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Everything posted by hgupta

  1. could somebody please tell me how to do this?? i am totally lost on this one. hgupta
  2. any help for level 4?? do i need some kind of hex readers/editors for it?? the class is not helping much. thank you.
  3. all right, got through level 3, (finally ), but the cls file on level 4 isn't helping much. any hints please?? thank you
  4. the password box which pops up after filling username and password on level 2 is killing me!! does it matter if i am not using IE?? @Ryan, thank you for your help. that's quite an obvious answer that it is not in the main page. Harsh Gupta
  5. i tried many things to crack level 3 but no success. any other hint please. even when i disabled JS, could not find anything useful. thank you.
  6. that's nice thing. i am stuck at level 3 (the password box before it opens the page). any hint?? thank you
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