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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. fafalone

    What is it?

    The article cited 63 chromosomes being unable form haploid germ cells as the reason mules are sterile; I believe it could caused by a trisomy, which would make it 64 chromosomes. In humans, several trisomies are survivable, so it would be possible for a live birth like this.
  2. divergent evolution, speciation, directional selection, genetic drift, founder effect, bottleneck effect, etc.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/11/05/science.sheep.reut/index.html Looks like once again blike is losing to me in an argument This study demonstrates a strong non-social cause of homosexuality.
  4. Republicans are better than democrats too.
  5. That's Gardners theory. ...and just because someone is a good person doesn't mean they're intelligent. I believe intelligence and specific talent are separate characteristics.
  6. sounds like osteopath propaganda to me allopath schools are better... JHU, Yale, Harvard.. all MD. Coincidence? I think not.
  7. I think this thread deserves a bump too. The definition of intelligence used by psychologists is "the ability to learn from and adapt to the environment". This is obviously very broad. -The first time intelligence was attempted to be measured was by Galton's anthropometric laboratory, which was actually designed to measure physical individual differences, as fitness was definition of intelligence proposed by Darwin's On the Origin of Species. -The first modern assessment of intelligence was the Binet-Simon scale in which a set of questions was given to children, and normed based on their age. In modern times, this has been revised and measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, abstract visual reasoning, and short-term working memory as the components that make up intelligence. -"IQ" is defined as Mental Age/Cognitive Age x 100, and it works out that IQ follows a normal distribution and 100 is the average. -Spearman proposed 2 factors that make up the intelligence of a person; generalized intelligence (IQ) and specific factors (talents, etc). -Later on, Thurstone proposed 7 primary abilities that are components of intelligence: Verbal, fluency, number ability, spatial, associative.. (can't remember the other two :/) -Gardner proposed that other factors made up intelligence... linguistic, logical-mathematical, music, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. These were factors never before thought of when talking about intelligence, and had a significant impact on contemporary theorists, including Sternberg, whose triarchic theory stated intelligence depended on creativity, analytic ability, and practical application ability. -Emotional Intelligence became considered a factor of intelligence as elucidated in his 1995 book Emotional Intelligence. Some background on intelligence i learned in my intro to psychology class.
  8. I think it's time for another bump here, get some fresh votes and reassert the how unfathomably superior MDs are to DOs.
  9. Obesity is influenced by genetics to a varying extent. Think susceptibility (another concept blike doesn't understand ) For me unfortunately this extent is quite high and proper diet and 4 hours of daily exercise do NOTHING. I'm not that fat, but its nearly impossible for me to lose weight.
  10. They have marsupials in a few other places, like madagascar.
  11. That's a trick us college students know extremely well
  12. fafaIone (9:51:21 PM): but arguing with you about this is worse than arguing with zarkov blike again (9:52:36 PM): because you accidentally said common ancestor had ANYTHING to do with it fafaIone (9:52:57 PM): common ancestors and convergent evolution are two different topics blike again (9:53:07 PM): which it does not. if you'd read any research journal you'd see them explaining how the eye evolved seperatly and independantly many different times. fafaIone (9:53:48 PM): thats called convergence fafaIone (9:54:16 PM): different species developping similar features is convergence. blike again (9:54:37 PM): thanks, cpt. obvious. but yesterday you said it was because of a common ancestor fafaIone (9:54:50 PM): you said convergence didn't happen. fafaIone (9:54:59 PM): "its a joke" blike again (9:55:00 PM): i did, and I made my case for it. fafaIone (9:55:15 PM): but you just admitted your own argument was obviously convergence blike again (9:55:52 PM): no, you said that its called "convergence". thats true, thats what its called, but i think convergence is highly unlikely. fafaIone (9:56:11 PM): so it's highly unlikely a whole bunch of organisms have developped eyes? fafaIone (9:56:36 PM): ::looks around:: i don't think so blike again (9:57:16 PM): no, its highly unlikely that they would all evolve the same trait because of convergence. that was in support of "Theory of Life: We're Programmed". fafaIone (9:57:28 PM): vision was a favored trait for an environment and group, therefore photoreceptors became more complex. there is no "useless intermediate" blike again (9:58:16 PM): why aren't more traits convergent among the 5 phyla? blike again (9:58:23 PM): that share eyes fafaIone (9:58:50 PM): jointed appendages? fafaIone (9:59:01 PM): ceolem development? fafaIone (9:59:55 PM): the same basic eukaryotic cell structure? blike again (10:00:15 PM): thats not because of convergence, thats because of ancestors. fafaIone (10:00:26 PM): ...and the previous two fafaIone (10:01:36 PM): fins? gills? fafaIone (10:02:05 PM): hearts? blike again (10:02:19 PM): common ancestors. fafaIone (10:02:32 PM): all of those? blike again (10:02:43 PM): no, probalby not jointed appendages fafaIone (10:03:06 PM): so how did those come about? fafaIone (10:04:54 PM): ... fafaIone (10:06:45 PM): plant roots for example... plants in different orders have developped similar features separetely fafaIone (10:07:10 PM): there was no "master ancestor" that explains the same basic shape that occures so many times in sea creatures fafaIone (10:09:07 PM): in fact, whales descended from 4-legged mammals fafaIone (10:12:10 PM): ... you got quiet I believe you lose my dear USF student
  13. (in chat) blike again (9:49:09 PM): what fossil record? I think this is a nice summary of blike's evolutionary knowledge
  14. and you know what we do to people who continuously spew pseudoscientific dribble around here....
  15. My Canes won AGAIN this weekend =) We're on a 30 game winning streak on our way to a 2nd consecutive national championship. Also let me take this opportunity to mock USFs football team and point out to blike that they MIGHT be able to score once in a game with our THIRD string.
  16. Evolution is a FACT. Natural selection is a THEORY.
  17. Not if that cell has a telomerase deficiency...
  18. Since when is instantaneous acceleration not acceleration?
  19. here 2nd law.pdf
  20. Just because it's accelerating now doesn't mean it will always be. If you throw a ball up in the air, there is a period of time that it's accelerating away from you, does this mean it will continue to accelerate forever?
  21. blike doesn't believe in evolution, he thinks it's a joke, and apparently so does the research he's misinterpretting.
  22. If you don't have access to the full article let me know and I'll upload it here.
  23. Please see G. M. Wang, E. M. Sevick, Emil Mittag, Debra J. Searles, and Denis J. Evans Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 050601 (2002)
  24. Actually, we can't really measure the rate of change. We still haven't exactly found the current rate either.
  25. But the question is... are the being pushed apart, or still moving apart from the initial point? Also, galaxies have collided in the past. Our own galaxy will collide with another in a few billion years.
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