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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. Existing isn't really the question; stability is. Would it be stable for more than a few nanoseconds?
  2. KrF2 also exists, and HKrCN, HKrCCH... I'd imagine compounds such as KrO4 could exist because they exist with Xe.
  3. doubtful
  4. Or I could take your IP and go through your ISP to get your home address, and fly out there and beat you up But to the point of the thread... I think some people are already to that point, and it will become more of an issue with the advent of an increase in sophistication of internet interaction.
  5. partial differential equations is a big one. so is advanced matrix operations.
  6. But they're fully capable of donating sperm to a sperm bank that is in turn used to fertilize a female.
  7. There is indeed still a higher HIV rate among homosexuals in the US, although its due to social factors surrounding safe-sex practices rather than the virus having a higher affinity for them.
  8. o.. I just noticed the rest of the list as having no interest in reproducing.
  9. Aristotle was married and had a son. Incidently, the Greek culture had prominent homosexual acts... furthering also to the man/boy mentorship relationship that typically included sex. Men who had sex with men in ancient Greece were not labelled as homosexuals either, they were just performing homosexual acts.
  10. Any reproduction arguements are equally invalid, since humans stopped being subject to survival skills and natural selection some time ago. Besides, who says gays don't reproduce. Sperm banks anyone?
  11. Carbons special properties form from its being able to form exactly 4 bonds; and its not strongly electronegative so these bonds are covalents; this allows large, stable structures to develop. The disucssion of silicon based life inevitably arises because it too forms 4 covalent bonds, but carbons lower molecule weight is also a determining factor... silicon is just too heavy.
  12. Language is a malfunction; a mutuated gene 200,000 years ago caused people to be able to develop language skills, we should have wiped out those abominations to nature too.
  13. It's just remnants of an old prefixing system.... -ite -ate per- -ate, same with -ides
  14. It was addressed to everyone who uses "its unnatural"/"it can't be right because it stops reproduction" as an argument. simply not valid when talking about this species. It's caused by a number of factors; mainly social, with an interesting biological component thats correlated... the estrogen levels during the first few weeks of development... which incidently is correlated to the length of the index finger in comparison with the length of the ring finger. Nature 404, 455 - 456 (2000); doi:10.1038/35006555 [Full Text]
  15. As far as RAD, VB takes it without question. It simplifies the user interfaces, and can do virtually everything C++ can... and if theres something thats better to do in C++, it's very easy to use DLLs in VB; in fact theres even a compiler hack to embed C++ code right into your program.
  16. n=Cekt
  17. If you define homosexuality as a disease since it inhibits reproduction, then I accuse you of the same for using any sexual technique that prevents reproduction. If you think the only acceptable sex is that which results in reproduction; good bye oral sex, condoms, and birth control. If reproduction is not the goal, then it ceases to be a valid argument against homosexuality. And I have yet to see any scientific study linking abuse/rape as a child to homosexuality; if you can cite a publication by all means do so.
  18. A surface whose base is corrected for the shape of the Earth and everything else its resting on.
  19. fafalone

    Bush Approval

    Maybe you should move to Canada you anti-American hippie. Stop your endless Bush-bashing threads before I set your access to not be able to post in the Politics area of the site. We got your point 5 threads ago.
  20. How much NO gas would that really produce tho? Each quarter-mile run usually takes about .4kg of nitrous to produce 75-hp gains... i.e. alot of pressure is neccessary to introduce the NO quickly.
  21. none of those are mutually exclusive, in fact all 3 coexist quite logically. Evolution doesn't explain the immediately origin or life; just how it developed once it got started (and furthermore, it doesn't really explain, it just describes); intelligent design could be considered as structuring that allowed evolution to begin, and of course creationism allows for creation of the structured material.
  22. Are you allowed a timer? If you can time a 24 hour period you can plot the suns position halfway through it and determine the day based on its position in the analemma, since it's in a different part of the sky each day at noon. Of course this is an extremely difficult task that you're probably not capable of if you can't find your way back to civilization...
  23. how what... in a material or in a vacuum over time?
  24. Some things covered in my class today... In every city where the focus is on treatment and not policing, the violence associated with the drug culture has sharply declined. Prohibition increases violence, potency, and health problems, and has ultimately had no effect on drug use levels. So long as there is a demand, suppliers will step up; and the exorbinant amount of money spent is completely ineffective at stopping the supply.
  25. On the original question... Of course the speed of light changes, every time it passes through a material it slows down depending on the properties of the material. It's even been completely stopped in recent experiments. Now the speed of light through a vacuum © may also indeed change slightly over billions of years.
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