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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. 0*7.906^2 = 0 200*7.778^2 = 12099.4568 500*7.612^2 = 28791.2762 etc. These all do not equal a constant, and certainly not 1/4pi or 4x10^5
  2. Just found this today. http://physicsweb.org/article/world/15/9/1
  3. That has nothing to do with your theory of spin gravity, and doesn't even remotely address my last post. Furthermore, earlier you said K=1/4pi. rv^2 will not always equal 1/4pi. In fact, in order for that equation to be true, r or v would have to be infinitesimal.
  4. Quantum gravity is a bit more complicated. Lorentzian quantum gravity in 2 dimensions for n coupled Ising models: G(:lclambda:, t, :beta: ) = :lsum: e-:lclambda:NTZnT( :beta: ) .................T (:eqv: Tt
  5. I added all the Greek letters not in the standard Western character set, since I'm scared to think what would happen if I started using Unicode with vB. Oh well. Should be easier to present math and physics equations now.
  6. Your observations must be alot better than everyone elses, since not only does no one else observe this, but you've observed that despite the fact dipole spin gravity couplings violate parity symmetry in the Dirac equation, it's still the acting force.
  7. The o represented the sun.
  8. Hydrogen fuel cells are a step in the right direction, but you're absolutely right. Our energy abilities right now are in desperate need of revolution, because they're unbelievably inefficient, especially on the extraplanetary scale.
  9. You really want to declare your theories in advance to be associated with Zarkov's? On another note, an interesting conjecture I've heard that given previous states and trajectories, there could only be one possible outcome for each particle. This would suggest that there is no consciousness, no thought as we know it. This also raises the issue of quantum behaviour, where if there are two equal probabilities, both occur.
  10. For some reason most of the world seems to think it's more moral to have millions of people starving to death than tell people they can't have as many children as they want. Certainly can't depends on people to self-impose limits. The less intelligent tend to breed more, giving them an evolutionary advantage. Sad state of affairs.
  11. According to this story on CNN, the liftoff for the Atlas 5 is scheduled for this evening. The rocket is designed to carry more than 4 tons into orbit, making it one of the most powerful ever built.
  12. It means the solar system rotates predominantly in 2 directions, not 3. ---------o--------- not \ / \/
  13. Again, this does not even remotely indicate a significant shift in z-axis as would be the case in a vortex.
  14. This would imply a change in the orbital velocity of planets, this simply has no evidence. Velocities are also not proportional to distance from the center; their orbital periods are different because of distance, not velocity.
  15. I have added a bunch of new smilies that can be used for writing mathematical equations. Since images are not allowed, this feature is very useful for accurately expressing things like partial derivatives and integrals. Click "Get More" on the Smilies box when posting to see them. Send me any symbols I've left out, size should be similar to existing ones. Also, superscript and subscript tags been added, and . Close with a /
  16. The way you showed it involved a form of Keplers Law that is flat out not equivalent. Furthermore, while it is not dependent on mass, this not at all point to a vortex shape.
  17. I believe it's fully possible to travel forwards in time due to time dilation, at least in a way. If you could stay just beyond the event horizon to a black hole, a day for you would be a year for everyone in normal spacetime. Same with travelling close to the speed of light. In this sense, it's possible to "travel" into the future.
  18. Centripetal force also depends on mass. (mv2)/r
  19. Also, you neglected units. You gave velocities in km/sec and distance in AUs. Furthermore, Kepler's Third Law is T2 = r3, and cannot be written as rv2. Not only is this not a documented form of the law, it is in no way shape or form equivalent.
  20. You could always get a telescope and look at the planets, since they're all on pretty much the same plane that's not characteristic of a vortex. Angular velocity is v/r, not rv2, or the others.
  21. E(electromotive) = d(phi)/dt -Faraday's Law, I've never seen this applied outside of circuits. so if we extend that into a spherical field then = [1/4*pi*r^2]*[d(phi)/dt] = K*[d(phi)/dt] / r^2 = K a I / r^2 Where d(phi)/dt = integral of emf produced by electric field I and acceleration a (+ - ) -emf is a derivative, not an integral. -if K = 1/4pi, Kr^2 * dphi/dt isn't not equivalent to K dphi/dt/r^2, basic algebra -acceleration times an electric field is magnetic flux? not quite. -I is Ohm's Law, E/R, it represents ; dphi/dt does not equal R, or E/R, , or aE/R and so M (magnetomotive force)= K a B / r^2 -B? magnetic flux density? -howd you calculate mmf without reluctance? Spin gravity force = torque set up by these two vectors -this doesn't make sense E and M generates a dipolar eddy spin that spirals into the centre of spin, if a is negative and out from the centre of spin, if a is positive. -and how does this happen? dipolar eddies require a stratified solution In both cases K = 1/ 4 pi a constant r = distance from centre of spin -this is pretty much the only unflawed part of this post
  22. The library contained originals, all visitors to the city were searched for scrolls, if found they were confiscated, checked for presence in the library, and if not there the visitors were returned a copy of the original. So, some documents survived because they had a duplicate... but the vast majority was lost. One of the greatest losses in history.
  23. I believe it was Julius Caesar who burnt it in c.47BC on an attack on Cleopatra's fleet. Then it was rebuilt, destroyed by the Romans under Aurelian in c.AD273, and then finally in AD390 by Christians who believed knowledge was basically evil, but this obviously wasn't the crusade since the first one was in AD1095.
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