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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. I was appalled by the nomenclature on a recent Slashdot article, so I thought I'd make it clear so I don't have to see it here: DO NOT WRITE NUMBERS LIKE "ONE MILLION TRILLION TRILLION". These numbers make you sound like a moron. Call huge numbers by their REAL NAME. It's like little kiddies who don't know the proper names for things. NO After a trillion comes a quadrillion, NOT a "thousand trillion" or "ten thousand million" or any other asinine name. BILLION TRILLION QUADRILLION QUINTILLION SEXTILLION SEPTILLION OCTILLION NONILLION DECILLION UNDECILLION DUODECILLIN TREDECILLON QUATTORODECILLION ..and so forth. If you need to name a larger number, consult Google or me (I have a program that can name ANY number (ulimit = whatever can fit in a standard STRING variable), but don't post some asinine combination of those, or you'll get warned. Same for anyone caught naming numbers with "milliard" "billiard" and whatever else they use other places.
  2. It's best not to talk about F=ma and relativity in the same place.
  3. XP is largely based on the 2000 code, so exploits could easily effect both.
  4. Soil is not impermeable, so I'd have to say no. The rate of absorbtion of water may slow to undetectable by the eye, but rest assured its still a whole lot faster than an actual impermeable surface.
  5. I believe it can be found using series.
  6. Like I previously said, its no simple algebraic manipulation.
  7. hmm... titanium dioxide is present in just about every pill you take...
  8. "All of the above"
  9. fafalone

    Wasn't me

    It was more than likely related to another site on our server; we didn't experience a traffic spike.
  10. fafalone

    Wasn't me

    and I was sleeping... I think we know who to blame.
  11. 2000. I spent about 8 hours going through folders to see what was there yes. It's 28742 files that take up 627MB, it's pretty complete. You don't have to review all the individual files, they're all in descriptive directories.
  12. The "incompleteness" is just a rumor at this point based on wild guesses about the "full code". There's really not much missing at all, Microsoft is trying to downplay it. The NT4 source even compiles completely. Having reviewed the code, I can't find anything thats really missing apart from some low-level kernel code; all the higher level stuff is there, from the explorer interface to the control panel applets to shell32.dll and regedit.
  13. Details as to origin are unclear at this point, but the source code to Windows 2000 has been leaked. This leak has been verified to most likely be the actual source by ScienceForums.net, a member of which having obtained and viewed the code. The code appears to be complete including the kernel. Based purely on speculation, the source of the leak is most likely from one of the 100 Universities around the world with a source code license for MS operating system. Nonetheless, this is a huge deal in the IT world. I for one will be switching to a different operating system since given Microsoft's security record, I'm sure holes will be found at an alarming rate. The original story was posted on Neowin.net, and of course theres a huge Slashdot thread on it. UPDATE: The source of the leak apparently came from an individual strongly connected to Microsoft in Israel whose computer was infected with a late version of the Nimda worm.
  14. The technology will get to the point where the black market can clone it, much as they do illegal organ sales and transplants with people who cannot use the legal system.
  15. Those people will believe anything that promises them virgins so yeah.
  16. Yeah, its the first news story on the main page I say good. Cloning will happen regardless of if we ban it; and do we really want something like this to be handled by the black market?
  17. They just can't differentiate between philosophy and psychology. Although even if they could, alot of the arguments aren't even proper philosophy.
  18. Yeah I drink it all the time, usually with my meal consisting of raw rotten yak carcass with a side of those mushrooms that grow in feces.
  19. I worked it down to this.. yx+1 - xy - y = 0... maybe a little closer than previous solutions.
  20. there should only be a y on the left, and only x functions on the right
  21. Only with conventional acceleration. And also group velocity, where a group of wave particles fired through a specially treated chamber of Cs atoms emerged from one end before it entered the other; the speed of the group was over 200x the speed of light (but none of the individual particles surpassed c).
  22. What chemicals? For basic lab chemicals just about any simple google search will take you to a company that sells them... For the more rare chemicals I'd recommend Sigma Aldrich, you have to order over the phone tho unless you're really a company (they'll call you and ask you to fax forms to verify this).
  23. Well I for one tried to use sciencetific evidence to support my position...
  24. In May 2001 the US gave $43 million to the Taliban government as a reward for cracking down on opium production in the country, that money clearly being used to equip the regime with weapons. We then proceded to declare war on them while at the same time claiming it was members of that regime that were responsible for the drug problem! (remember the "illegal drug money supports terrorism" commericals). Talk about propaganda.
  25. "Sociologists tell us..." Hows about "Data presented in <reputable journal> shows that ... <citations>"
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