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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. Scientifically it's just a result of inhibition of serotonin reuptake in various regions of the brain, causes drastic perceptual changes. That's the mechanism of action for most hallucinogens.
  2. Um, we tolerate inorganic compounds, they're called minerals. We couldn't live without them. Basic biology here, mr genius.
  3. Einstein based his equations on real data, he showed how he arrived at his conclusion. You do neither.
  4. Normally, but volume could also be considered indirect because you either measure it by l w h or water displacement. If you've got some really expensive equipment you might be able to measure H directly
  5. You refuse to provide a scientific basis for your arguments. I have asked many many many times. You reply with bullshit like "my maths is off limits because i use them for AI" and ignoring journal article requests. A scientific theory meets the following criteria: a) It is constructed based on evidence or extrapolations (you will not prove this, so we have no reason to believe you when you simply say they are) b) Experimental data supports the conclusion (you refuse to provide accurate data) If these conditions are not met, it belongs in "Metaphysics". Moving it to that forum does not alter it or censor it, or hide it from the main page. It simply places it in the proper category.
  6. /\H can be measured... calorimeter, table of bond energies
  7. I believe this may be referring to enthalpy... the net energy change of a reaction can be negative, which means energy added to the system.
  8. DXM (dextromethorphan) is the active ingredient in some cough syrups. It is a dissociative that can also produce hallucinogenic effects. High doses cause serious brain damage (Olney's Lesions, "holes" in your brain where activity ceases) DMT is an extremely powerful hallucinogen. It is normally smoked, and after one hit you won't really be able to take another for a while. The hallucinations are very strange and very real, you will have little control over your body. This, and the short (20-30 minutes peak) dosage make this better than LSD in my opinion. I'm not aware of any side effects beyond what's expected... possible flashbacks, strain on the lungs, and it's possibly carcinogenic if smoked too often. But keep in mind, DMT is a Schedule I drug, unlike DXM. For a great source of information about these and most other common drugs, check out Erowid.org
  9. We can't even get everyone to agree on whether a virus is life, much less machines. Single celled organisms are considered life, but do not have thoughts/emotions, so I don't think that would be an adequate way to define life. The best way to classify a virus is as living; because it's much more similar to a living organism than to non-living items. As far as simple robots and AIs, I think this area is the area they best fit into, until true emotion, feeling, compassion comes along... which won't be for quite some time.
  10. Just a matter of time... SSL encryption can be cracked, but it takes years on supercomputers. Quantum computers could do it significantly faster, but it will be another 20 years at least before we can build one sophisticated enough to be of any use (the most complex computation done to date with quantum computing is factoring 15 into 3 and 5) The latest cryptography that cannot be cracked (with current technology) is quantum cryptography, because with existing levels of technology you cannot intercept the message without changing it. To get around that, we're talking 50+ years of quantum mechanics.
  11. fafalone


    We'll be able to explain it one day, but not yet
  12. What journals have you published in? Please provide the proper citations so I may access them. If the government oppressed them, you may publish them on this site.
  13. Planets change on their own. Life adapts to these changes. 90x the ATP? I assume you're referring to adenosine triphosphate, a complex energy molecule not synthesized by the earliest forms of life, nor does it occur outside of life.
  14. As aforementioned, this result is supported by Lorentzian Relativity, you will find extensive information on this.
  15. You have the resources to conduct such studies, but have not published results?
  16. 2x10^10 * c is enourmous.
  17. It's not a matter of accepting new ideas; Let me put it this way... 1+1=2 Now, if someone comes along and says "I say all laws of math are wrong, and 1+1=7, and refuse to say why, and you're close-minded for not believing it" what are you going to say? Saying "explain why" is being open. When things are blatant contradictions of what years of experiments proving laws have concluded, you'd be a fool not to insist on an explanation. i'm open to an explanation, but not him refusing to provide one for such claims.
  18. Is it really so much to ask that people provide a decent explanation when they start calling a whole lot of thoroughly proven basic laws of physics wrong?
  19. If you have a really expensive camera with an extremely high shutter speed, it will see it.. I love those cameras
  20. That's a very interesting question. It was predicted by Einstein that gravitational waves travel at the speed of light. However, this did not hold up to observed data. Evidence supporting this was found by Joseph Taylor, who won the 1994 Nobel prize for his work. How can a black hole have gravity if the escape speed is greater than c? The typical answer for this is that the gravitational field is frozen; however this has been proven to be wrong as gravitational fields must be continually regenerated, not to mention the problems that arise with binary black holes. It also must be considered that gravitational waves show no abberation, and for this to happen gravitational propagation must greatly exceed light. Classical mechanics hold the speed of gravity to be infinite, but the indicates a static field, which has been refuted. In conclusion, Taylor's experiment with a binary pulsar system concluded that the speed of gravity is >= 2x10^10 times the speed of light. As it turns out, this is not a true violation of the theory of relativity; at least not any more than general relativity violates Newtonian gravity. It is also in accord with Lorentzian relativity, which has not been demonstrated to be wrong. All experiments conducted have all arrived at the conclusion that the propagation speed of gravity greatly exceeds c. Special relativity explains gravity as a function of a curvature in space-time; hence does not propagate in the same way things such as light does- but this is disproven by the binary black hole issue; how their fields could continually update with masses hidden by their event horizons, and this is only explained by gravity being a propagated force with a velocity exceeding c (the escape velocity of a black hole).
  21. Adrian is very active on that forum and offered to post on it on behalf of this site. We very much appreciate it
  22. Well you refuse to explain anything, and you're not a AI researcher, so don't lie. And I guess the chapters in my physics book that relate to centripetal (you're an expert but can't spell anything right?) were talking about something moderns physics claims to not exist? Not quite. So until you explain things, fuck off, k? And there's no reason to refuse to link to other references if yours are closed (complete bs anyway, you've got nothing) because no scientist in their right mind would just take your for things apparently only you can prove.
  23. Older TVs use an electron gun to energize phosphorus and other compounds to produce colors. I'm not sure how plasma displays work, never looked at it... but I know they don't require as much size (thinner) and have a significantly higher resolution.
  24. The greatest genius of our time... ZARKOV jk, he has no clue what he's talking about
  25. Capillary pressure is greater in the face.
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