See, the founding fathers of the United States were clearly against a system where a majority group could persecute a minority group. Hence why they didn't want direct democracy.
Abolition, womens suffrage, suffrage at 18, desegregation... none of these had majority support.
Well, since the human being sacrificed is most likely not a consenting party, it's an invalid argument and just yet another evasion of choices between consenting adults...
As far as tests... generally the only thing you have to take is the SAT I and score at least 1200.
The fee (called tuition here) averages about $10,000/year for public school, and 25000-30000/year at a private school.
Not really. Taxing instant messages would be like taxing face-to-face... taxing email would be like taxing letters: postage. Imagine how much junk snailmail you'd get if it was free for companies to mail the stuff. I favor a 1-cent email tax, and will continue to favor it as long as its under 5 cents.
..not to mention that just stopping production would be impossible without a brutal totalitarian police state covering the entire world. Whenever the US takes down a major production field, another one ALWAYS pops up and takes its place. The supply has never been interrupted.
It's not a loophole, it's a clear statement that consenting adults acting in accordance with their faith with other consenting adults should be afforded the same rights as those of any other faith.
Well, if you actually read through the site, you'd see it only took 2 exposures each time it was in a certain part of the Earth orbit, since it took 400 orbits.
vBulletin does include some support for multilingual sites. I speak French fluently, I don't know how good blike is with Spanish. We'd need speakers on board before we could start it tho.
I will be taking it around this time next year. Basically I plan to lock myself in a room for a month before it with caffeine and books, and no electronics to distract me.
An air bubble would kill you, not cleaning your skin properly would give you a nasty bacterial infection, impurities in stuff you're injecting could kill you or make you very (very) sick, if you miss the vein you'll get an abscess that has to be surgically removed, if you miss the vein and hit an artery you'll get large amounts of internal bleeding, the list goes on and on. I just hope you live in a state where needles are prescription only.
2) Relates to a variety of properties (exo/endo thermic reactions)... molecular stability, entropy, etc
4) Just point out their ignorance of quantum theory.
5) Duh?
6) Because quantum mechanics relates to the fabric of space-time and the wave properties of matter.
7) Why not?
9) Yes, but you see alot more points of light than with just your eye. Also useful for observing higher detail of planets in this solar system.
12) Light.
13) That's what it is?
That comment made me completely lose respect for you, and any confidence I had that you were not a total cretin.
That paragraph is morally abhorrent bigotry and intensely hateful and inappropriate. Not even the Pope is such a fideistic bigot.
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