope but KNOW with 100% certainty..." 2.- How many military, government, whatever personnel would you say know at least what you know and cannot tell, about the subject ? ----> 1, 10, 100, 1000,.... ?
  22. Mr. Resist... I have two questions : 1.- Would you write many copies of your knowledge in open letters to public media to be revealed and published after you are deceased ? "...I can say that I KNOW...not think or guess or hope but KNOW with 100% certainty..." Including unbeatable proofs ? 2.- How many military, government, whatever personnel would you say know at least what you know and cannot tell, about the subject ?
  23. Hi Which household chemicals do a decent job in rust removal, rust dissolving ? Seen too many 'recipes' that make not much sense, others perhaps do. What to expect spraying : -lemon juice, -vinegar 5%, -diluted baking powder, -diluted baking soda, -diluted borax (sodium tetraborate), -diluted washing soda (sodium carbonate) -oven cleaner -bleach -'liquid plumber' -acetone -kerosene -transmission fluid - and whatever else you can name. Or combinations of these. And what about rust neutralyzing or prevention ? -Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) solution, What else ?
  24. Hi. Tree roots invade septic sewer leach pipes in search of moisture, and there is nothing to remedy it but replacing the clogged pipes. Chemicals do kill roots in the system, but kill the trees too. And even if chemicals kill the roots in the pipes, the clogging stays anyway; does not clear the obstruction. Mechanically cutting off and removing (if possible) the roots in the pipes does not clear the clogged pores in the leach lines either. What if, inside new pipes, a metal conductor is left all along; and for a few minutes (or seconds) daily, electricity is applied on a timer. Any predictions in effectivity to prevent root invasion ? (120VACphase)--------------timer------------------light bulb--------------------conductorinpipe-------------roots------------>ground Just images : Clogged ----> http://media.merchantcircle.com/12475808/Roots2_full.jpeg New leach pipe ----> http://www.attainable-sustainable.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/P12406442.jpg
  25. Probably not a led television but a LCD television with led backlighting. All LCD displays have a polarizer film adhered to the glass screen. That is what is causing the reflection you perceive. The leds have nothing to do with it.
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