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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. I suspect the mechanism of action is probably inhibition of 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake, perhaps involved with other neurotransmitters as well. Since the brains functions are based on electricity, this could certainly interfere with normal function; especially considering the similarity of the effect of certain drugs. I read the full article in Nature, but they don't talk about it on the molecular level.
  2. You just know the US government is going to make placing electrodes on your head illegal now. :down:
  3. We admins are college students who can't really afford paid advertising, and popups are the devil incarnate.
  4. I'm just upset we were seeing hundreds (record 208) of posts per day, then the DB got reset and we never recovered.
  5. No posts today. This is the first.
  6. I just merged pseudoscience and metaphysics.. same difference.
  7. What really bugs me is their time frame. It's going to take them another year before they're ready to go open it. Give me a break. The time they spend over there is the epitome of inefficiency. I want to know NOW. Give me some tools and a jack hammer, and it will take me far less than a year.
  8. Astronomy and cosmology are two entirely different things. If anything (and I'd prefer not merging it), it would go with modern physics. Aren't all medical sciences really human sciences? Well, except veterinary sciences... and xenobiology...
  9. and more people need to post more news more often.
  10. Guess no one else wants to take a shot before I inevitably correct you two. Plagiarism. and no it's not.
  11. It's a step forward towards faster communications, but it's not an earth shattering revolution. In fact, they only propagate the group at 4x c, other projects have gotten to 400x c. The signal is composed of electrons. None of the electrons ever travel faster than light here, but the message (group) reaches teh destination as if it were travelling faster than light.
  12. The signal gets there in a speed greater greater than c (and at a time before it left), but not of the individual particles that make up the message are ever going faster than c. Weird stuff. For more info, search google for 'superluminal propagation'
  13. According to the latest research published in Applied Physical Letters, MTSU scientists used a setup that cost about $500 to set up a system that brteaks the speed of light (group velocity, not individual particles). Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 81, No. 11, pp. 2127–2129, 9 September 2002 http://ojps.aip.org/journals/doc/APPLAB-ft/vol_81/iss_11/2127_1.html
  14. and since physics is the primary focus of this site, i think we should leave the subdivisions as they are for now.
  15. We already have a psych forum. And an ethics forum. Psych has even been there since the beginning, and I added ethics about a month and a half ago.
  16. The theoretical limit of resolution for electron microscopes d = .61:lclambda: / n*sin( :alpha: ) | :lclambda: = h/(mv), n=0 (refractive index, EM uses a vacuum, :alpha: = angle. Plug everything in and you get .005nm. But as everyone knows, the EM can't produce images at that resolution because of constraints on the traditional lensing used to collect and produce the image, this makes the practical limit of resolution 1.5nm. What I propose is that the full limit of resolution by an EM will be realized, what ideas do you all have for ways to overcome or go around the factors that account for the large difference between theoretical and practical limits of resolution? and i put this thread in this forum because the uses of electron microscopy apply more to chemical and biological sciences, and this forum had no threads
  17. But what is time? The standard quantum mechnical definition of time is the direction in which entropy increases; but since it has been shown the law of entropy can be broken on small scales, this calls into question time. And of course there's the entire time dilation issue.
  18. Things to add... more users
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple hundred years down the line all our laws of physics are thrown out the window. We simply don't know all too much about the universe, especially on sub-atomic scales (and btw, we can look at an atom)
  20. There's a conservation law for both matter and energy.
  21. Matter is a form of energy.
  22. Energy had to be created some time.
  23. How large does an object have to be to qualify as a moon?
  24. Never listen to anything humanities professors say about science
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