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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Prices do not "go up" by themselves. It is the greed from speculators speculating on speculations who push prices up. There is no other reason. And the cities follow happily as rising figures bring more taxe$ for existing services with no need to invest. Municipalities may not become happy from cheap construction; to believe a city prefers low housing prices is a mental masturbation. Believe it or not, the problem is there is too many people with too much money who never had to sweat for it. Miguel
  2. Somewhere, there is a old MRI tunnel -magnetic resonance imager- behind spider webs waiting for a dumpster. Finding it is the task. Or, can you lure the crabs to the hospital? Miguel
  3. Hi Mokele. The magnetic field is given by Ampere x turns. Amperes are Volts ÷ Ohms; then The magnetic field is also given as Volts x turns ÷ ohms. Increasing the tension or the turns, or both, while keeping resistance low is the ideal for maximum efficiency in your application. 10 Amperes in a 10 gauge wire is not of concern at all. Such current is under half of the carrying capacity for that copper wire with no appreciable heating. Forced ventilation of the coil may give you piece of mind for long time operation. A rated 30 Amperes wire running at 15 is of no concern either. The 7º rise per second does not make sense. Now, is the magnetic field to be pulsed or constant? Miguel
  4. Rocketman: About making clouds with airplanes; I thought clouds trap more heat, as cloudy nights get warmer. In the other hand, clouds block the sun... How would the ideal work? Making clouds during the day but not having them at nights in order to cool the planet ? Miguel
  5. Hi. Scientists are not fully sure; they have good suspicions the warming is caused by us. Very probable. What would be wrong with a lunatic idea of massively attempting to cover with cheap mylar mirror film the sunniest unused areas of the planet? Even roofs? Would that reflect a ~95% of their incident solar heat back to space? Tiny area in the global context, but... is there another action in plan? I have no clue on how calculations would have to be conducted to come up with a mirrored acreage to at least counteract the situation to get worse. Would you replace your car with a bicycle forever? Or just spend more energy in airconditioning your home ? Costly, well, as soon as mylar film factories find out another application for their product, will immediately pump up the price. Or should it come down by volume production ? The money spent in wars could buy quite an acreage of mylar mirror instead. How would you plan action ? A huuuuge umbrella held at the space station? Alternative; just hear the press talk about it and do nothing. Miguel
  6. Hi. Not on fluorescent, but a pretty site to mark and enjoy: http://www.jcsparks.com/painted/pigment-chem.html#Brazil Miguel
  7. S p o n g e . ½ pound of sponge wrapping the eggs is enough cushioning. Miguel
  8. Hello. How complex could it be to make a couple of kilos of Gd5(Si2Ge2) plus 1% in volume of Fe added ? What equipment would be needed ? Miguel
  9. Hi. Some societies have the daily habit of eating huge volumes of food, without neccessarily having big bellies (like in Spain:-) ) Some people (like me) habitually eat really small quantities of food. I have read -and seen- that poorly fed kids as in some African nations develop large bellies. What is going on ? Can persons fed in large quantities not develop large bellies because their metabolism is used to count on never a short supply of food ; and people eating very little store reserves as a natural 'defense' mechanism and thus developing large bellies ? Miguel
  10. Hi all. Now i got confused; this site: http://www.mathopenref.com/subtend.html shows the subtended angle for the sun being 32 arc minutes or 0.52 degree. That seems very small. Does it mean that in a 12.0 hour day, the sun path could be drawn as 346 sun disks fitting edge to edge on the sky ? Am trying to create a formula, chart or nomograph to calculate the needed diameter of a distant mirror reflecting the entire sun disk. (As a heliostat of what diameter positioned at a given distance will show the complete sun disk) Miguel
  11. Ok, that means one side of the membrane has 800 psi more than its other side... The top of the membrane would have the ocean column pushing water down, and you have to make vacuum under the membrane to obtain 0 psi for the pressure differential. The pump under the membrane would have to be 800 psi anyway for its outlet to reach the surface. Work on that. Miguel
  12. Thanks, fellows. The flux formula is from Kester, and they only reveal being a "modified resin". If Sn has affinity for Au, would explain the fast erosion. I would have no problen in trying Pt but if dissolves as gold there is no point on increasing my frustration. It is plain Sn unleaded solder for electronics, and canot discern what material for the soldering iron tip could handle it without degradation. Suggestions on what to use ? Miguel
  13. Hello. Does molten Sn attack 24K gold? Just had my electronics soldering iron tip jacketed in 0.5mm pure gold and eroded in a minute at 800ºF! (There is a chance it was a poorly done job by the goldsmith) What other metals will get wet with 96.5% tin solder and not degrade with oxides, corrosion, staying tinned ? Ag, Pt, Ti,...? Miguel
  14. Thanks, jdurg ! As am not thinking this for a batch type/test tube laboratory centrifuge, but for a continuous-flow industrial type as in: http://www.alfalaval.com/ecoreJava/WebObjects/ecoreJava.woa/wa/showNode?siteNodeID=5381&contentID=-1&languageID=1 [These machines run at 10 thousand G's, I know their performance from the years I worked at a fishmeal plant where these extract oil from fish 'broth'] ---> Can I interpret your answer as... A centrifuge can be used as a desalinator if fed with seawater ? Would ions respond sustantially different to extreme gravity than water itself ? Which would float, ions or water ? Miguel
  15. Thanks. Well, but if the swamp is drained, it is no more. I mean as in wetland state, gets ignored and stays undisturbed. Or... is there some crops from such places? Miguel
  16. Hello. Can common salt be separated from brine with a centrifugue? How do Cl- and Na+ ions densities compare to water molecules and are affected by hyper gravitational forces? Miguel
  17. Are swamps left alone because are useless for cultivating anything ? Are there any fruit trees, crops or something swamps produce besides mosquitoes ? Miguel
  18. Hi. Unsure if this is the best place for the subject, but, which animal shows the most 'intelligent' behavior ? (life, strategies, skills, self-sufficiency, activities... at its animal level) Miguel
  19. Externet


    Depends on the location of its center of mass. When a plumb line from its center of mass falls outside the base footprint, it will fall... unless it is glued to the soil. Miguel
  20. Wrong. The well can be much deeper than the surface of its water. That is not even the distance to the water level in the well. The unknown size of the stone poses a much more complex calculation, as the larger it be in relation to the unknown well pipe diameter, causes more air cushioning its falling velocity. The unknown gap between the stone and the well pipe wall can change calculations considerably. Miguel
  21. Shallow geothermics. Always wanted to implement it; now I can and am ready. There is now an unused fresh water well in my backyard, has a suction pump, thus should have a check valve at the bottom of the pipe, then I believe is not 'deep'. Canot be over ~30 feet. (Coastal North Carolina) The well water temperature is somewhere near 60ºF. Inserting an automobile radiator in the return side of the central heating/air conditioner duct, fed by the closed loop from a U in the well with a recirculation pump, should supply the dwelling with ~60ºF air, to the capabilities of BTU exchange minus losses. In summer, for a ~85ºF weather, a delta t of around 25ºF; pretty decent, no airconditioner would be needed. Seems doable. In winter, for a ~35ºF weather, a delta t of around 25ºF ; pretty decent, not much extra heating requiered from the outputted 60ºF to reach 70ºF desired BUT: If the central heating system additional work heats up the house to ~70ºF; about THAT would be the return air temperature; rendering the geothermal plan unuseable, as if the inserted radiator has 60ºF, it would be counteracting and cooling a delta t of 10ºF instead ! Am I wrong somewhere? How could this case be used in winter? Many geothermic sites promote supplementary heating in winter even with not that much delta t. I do not see it possible now:-( . Is it about maintaining the dwelling at 60ºF while nobody is at home, then turning on the standard central heating during occupation hours? (And shutting the geothermal off then ?) D----->R------>Rad----->H----->S----->D For D=dwelling; R=return duct; Rad=radiator; H=heater; S=supply duct Thanks, Miguel
  22. Hi. Too many years since left university, cannot think on how to create the equation. An 8 feet long string, (or rod, or sheet) forming a parabola. The shape will be somewhat like a flattened U. I want the focus at the center between the upper ends of the U. (Or, at the lower tip of the accent on this letter Ú ) How do I come up with the equation? -It's to build a reflector with a 8'x4' sheet and be able to mechanically support the focus between its ends- Miguel
  23. What can be done with a bunch of spent Lithium-ion cells I have ? They are half inch diameter, 3 inches long, out of laptops, should provide a decent amount of Li. Miguel
  24. Hi. I would attempt registering the spin using a storage oscilloscope. Borrow, rent, or... It will keep the waveform for analysis of which sampling approach is more convenient if you still want to involve a PC into it, or if the sensor needs modification to obtain a better amplitude/detail. Miguel
  25. Hi. Be careful not to confuse the terms 'vapor' and 'steam', often frequently misused. The second is the one created over 100 ºC. The first happens at any conditions, as clearly, clouds are not at that temperature. Miguel
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