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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. the pressure of a vacuum isn't exactly zero; there are still molecules floating around out there, but extremely few in deep space.
  2. Read some of Nietszhe's writings too (sp?)
  3. who cares about prokaryotes
  4. Oh, I'm not bored that's for sure. we've got quite enough cubans in miami, and as far as im concerned they can all go swim back to cuba and drown.
  5. Vacation, hell yeah. I'm home from college with no internet conection at home, so i really have trouble finding time to get on the site. ill be back in a couple of weeks, and will resume competing with aman for number of posts
  6. Natural selection is something the gernal public can understand; other arguments, such as gravity vs. quantum gravity would elicit numerous blank stares from the general public, thus there is limited media coverage beyond the scholarly journals. Also note we can experimently demonstrate natural selection; such as the news article on this site about fish evolving smaller, also an expermnient done with flies where some had wings and others didn't--- there was fly paper in there, so only the wingless ones didn't get stuck and could get to food, therefore after several generations wings were compeltely eliminated from the gene pool.
  7. I think something worth mentioning in this thread is an experiment done a couple years ago using :beta: mesons... it was found that anti-:beta: mesons had a decay rate that was very slightly different than :beta: mesons. This could partially explain how the dominance of matter came about during the first milliseconds of the universe.
  8. For engineering, HP has more specialized calculators. My good friend's dad is an engineer, and he said they use some bizarre notation system in the engineering world that can't be input on the TI's. I'm not sure which model is best, but I doubt its the 49G as that's pretty much the same as a TI89.
  9. Some introns are just left overs it wasn't a disadvantage to eliminate, especially since they're not activated by transcription factors. Other introns serve as promoter regions. In RNA, they serve as enzymes. I also hypothesize they stabilize structure; might become more disorganized if the entire strand was completely spliced. "<><?><?><!@$#><%!#%@?>@?#$>< edit :P" What may be an intron when one gene is being copied might be an exon for another gene.
  10. Does that suggest that photons may have mass, or that the influence of gravity affects the trajectory of objects indirectly, through warping spacetime?
  11. But isn't the spin quantum number of a photon 1?
  12. snRNPs (U1snRNP, U2snRNP, etc) make up the spliceosome complex; and only U6 acts as a ribozyme. snRNPs also contain the Sm family of proteins. Some of these bind to conserved sites along the snRNA to form the core of the snRNP. They also contain RNA helicases (yes, there are double stranded RNAs). pre-mRNAs are spliced by teh same pair of reactions that occur as group II introns splice themselves, and these reamarkably resemble the snRNPs involved in splicing. This suggests that snRNAs are the catalytically active components of the snRNPs, NOT the proteins. I do not believe snRNPs recognize sequences themselves; SR proteins (lots of serine and arginine) that span the intron/exon borders are believed to recruit the snRNPs.
  13. It's the far-left democrats fault, as usual.
  14. That's the question. Right now it's exceedingly diffult to even make anti-hydrogen, much less anti-neon. I suspect it might be a few decades before we can make higher atomic number elements.
  15. Barney molests little boys.
  16. you could always write up news stories for the main page just click the 'Submit News' link
  17. I just created a computer hardware forum. Nerds/geeks love hardware... I sure do. My hardware x-mas wishlist: 80gb HD, LCD, wireless mouse, audigy2, 400W speakers, ATA controller, 52x cd-rw, new keyboard, new floppy
  18. In one of the greater acts of oppression that the US government has perpetrated, FoxNews was set up to do a story outlining how Israeli companies (both private and ones with ties to the Israeli government) basically run our domestic intelligence operations. Makes you stop and reconsider our stance over there. Just be the report was about to air, the government intervened and stopped it from being aired; however the report leaked out into the hands of people like me: http://fafalone.hypermart.net/israel.txt
  19. Ok so this isn't exactly science news, but it affects every freedom loving American (if you don't live in the US, it's only a matter of time before the long, oppressive arm of the RIAA smacks down your country). Story is of interest to our audience. Plus I'm an admin, I can post whatever I want
  20. In the latest atrocity, the RIAA busted a piracy ring that had "the equivalent of" 421 CD burners. In reality, there were actually only 156 burners, however the RIAA declared that fast burners, up to 40x here, counted as multiple burners. What's even worse, the raid was conducted by RIAA investigators and Secret Service agent. So, the RIAA now has police power and controls a agency in the government whose role is supposed to be to protect high ranking politicians. In other RIAA news, Hillary Rosen (CEO) lost a debate about P2P networks being evil in the Oxford Union, a debate club for high ranking politicians. Lost is an understatement, the vote was 256-72. Add this to all the previous things... such as endless lawsuits against P2P networks, lobbying Congress for the right to legally DoS the computers of MP3 sharers, their piss-poor treatment of the artists they're claiming to be protecting (if the artists aren't making money, it's because of the disproportionately large chunk you take), and especially it's ordering the Navy to confiscate computers of cadets sharing MP3s-- a blatant act of subordination to a large company BY THE UNITED STATES MILITARY WHICH DISGRACES OUR ARMED FORCES, ... and we get one evil megacorporation that basically has the powers of all the branches of the government.
  21. tera peta exa zetta yotta nothing higher
  22. Now, if someone doesn't aprreciate music, you may be able to correctly state that there is something wrong with their brain; specifically the rostromedial prefrontal cortex. New research published in Science, this area of the brain is responsible for remembering music and recognizing tones, and also noticing bad notes when we hear a familiar tune.To do this study, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used on subjects to identify areas of activity while listening to music, they were also asked to indentify timbral deviances in the songs. Increased activity in the middle temporal gyrus was also observed, and the right hemisphere was the most active.
  23. I read The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence Krauss... quite surprising to see how the physics is alot better than you would expect, and the technologies are actually explained with proper terminology. Great reading.
  24. e^x is equal to an infinite series by Taylor expansion: 1+x^n/n! This series should look familiar, the even powers are the series for cos(x) (2n), and the odd powers are the series for sin(x) (2n+1) So, e^x = cos(x) + i*sin(x) cos(pi) + i*sin(pi) = -1 and -1 + 1 = 0
  25. I was under the impression that the signal was sent through a cable; but I suppose if there were a cordless VCR it would use a different radio frequency.
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