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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. Space.com has an article about the possible observation of a gas giant planet forming. A large deuterium concentration was found about 10AU from HD 141569. Oringinal Paper in Nature, 4 July 2002 Click read more to discuss this article Click here for the Astronomy forum. Click here for the Astrophyscis forum.
  2. I'll agree with that, something around 6.6x10^-34; that's the accepted point where the laws of physics break down.
  3. Time doesn't have much meaning on the quantum scale. If you fly an atomic clock around the world, it will go slower than a stationary one (this has been done, and within the next couple years they're going to put one on the ISS). Time doesn't work the same at that level. And atoms can be split, and subatomic particles can be split, and those can be split... eventually you'll get down to pure energy, where matter as we know it doesn't exist... time is similar.
  4. fafalone


    Babies don't "breathe;" their lungs are one of the last organs that develop. Oxygen is supplied through the umbilical cord.
  5. fafalone


    Thanks for both compliments there, look at my user text
  6. Talk about MS-centric lol
  7. So, I guess it's Microsoft's own fault they started the age-old tradition of pirating their apps.
  8. Some cretin in a chat room told me you could see it coming and gave me sky coordinates, wasted an hour finding out there was no planet close to the place.
  9. Planet X (Nibiru) is on a highly eccentric orbit taking it straight towards us...
  10. According to this article on Nature Science Update, scientists at MIT have constructed a prototype of a nitric oxide sensor using a polymer that is lined with Co ions that change the conductivity of the chain when NO bonds with them. NO causes blood vessels to dilate, and also is released by some CNS neurons death, which is associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's. Detecting NO levels is useful for diagnosing this and various other diseases.
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