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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. If you have a single atom in an isolated system where decayed particles are not allowed to react; eventually you will indeed have nothing but pure energy. p+/e-/n all will decay eventually... even photons are believed to decay.
  2. We've considered doing this in past using the chat room, where only voiced users can talk, and having all questions relayed through the guest through moderators. This has the advtange of only requiring a small portion of a guests time, but has the disadvantage of needing a large number of participants from our user base as well.
  3. So then anything that deviates from the majority and nature is "twisted" now?
  4. fafalone

    needs help

    You'd be expelled from school for anything involving NO, because it's a drug. Great country.
  5. There's many many many things that humans do that do not occur naturally. In fact, sex for fun is virtually never observed in the "natural" animal world (with the notable exception of dolphins). Humans can't live a single day without doing something unnatural. Intelligence changes everything.
  6. Inappropriate for what reason? "because the bible says so" is unacceptable.
  7. Just because the Bible says something is immoral doesn't mean it actually is, or vice-versa. For instance, Jesus lived in a society that practiced slavery; yet not a single passage in the Bible opposes it. I believe the divorce rate here in America is above 50% nowadays, so you really can't argue the emotional merits of heterosexual relationships versus homesexual relationships. YT, if 51% of the population was gay, would you be calling yourself a deviant pervert? I highly doubt it, you'd just cite the bible and argue your feelings till the day you die. The bible was more about respecting and accepting those different from you than it was about persecuting people for their beliefs... did you miss that part? I think the bible was quite against persecution. And as for the validity of the Bible, who knows who put in the part about Sodom... could have been some homophobe that had no idea what Jesus said... since the Bible was written a longgg time after his death, in a language that neither Jesus nor his contemporaries spoke (the Bible was written in Hebrew, in the time and place of Jesus they spoke Aramaic).
  8. Indeed. Especially in a forum I keep off the active topics list. But I think the issue of how he could possibly be against war in Afghanistan, where the government helped and harbored the largest Al-Qaeda cells and their leadership, especially when we actually came up with the evidence before AND after the war to back up our claims is the most supportive of my conclusion he's even farther left than the green party, to the point of being irrational.
  9. Because the Vatican says so. We should not force churches to marry two members of the same sex, but we should legally allow it. That is, we shouldn't force it on the church, but if they get married through a religion that allows it, we should recognize it.
  10. There was also overwhelming evidence the Taliban was supporting Al-Qaeda. Not even the democratic candidates, or the UN/EU, are against the action we took in Afghanistan.
  11. So you're pro-Al-Qaeda? There's overwhelming evidence they were responsible for 9/11... and if you think we shouldn't have responded to the death of 2500 civilians on our own soil, then you're seriously a candidate for thorazine/ECT treatment.
  12. This is evidence that a link exists, and and theres simply nothing at this point that would indicate that this link didn't exist in the past.
  13. Ah, I knew you'd come up with a cop-out. . Whoops.
  14. don't insult parrots like that!@! jk die hippy parrots are cool. we have a bunch of them that fly around our campus.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/01/26/sprj.nirq.bush.qaeda/index.html High-ranking Al-Qaeda operative captured IN IRAQ. I can't wait for the left-wing extremist responses on this one.
  16. The original and the remix At least you'll never see a Republican acting like that
  17. My car is sexy and fast, and I still don't get any Then again I only hang around girls who aren't of questionable intelligence.
  18. lol nice (the rocket, not the car)
  19. I hope not, because the water on mars story is leeching the pic directly from their server
  20. They were not more of a threat to us than North Korea, please read the explanation of why we have not intervened there.
  21. We've intervened in Africa several times. Iraq and Afghanistan were based on a THREAT TO US. You'd throw a fit if we started intervening in every country whose people needed it.
  22. Why didn't we just take Iraq's oil in the Gulf War? I can't imagine what kind of education brings up such blatant evasions of common sense and factual evidence. If you're against our attack on Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, I suggest ending this conversation immediately.
  23. ...so why is it that the United Nations passed a resolution demanding Iraq comply with handing over information about WMDs they UNDENIABLY were in possession of, because the US and Britain SOLD THEM TO IRAQ, THEY PREVIOUSLY USED THEM, and PROVIDED NO EVIDENCE OF WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. So anything Howard Dean says is the truth? Democrats are just as biased as Republicans, only for the opposite view.
  24. Or the fact North Korea has a standing army of 1 million soldiers who will fight to the last man, missiles that would wipe out the 30,000 US troops in the DMZ, and would also level Seoul if we started massing troops and planes for war, not to mention the very real potential of ICBMs capable of reaching California. Dealing with a situation like that is extremely difficult and will take time. Take your anti-americanism elsewhere, your primary interest clearly isn't science.
  25. They're not all dead, and not all of the dead ones died from overdoses.
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