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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. What about head transplants A monkey lived a couple weeks once after having its head transplanted... hmm... lol
  2. It's been shown that neutrinos have mass, so in theory a sufficiently powerful gravitational field could contain them.
  3. With diseases being cured, new life-extending treatments, nanotechnology, stem cell research, etc, virtual immortality is right around the corner. Would you want to take advantage of this? Let us know how you weigh in.
  4. XY/XX/etc are genetic Hormones is what my original post was about :/
  5. yes they contribute, but they aren't the only reason. if you think obesity isn't only external factors and not related to genetics, you're going on the ignorance list
  6. Not as often
  7. Not to mention obesity... some people are more genetically prone to it, yet obesity has been on the rise for centuries.
  8. I don't know where you got the idea theres such a strong connection where it would drastically effect evolution. I'm saying a genetic disposition is one of many components, in fact it wasn't even my primary point. You're acting like it's a single gene.
  9. So explain midgets. Especially considering its a dominant gene and homozygotes die. The homozygote problem along with the fact they're really not as likely to reproduce... so why are they still in the gene pool? You're still not understanding the concept of susceptibility. The genes that influence it could technically have nothing to do with it at all.
  10. Sometimes they do. And that was just a small sample of genetically linked conditions.
  11. Maybe not directly, although there may be some genes that create more of a susceptibility to it. Don't tell me the "it's impossible because its again evolution" bs, because cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, etc. are all genetically influenced. and of course there's always bisexuality, which wouldn't be evolutionarily removed.
  12. I'm not scared of them, it just goes back to my extreme hatred of ignorance, flagrant avoidable cretinism evokes a rage in me beyond description
  13. There is a physiological basis for homosexuality. Certainly this is not the only cause, and certainly not everyone with this conidtion is gay. During the early stages of development, males are typically in an environment with more testosterone. This results in inhibiting development of the corpus callosum. the part of the brain responsible for for communication between both sides, which accounts for many differences between men and women. This is the extreme example, but there are subtle changes in other parts of the brain structure due to testosterone. These effects are supressed if there is an above average level of estrogen. Creating a more effeminate brain structure obviously influences sexuality.
  14. Are you sure about that? The way I understood evolutionary theory, bacteria evolved before viruses, and some bacteria evolved smaller and smaller into viruses.
  15. [insert preemptive 'this is not nibiru, go away' rant]
  16. It's just right-wing homophobe propaganda. I'm not gay, but I really hate extreme homophobes.
  17. It will be "unethical" to prolong human life in healthy people using stem cells and telomerase therapy for the forseeable future. Not that I'm going to let ethics stop me from researching it tho
  18. BTW this got moved because of appropriate reasons, not just because I felt like moving it. a) when AIDs appeared, we didn't have the means to "cross" viruses. we still don't really have that ability beyond a few projects. b) If an agency such as USAMRIID was trying to build a virus to wipe out a particular group, they wouldn't release it when it was blatantly obvious it effected everyone. c) Anyone who thinks AIDS only effects the homosexual population is a flaming imbecile. d) as is anyone who thinks it effects only blacks; but incidently this stems from their own imbecility in africa where they believe sex with a virgin cures it and don't believe in condoms. e) this sounds like something the "president bush orchestrated september 11th" people would say. f) Just a technicality to clear up if you're going to continue to discuss this... "AIDS" is not a virus. AIDS is not transmissable. The virus is HIV, AIDS is the condition.
  19. Oh please. This is getting moved to pseudoscience.
  20. Who's to say that by the time the universe starts collapsing we won't have the technology to prevent it? In a million years we've gone from the first appearance of language to splitting the atom and gazing upon galaxies 132 sextillion kilometers away... imagine where we'll be in a few billion years.
  21. it's the standard celebration schedule... 1month, 3month, 6month, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 25 years, 50, 75, 100, 200 or 250, 500, 1000.
  22. Three months ago today, on July 4th 2002, ScienceForums.net went online. Here's some statistics so far: We have had 3002 total posts in 275 threads from 87 members, making the average posts per member at 34.5 and the posts per day average at 31.2. However, the Top 5 Posters account for 2009 (66.9%) of all posts, with aman being the #1 poster with 484 posts (16%). The most posts occured on July 27th, with 208, the same day we had the most new users (11). We had 1625 posts in July, 744 in August, 553 in September, and 56 so far in October, this obviously isn't a good trend;) The most users ever online was 72, on July 7th, thanks to jinx spamming and impersonating me. We are currently ranked 5th for "science forums" on Google, and we have seen an increase in traffic in the last few days, hopefully this trend will continue as we continue to expand our topics. chris was the first non-admin to join, but he's MIA. Thanks to all our members for helping to make this site better and more popular, and taking the first steps in our goal to become a prominant discussion community for all areas and levels of science. Let's keep it going!
  23. First of all, there's a huge difference between white people and albino people. Albino people are actually missing the gene the codes for melanin, which also affects hair growth (they have no hair on their body). Second of all, if you actually read my post, and subscribe to the theory life originated in africa (which has the most evidence), then you could conclude that the first man was indeed black. The first "men" had no concept of sin or prejudice, these are higher social functions that came after the development of language.
  24. fafalone

    IM back!

    The best thing you missed was the final dismantling of zarkov's theories and me hitting him over the head with the ban stick... IM me some time and I'll paste you the thread
  25. That's an exception to the rule. But for example if the mother has HIV, the child will not necessarily get it (and if it does, transmission occurs during birth).
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