Once a black hole forms it has an event, but when objects "fall in", the black hole expands; but how is this possible if time stops and the object that fell in never passes it?
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Good points are efficiency, abundance, and low pollution. Bad points are difficult of storage and transportation (requires high pressure or low temperautre), lack of ready-to-use sources, and it's not as powerful as other sources in combustion (effects power).
In this example, you know you've been stick with a pointy object. You know your hand is being pulled away. But your hand starts moving before your brain gets the signal; but it still does get it as you obviously know you were stuck.
That's exactly what the reflex arc is; the neurons in your spinal cord interpret the signal and determine the response. Of course, if you start thinking about it you can obviously stop the reflex; but conscious thought isn't usually involved.
What's involved depends on the stimulus. An extremely hot sources will activate temperature sensitive neurons; the reaction is controlled exclusively by the reflex arc; the neurons in the spinal cord "think" if you will.
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