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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. That's indirect too. The only reason she finds it unacceptable is psychological; hence indirect.
  2. Studies have linked it to estrogen levels very early in pregnancy; alters the development of the brain, particularly the corpus callosum.
  3. I hope I can download the data too
  4. On a related note, this is the 100th post today, marking the first time since July 29th 2002, and also making this the 4th highest number of posts in a single day. The most was 208 on July 28th, 2002
  5. In light of recent developments, bump.
  6. While the nerve impulse propagates at a nearly identical speed from human to human and in all chordates, efficiency allows the speed of thought to vary. Some people have pathways that allow them to instantly do complex math problems it would take other people quite a while to do in their head. Reaction times, vary; this is a direct illustration of synaptic rather than cognitive speed; since reflex tests use the reflex arc rather than the central nervous system. But it's quite clear that people can think faster than others.
  7. Yeah but your genes might be mixed with a undesirable if you marry for love rather than intellect. :jk:
  8. Read up, I basically repeated my original reply Which at the time I knew off the top of my head because it was around AP Bio test time. But actually I do remember it =/
  9. Just admit MDs are unfathomably superior to DOs...
  10. Perhaps if you inhibited ethylene while increasing auxins; this would create growth without ripening. Once ethylene is reintroduced to the plant, it should ripen pretty evenly.
  11. Clones aren't even the same. Look at the cloned cat. Different personality, different pattern on its fur.
  12. OH AND BTW: acute 1. Sharp, poignant. 2. Having a short and relatively severe course. Origin: L. Acutus = sharp (18 Nov 1997) FROM CANCERWEB'S ONLINE MEDICAL DICTIONARY AS THEY SAY IN A CERTAIN COUNTRY I SHALL NOT SPEAK OF THE NAME OF, SOD OFF I WIN AGAIN FAF 3 BLIKE -1
  13. a·cute ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-kyt) adj. Having a sharp point or tip. Keenly perceptive or discerning: “a raw, chilling and psychologically acute novel of human passions reduced to their deadliest essence” (Literary Guild Magazine). See Synonyms at sharp. Reacting readily to stimuli or impressions; sensitive: His hearing was unusually acute. Of great importance or consequence; crucial: an acute lack of research funds. Extremely sharp or severe; intense: acute pain; acute relief. I WIN FAF 2 BLIKE -1
  14. Well I haven't I WIN
  15. Bah what do you know, you don't even live here
  16. And it certinaly isn't controlled by 1 gene.
  17. I believe bisexuals are generally more promiscuous, this might be a rumow, but it sounds about right. Anyone know studies back this up or refuting it?
  18. Want a scan of the paper with the diagnosis? <^> Maybe of in fairy world of zen aka DO school they call it that, but my MD called it acute.
  19. I only go to the hospital if i think im going to die, i know they have better things to do. hell, it took 3 months of acute bronchitis (note, my word use here of acute is correct according to the diagnosis given ) before i even went to a primary to get something for it.
  20. That's indirect.
  21. Speed of gravity and light equal Einstein proved right on speed of gravity After 87 years, Einstein proved right on speed of gravity Scientists clock speed of gravity US Focus: Einstein's Theory Prevails Get a clue, wait till it's PUBLISHED.
  22. I find this current situation disgusting. Thousands of newspapers and news services have declared the latest research to be conclusive proof of Einstein's theories. This experiment has NOT been peer reviewed and has NOT been published in a presitigous journal. Furthermore, most news sources also seem to be ignoring the massive amount of criticism from prominent physicists. Wouldn't want to let the possibility of error interfere with your sensationalist reporting of this like it's the greatest physics find of the last century! Science has a process, the mass media and the scienctists who went straight to a conference rather than a journal (hm, wonder why?) to inform people should respect this process. Please read http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0301145 for a thorough explanation of the possible faults of this claim, this measurement warrants peer review before it's declared an absolute fact by the press. For god's sake people, the authors of the paper themselves said the speed of gravity was 1.06x the speed of light with a 20% margin of error! Chalk another one up to the blatant scientific ignorance of the mass media.
  23. I was referring to direct physical stimulus on parts of the nervous system not directly involved in cognition.
  24. Well first of all, consider the constants in the expression: :kappa: is the gravitational constant; 6.67259x10−11m3kg-1s−2 :alpha: is the fine structure constant, ~7.2993x10-3 :pi: of course is 3.14159... and c is (currently) 2.99792458x108 m/s I'll let you all work on it for a while now.
  25. who wouldn't want more of me walking the earth? sure ;x
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