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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. fafalone


    No. That's performing a power operation on a number, not solving an equation.
  2. I'm not sure about a hinny (female horse and male donkey), but I doubt those would be 1/30 either.
  3. 1 in 30 seems awefully high... we actually worked out the genetic basis for their infertility and the statistical chance of them being fertile... not so high.
  4. Anyone who says bajillion or gazillion or something like that is even more irritating than people who don't know at least the first few groups after a trillion. It's really not that hard, and this is a science forum, anyone using idiotic number names is getting beat with the banstick. well, at least the warning stick.
  5. If the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, only left handed people are in their right minds. I'm left handed too
  6. What's a wave? gravity? theres no SOLID evidence that gravity propagates at the same speed © as an EM wave, and there is evidence to the contrary. Probably not a wave.
  7. Actually there was a Slashdot article on this recently; most of them don't work because they were disconnected years ago. They're left in place for the placebo effect that people are doing something about their problem.
  8. Falling into a use pattern that leads to addiction can be prevented with education, and its up to people to educate themselves about a drug before they use it. If they don't, oh well, that's life. It's not societies responsibility to protect people from their own ignorance; and there's also a very strong case to be made for people letting themselves become addicted at an unconscious level, especially since most addicts are trying to escape daily problems with their lives.
  9. A male horse and a female donkey produce a mule; which is because their species diverged not too long ago. Most (99.999%+) mules are sterile. However this is a special case and the vast majority of species cannot interbreed.
  10. Still haven't gotten that answer.
  11. ...and stop being a bigot while you're at it.
  12. And fear has never been a long-term solution to enforcing asinine policies on people.
  13. No, it's not possible unless such a creature was genetically engineered. Naturally reproducing the chromosomes simply wouldn't match up.
  14. Well generally heroin isn't the first highly addictive substance people try, so they have a good idea. And we're too busy trying to arrest everyone with a little bit of pot to properly educate people (see the Drug War thread) If a mentally retarded person doesn't know any better and stands in front of a train, is it the trains fault? Is it the conductors fault? Ignorance is no excuse.
  15. fafalone


    When you multiply two negative numbers together, you get a positive number. Hence -2 is also a solution for x2 = 4.
  16. E2 = p2c2 + m2c4 and p = mv or hf/c
  17. My pipe is larger ----› ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Ð
  18. What, you really expected him to actually read a thread to see what arguments had already been presented?
  19. Right wing hate-mongering prejudiced extremists like you are a threat to the freedoms this country was founded on.
  20. Please respond to the difference between legislating morality when two consenting adults choose to do something with their private lives vs. murder, robbery, rape, and other crimes involving non-consenting parties.
  21. If you have an addictive personality, and try the 2nd most addictive drug known to man (nicotine is first), then once again it goes back to being your own fault. Psychological addiction can happen the first time; but this is true of any drug, all the way down to alcohol and cigarettes. Sometimes it's just hard to accept that we're all responsible for our own problems. And since heroin is strongly physically addictive, many people who have had it used for medical pain management have been unable to stop once the physical pain was gone.
  22. Yeah, I'm not at all a fan of the retro look.
  23. Please don't confuse laws governing what two consenting people can do with eachother with laws that protect non-consenting parties.
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