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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. It doesn't serve evolution to save the weak. By eliminating competition for survival, you eliminate the driving force of evolution.
  2. Most CPUs have heatsinks...
  3. So zarkov is the 3rd most intelligent user? i think not.
  4. lol
  5. Fine let's be hostile. It's not modifying the gene you insipid USF messycan, it's using RNAi techniques to prevent expression.
  6. Better cooling systems need to become cheaper. This 100 dB fan just isn't working out. I hate shutting my computer down so I can sleep.
  7. I'd love to comment on this, however once again your news post lacked remotely adequate detail.
  8. The problem with emotions is that they are an evolutionary disadvantage. Pity and social anxiety work against natural selection. It's interesting that many of the uniquely human psychological instincts are countervolutionary (although other primates are known to exhibit pity).
  9. Like I said before, you can do some research on the topic yourself. Radon is available to researchers; as are lab animals. It's kinda hard to lie when any shmuck researcher can figure out the results on their own.
  10. Impossible? Nonsense. If you can manipulate it somatically then you can manipulate it in a germ cell. The main problem with doing it on adults is uptake of the vector and immune responses; this would be 100% in a zygote, and no immune response.
  11. Congrats grazzhoppa, you're our 100th member
  12. I like Intel better, just because of the cool commercials. And they do better things, like science contests.. and their website is alot better but i use an AMD XP in my machine
  13. The safe limit is 4 pCi/L, which means no more than 8-9 atoms decay in a minute in a liter of air (since the half life of radon is 3.8days for the most common isotope (222), this amounts to no more than a few parts per billion). Radon is the heaviest mononuclear gas and emits alpha particles on decay, so I'd tend to agree with the EPA on the dangers of it, especially since over 15000 deaths are attributed to cancer caused by it every year.
  14. What are the odds of chemicals naturally combining to form life? 1 in a billion? 1 in a trillion? Every galaxy has billions of stars, the universe has billions of galaxies. Would the odds catch up sometime? something to think about.
  15. Right now we're just removing the proteins that cause an immune response in humans. Obviously removing proteins can't cause an immune response in the pig.
  16. First let me establish that I personally hate the EPA. Their laws don't let me play with radioactive things in a home lab Just as some amounts of sunlight is safe, some amounts of radon are. This is extremely small however, since radon is highly radioactive. Radiation causes mutation in genes, often leading to cancer. If there was a high concentration of radon, then you are extremely likely to develop cancer. If you really wanted to, you could set up a lab experiment and get the data for yourself. Avoid high concentrations of radon at all costs, unless you actually want to get cancer.
  17. Not yet. The reason for this is the same as xenotransplantation.. the foreign proteins would cause an immune response, in this case from the mother. But we're working on it. Pig hearts have been engineered not to produce a certain form of galactose, which triggers an immune response in the recipient.
  18. fafalone


    liquid nitrogen can cool just about anything down to acceptable temperatures :/
  19. I've looked at it and played around a bit.. but never bothered to really learn how to use it. I don't program anymore :/
  20. I don't like IDE's in general. I like separate environments for VB, C++, etc. VS98 was the best.
  21. fafalone


    I say be damned with not making lab projects available to the public. If I could afford a 10GHz chip, I could certainly afford a liquid nitrogen cooling system for it.
  22. It's already being done. Gene therapy is mostly on adults; we have the ability to alter the genome on a fetus, but it's considered unethical so we don't even hear about how easily it can be done now.
  23. No, you were a moderator, but then you stopped posting and even logging in.
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